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03-23-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I suppose that my opinion would be that if you're picking one spot each day to run three barrels, this seems like a good one. Without being at the table though it's hard to make much of a guess at what percentage of the time it works. (It's also hard to say whether all-in has much more FE than betting $350 or so.)
Bolded part is a good point, it's nice to save a few bucks when they snap you off or have some hidden slow-played monster (I'd say no one at 2/5 at Borgata is capable of slowplaying a real monster on this wet of a board...they slowplay it at 1/2 though)

I run 3-barrels way less than once a day in live poker, and less than once a week. I play about ~45 hours each weekend, so that's like a work week. I'd say I 4-bet bluff once a weekend, and pull off a pretty huge bluff (not a 3-barrel) once a month.
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03-23-2015 , 07:05 PM
Like I played this hand over the weekend as well

I open JJ UTG to $25

UTG+1 calls, I think he is a fish but haven't seen much of him
BTN, solidish grinder calls

Flop: AJd6
I bet $60 into $82, UTG+1 calls, BTN tanks a bit, then folds

Turn: ($202) 2
I bet $155, UTG+1 calls

River: ($512) 8
I jam, he has $300 left, and he folds

Do you like value-betting small because of the psychological difference that will make him call ~$150 way more than $300 on this particular river?
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03-23-2015 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
I run 3-barrels way less than once a day in live poker, and less than once a week. I play about ~45 hours each weekend, so that's like a work week. I'd say I 4-bet bluff once a weekend, and pull off a pretty huge bluff (not a 3-barrel) once a month.
I'm hoping there's a typo here...
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03-23-2015 , 07:43 PM
hes a marathoner
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03-23-2015 , 07:47 PM
I start around midnight-2 a.m. Friday night/Sat morning and finish playing around 9 a.m. on Monday, so it's about a 57-hour window
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03-23-2015 , 07:53 PM
Jesus, now that's dedication.
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03-23-2015 , 07:54 PM
ok i mean sometimes it's only 38-40 hours, plus i take a lot of smoke breaks
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03-23-2015 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
I start around midnight-2 a.m. Friday night/Sat morning and finish playing around 9 a.m. on Monday, so it's about a 57-hour window

No time for church...
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03-23-2015 , 07:57 PM
i used to do that all week

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03-23-2015 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
hes a marathoner
You need to step up you game. imo.

Baudib1 makes Filthy's 16 hour sessions look like hit and runs.
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03-23-2015 , 08:03 PM
I actually don't do that many 16-hour sessions anymore. I do a lot of little sessions with short breaks. I try to make sure I eat regularly.

I used to regularly do 25-30 hours straight but it became too much and I clearly wasn't focusing well throughout. Once or twice a session I'd accidentally drop chips in the pot for a call when I meant to fold, so I had to stop those.

This weekend I slept about 6 hours and spent another 3-4 hours relaxing in my room, a few hours with the POGGERS at a bar and restaurant, and about 30 mins in the hot tub.

The sickest stretch I ever had was 24 straight hours, went straight to work for 8 hours, then left work and played another 20. The last session was one of the sickest of my life where I got felted 3 times at $1-$2 and finished up 7 BIs.

I'm at 258.5 hours on the year, not including 9 live tournaments (roughly 100 hours combined) and a couple days playing online.
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03-23-2015 , 08:08 PM
LOL, I remember pre-kids playing BJ for 8 hour stretches (wimpy compared to you guys). It would mess with my brain. Like anytime I saw two numbers, I would automatically add them together.

If I played poker for 45 hours over a weekend, I'd be a basket case worse than both Filthy and Anarchist combined.
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03-23-2015 , 08:12 PM
Anarchist was a much better adjusted person than I was expecting TBH. Also he's one of those guys who seems like he's not paying attention when he's not in the hand but can actually recall every detail of every he's dealt in.
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03-23-2015 , 08:18 PM
So here's what's going on when I play poker. Bigger is in my brain, or rather he is my brain, trying to figure out everything - bet size, opponent tendencies, board texture, etc. etc. But on my shoulder is this nit. He's old and he's been around since I started playing. He tells me things like "you need to see a flop before betting anything" and "you don't have the nuts so don't raise" and other such nonsense. Then some new guy named Annie sat down on my other shoulder and he yells stuff like "bet dammit" or "you're ahead so raise dumbass" Annie brought his buddies with him - Filthy, buadib1, soah, fnord, etc.

So in that hand I posted here's what's going on. I flop a set so I bet. Nit doesn't really have a problem with that and Annie is happy. Then the villain raises. Bigger is trying to sort this out. He thinks the possibilities are an overpair, flush draw, made straight, or bigger set. He sort of rules out overpair with this villain. Definitely not a big pair because this guy would never limp with that. Nit is yelling "fold because you can't possibly be ahead here". Annie and filthy are yelling "lol dumbass, you have a set - get it in now". Bigger wants to listen to Annie and Filthy but Nit is old and big and mean and doesn't like the new kids one bit. Bigger is confused so he calls, pissing everyone off. Villain 2 shoves then Villain one tries to shove. Nit says "see, you should have listened to me". Annie and filthy are saying "well, this is a gross spot but probably just get it all in when you can". Bigger is convinced at this point that this particular villain isn't playing a draw so the best possible outcome is villain has straight and the board pairs but worse is bigger is waaaaay behind. Bigger folds.


Villain 1 had A3, villain 2 was on a flush draw. Board did not pair.
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03-23-2015 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Anarchist was a much better adjusted person than I was expecting TBH. Also he's one of those guys who seems like he's not paying attention when he's not in the hand but can actually recall every detail of every he's dealt in.
I feel like he's some sort of savant. Also, he's the only one that's been able to explain things to me in a way that makes sense to me.

ot - I still remember a ww game I ran where he was literally outted as a wolf and never got lynched. It was awesome.
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03-23-2015 , 08:37 PM
you posted results without giving the board
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03-23-2015 , 08:43 PM
it was something like 22 on 532dd

I feel like if I have 76dd on this board and somehow lose, it's an insane cooler and I don't even worry about it. I can't imagine folding a set for under ~200 BBs or something, and especially not with a chance to triple up.
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03-23-2015 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
you posted results without giving the board
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Man did I botch a hand yesterday. I'd been playing really well. Got into it with a lagtard a couple of times which I rarely do and I think I really outplayed him. Felt good. Confidence up, then this.

22 in sb. Dude in ep missed a blind so straddled. 4 players called I call. Flop is 245dd. I lead for $25. 2 players call. Button (solid player) raised to $75. He has about $275 and I have him covered. I hadn't played a hand in a while so that affected my thinking. This is a clear fold, right? Grr....
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Ok so hand isn't over yet. I called and another villain shoved about $125 and villain 1 tries to shove but the raise wasn't big enough. Now what do i do? I told you i botchrd this.
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03-23-2015 , 08:44 PM
Also, wassup bitchi? Been a while.
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03-23-2015 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
it was something like 22 on 532dd

I feel like if I have 76dd on this board and somehow lose, it's an insane cooler and I don't even worry about it. I can't imagine folding a set for under ~200 BBs or something, and especially not with a chance to triple up.
I hear this. I don't know if it is sample size or what but I may get in a spot like this once every 2 sessions, if that. Even a slight runbad just kills me.
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03-23-2015 , 08:49 PM
I have the nit voice as well. It has both lead me astray and saved me money in good order
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03-23-2015 , 09:02 PM
well yeah bigger, given that you posted the hand i was 90% sure you lost (posting bias towards runbad ldo) but i still told you to get it in anyway because generally speaking you should. if i had wanted to be "right" in this exact hand though i could have told you to fold
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03-23-2015 , 09:04 PM
and with dead money in the pot, getting it in with a set vs a made straight and vs a flush draw is +EV anyway!!
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03-23-2015 , 09:06 PM
someone once said that if you never folded a set in holdem you wouldn't be making too big of a mistake. illustrates a decent point
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03-23-2015 , 09:14 PM
I don't believe in things like "never fold sets" just like I don't believe in "never fold KK preflop," but yeah, I think they are generally good rules and the times you fold them and are correct to do so vs. their range will be very rare.
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