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Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW

06-04-2012 , 12:34 PM
It just is not an acceptable look, I feel like the type of girls you would attract with a popped collar would be the orange looking girls who with 1 inch of makeup and fat friends look "attractive" after a night of drinking, but would be an immediate regret upon being sober.
06-04-2012 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I asked my gf re: popping collars and she said it was always lame, but maybe cool when guys were like 16-18. She said if she met someone with a popped collar at a bar, etc. she would 100% laugh at them.
06-04-2012 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
That's easy. The trick is doing it with people you hate.
I don't really hate anybody, at worst I'll think somebody is a clown and won't want to be around them ever, but that's a very small % of the people I encounter.

In terms of people I'm neutral or ambivalent toward, it's all a product of my current state. If I'm in a really happy mood it really raises my spirits to see others in the same state, if I'm feeling bitchy or depressed I'm all like "**** you, you mother****ing happy ****s"
06-04-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
awesome pic for the occasion
06-04-2012 , 12:39 PM
I think I'm overly empathetic. I feel vividly the emotions of other people, even those I don't particularly like all that much, which is annoying at times.

I view it as a sort of "put yourself in their situation and allow yourself to feel the relevant emotion" deal. The emotion is definitely there, and if it's someone I care abut a lot I can legit feel happy/sad/angry for the rest of the day or whatever
06-04-2012 , 12:41 PM
if i could shoot everyone with a popped collar without getting in trouble i would
06-04-2012 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
I have done various kinds of empathetic training, one of the most powerful was a Tibetan practice called Tonglen. You breathe in all the pain and suffering of the world, visualized as black smoke, and breathe out lovingkindness, visualized as white smoke.

Very good for building empathy. It's like a muscle, you have to exercise or it will atrophy.

Lovingkindness by Sharon Salzberg is a good exercise manual.
I've been doing something similar to this recently, but on a personal level. Breathe in all yr worries and anxieties and then breathe them out through the floor

I dunno if it's doing anything or not, but doing them makes me fall asleep really fast, so there's that
06-04-2012 , 12:45 PM
Is it normal to put ketchup on bacon?
06-04-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
I'm getting a $27 hair cut to go along with my new attire. This ought to be interesting
For $27 I want a happy ending with that hair cut.
06-04-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
doing them makes me fall asleep really fast
beats the hell out of insomnia
06-04-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I asked my gf re: popping collars and she said it was always lame, but maybe cool when guys were like 16-18. She said if she met someone with a popped collar at a bar, etc. she would 100% laugh at them.
Well I guess that settles it- your gf agreed with you on a trivial issue that you're passionate about! Think we can all agree that her opinion speaks for the entire female population and that she would never, ever say that to appease you if she were ambivalent, so I now feel stupid for arguing otherwise.

FWIW the whole popped collar issue is hilarious to me- at some point along the way it somehow became an egregious statement about somebody's character even though it's such a minor detail. Now it's just a means that douchebags use to notify the world that they are douchebags.

Originally Posted by biggerboat
06-04-2012 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Is it normal to put ketchup on bacon?
several standard deviations from normal, but within acceptable range
06-04-2012 , 12:48 PM
My g/f says its gay and its jersey shore type ****.

edit: re: popped collar but my ex g/f that was from Halifax thought it was cool and she was all into fashion & ****

I think I might have a pic with a popped collar.

06-04-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
several standard deviations from normal, but within acceptable range
I'm starting to think maybe its a Canadian thing.
06-04-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
several standard deviations from normal, but within acceptable range
Bacon with anything is good
06-04-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
My g/f says its gay and its jersey shore type ****.
putting ketchup on bacon definitely means you like other men
06-04-2012 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Is it normal to put ketchup on bacon?
Originally Posted by McAvoy
I'm starting to think maybe its a Canadian thing.
Perfectly normal here. Brown sauce is usually preferred but w/e.
06-04-2012 , 12:53 PM
For the record, I have my bacon without sauce or, if it's in a burger, with barbecue sauce.
06-04-2012 , 12:55 PM
Ketchup on bacon? wtf
06-04-2012 , 12:56 PM
i only use kethcup on food that is bad without it.

super overrated/overused condiment.

using it on bacon is just disgraceful.
06-04-2012 , 12:57 PM
The popped collar definately looks gay now that I look at my pic
06-04-2012 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
i only use kethcup on food that is bad without it.

super overrated/overused condiment.

using it on bacon is just disgraceful.
Canadian ketchup (heinz is the only ketchup imo) is sweeter than normal ketchup, so I think we tend to overuse it as a result.
06-04-2012 , 01:02 PM
I put ketchup on bacon sandwiches, but just butter is kool too.
06-04-2012 , 01:03 PM
I've seen ketchup on eggs before
06-04-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
I've seen ketchup on eggs before
scrambled yes
fried HELL NO!!!
