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Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW

06-20-2012 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
a lot of people watch rush limbaugh too
dem radios getting fancier every day
06-20-2012 , 08:35 PM
I watched rush when he had a TV show
06-20-2012 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
dem radios getting fancier every day
i realized after i should have written "listen to" but w/e
06-20-2012 , 08:36 PM
Rush has some comedy value, but people who listen to him and take him seriously need brain scans
06-20-2012 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Rush has some comedy value, but people who listen to him and take him seriously need brain scans
06-20-2012 , 08:44 PM
I can't see or hear Geddy Lee without thinking of this:

06-20-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I like to tell ppl when we go to Vegas, I can walk miles up and down the strip and not sweat. We get in the plane and land back home, walk to our car and I've already sweat through my shirt.
Actually, this isn't true. You sweat more in Las Vegas. The difference is that in Las Vegas it evaporates.
06-20-2012 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Actually, this isn't true. You sweat more in Las Vegas. The difference is that in Las Vegas it evaporates.
Yeah, but its awesome. Just keep drinking water and wearing chap stick, and everythings fine.
06-20-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
OOT Scame thread is worth a look if you're bored, just make sure to skip the fatty derail
I checked it out but had to close it bc the fatty derail was too tilting. I can;t listen to another morbidly obese person proclaiming they're as healthy as I am and the worst damage they've done to themselves is their poor knees from running. PUKE.
06-20-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
The return of the prodigal Akson. Break out the fatted calf.
06-20-2012 , 09:07 PM
06-20-2012 , 09:45 PM
sign up for the experimental turbo here:
06-20-2012 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by J.D.

Princess Bride is on!

Originally Posted by Krayz
Rendezvous Houston

It supposedly got between 1 and 1.5 million in person viewers of the concert, probably the biggest single watched event (no TV/internet #'s included) ever?
never heard of it. when was it?

Originally Posted by soah
Actually, this isn't true. You sweat more in Las Vegas. The difference is that in Las Vegas it evaporates.
and I can win money in Vegas. here, I just throw it away to Reliant.
06-20-2012 , 09:59 PM
06-20-2012 , 10:00 PM
ah no wonder

I was still in the great state of Louisiana
06-20-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
I OR but I've had about as much of her wedding as I can stand.
06-20-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
We were talking about OR in skype chat today though.
do explain....
06-20-2012 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
....if I ever get married, I'm going to post 10x as much as you're gonan love every second of it goddammit
I posted a few photos in the photo thread and the video......

I dont see the problem?
06-20-2012 , 10:13 PM
that's cause there is no problem
06-20-2012 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
Wedding question for teh females:

Would you ever consider sacrificing some aspects of the wedding that you prefer personally if it made it an overall better experience for the guests?
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I've already pretty much decided I would sacrifice almost any aspect of the wedding if it meant having amazing food.. Is that weird?
I photograph weddings and have probably been to about 70 of them. And every couple/bride has the one thing that is the most important. To some it's guests enjoyment. To others it's food. To others it's a good party. Or the dress. Or the shoes. For me, it was the photos. To each his own. It's your day.... so do whatever it is that makes you happy!
06-20-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
yeah i mean food is a HUGE part of weddings. i've been to weddings with decent food, but if somebody decided to do it big it would really stand out and probably be a huge crowd pleaser- not to mention that i'd get to eat that **** too.

and yeah, that meal would be elite. i've never considered summer squash risotto with truffle as a possible dish, but now i really would like to taste it lol.

i have to go to my cousin's wedding in a few weeks and the options were like chicken/beef ribs/vegetarian. i am so angry that i have to waste a vacation day at work for that ****.

btw hugely underrated- last wedding i was at, they busted out sliders, hot dogs, and fries at 11 PM when everyone was wasted. impeccable timing.

A lot of the times, it comes down to cost. Or just that vendors can't provide certain things for large groups of people.

We wanted to serve beef wellington..... even tho it was super expensive. Then last min, the caterers said no and switched it to prime rib on us. Not cool.

Oh well.... we had a late night poutine (fries with cheese and gravy) bar.... so the guests were happy.
06-20-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by OrangeRake
do explain....
It wouldn't be gossip behind your back if we told you about it :P
06-20-2012 , 10:20 PM
I am a big fan of fries, cheese and gravy but ive never had poutine

is it worth it to try to find a place here (Houston) or would I just be disappointed?
06-20-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I am a big fan of fries, cheese and gravy but ive never had poutine

is it worth it to try to find a place here (Houston) or would I just be disappointed?
It's kind of a Canada thing. haha..... I don't know if they have it in the US.......
06-20-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I am a big fan of fries, cheese and gravy but ive never had poutine

is it worth it to try to find a place here (Houston) or would I just be disappointed?
You would be disappointed. I can't even find good french fries & gravy in most places in the states.

Canadian restaurants are goat at finding the perfect combination of french fries & gravy. Then adding the right mix of cheese curds is pretty easy.

But real poutine is best in Quebec.
