Originally Posted by gusmahler
Daughter just broke both of her wrists. She was walking the dog. Well, running with the dog, they got tangled up, and she fell, putting her hands out in front of her to brace her fall.
We were having a debate this morning over who had it worse, me, when I couldn't walk, or her. My position was, at least she can walk, I was stuck in a chair all day long. Her position is that it's her. Although I was in a chair, I could move around and take care of myself. She can't even feed herself. So I think she has me beat.
What sucks the worst is that we can't even see a doctor until next week. We went to the emergency room last night. They took X-rays to diagnose the break, but all they did was put her in a splint and sling. We have to go to a pediatric specialist to actually find out the extent of her injuries and how long she's out of commission.
****ing hell, thats terrible man. How old is she?
Best of luck to her on a quick and successful healing. Wrists, knees and elbows are really tricky. Hopefully it doesn't start setting before they can put them right. I broke my ankle when I was in high school, and instead of seeing the doctor like an intelligent person, I walked around on it with crutches for about two weeks insisting it was just sprained. When the swelling didnt go down, I finally went in, the bone was starting to set wrong, and they had to rebreak it.
Not fun.