Originally Posted by pwnsall
I remember I forgot to pay a credit card and claimed my mom was ill and they rebated the fee. On the one hand it's wrong on the other hand I really didn't want to pay them extra money. And they clearly set up a lot of that crap hoping people would forget (before all this auto pay)
I went full karen last year with my amex cards. 10 yearsish never late once and I forgot to pay before I went on a vacation. Paid less than a week late, maybe just a couple of days. Talked to several people and none would waive the late fee. Citi due at the same time waived it in like 5 seconds. Canceled all amex, even took video of me shredding them, fully intending to tweet the vids, but never did. I was soooo mad, over a lousy $25. On the bright side, I wonder how long before I can get all the bonuses again?