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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

11-17-2020 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Ud wishes anyone who voted for trump would be dead

if you have that low of a moral compass why would you pay a bet?

Master was mostly a shot of how he treats people and cant have a discussion without a personal attack ever, and is always unapologetic about it. So it may have been an overstep, but if he did welch on a bet it wouldnt surprise me

It’s because you have hate for them.

You have no indication they would steal, yet judges them as thieves.

You are a hateful person, without question. You don’t accuse people of criminal activity without evidence without disdain for them.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

if you have that low of a moral compass why would you pay a bet?
My expectations were not high, but the lack of nuance displayed in this post actually managed to surprise me.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
As a whole, I do, but there are exceptions. Caring for a group of people as a whole does not necessarily mean caring for every single of its members specifically. This seems really simple and straightforward. I am confused by your confusion.
I think maybe my perception of you has not accurately adjusted to some of your nuances. I mean, I find a lot of met’s ideas and opinions to be abhorrent, but at the same time I’d never wish real death on him. If he were ever in need he would be welcome in my home. I’m just surprised that given some of your principles that I am familiar with you could simultaneously wish someone dead. Not just someone, a member of our community. You do understand Mets is a real person, right?

I view you as someone who is kind of a dick, but also not wrong about most things. What you said to Mets was very obviously beyond the pale, and I’m just surprised you don’t recognize that. It gives me some cognitive dissonance in the way I regard you, and I’m sure it does for others too...
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:26 PM
there is recording of trump saying privately how dangerous the virus is, like in feb or march. then he's saying publicly how it's nothing to worry about. it'll just go away on its own. then 400k people die

seems clear to me he really doesn't care about people dying
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I think maybe my perception of you has not accurately adjusted to some of your nuances. I mean, I find a lot of met’s ideas and opinions to be abhorrent, but at the same time I’d never wish real death on him. If he were ever in need he would be welcome in my home. I’m just surprised that given some of your principles that I am familiar with you could simultaneously wish someone dead. Not just someone, a member of our community. You do understand Mets is a real person, right?

I view you as someone who is kind of a dick, but also not wrong about most things. What you said to Mets was very obviously beyond the pale, and I’m just surprised you don’t recognize that. It gives me some cognitive dissonance in the way I regard you, and I’m sure it does for others too...
i would watch this sitcom
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
there is recording of trump saying privately how dangerous the virus is, like in feb or march. then he's saying publicly how it's nothing to worry about. it'll just go away on its own. then 400k people die

seems clear to me he really doesn't care about people dying
You’re close. It’s the people that are dying that matters here. Disproportionately poor minoritized populations die. It’s basically genocide.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
and you defiinitely feel you are morally superior in every way
Yes, because they have contributed to the rise of a person who is actually responsible for over 200k deaths. I don't think I have contributed to the death of any person.

but the trump supporters are the fascist supremesists
They are voting for a fascist. If the shoe fits...

also, i almost definitelty woulnt vote trump in the primaries in 24 - assuming he runs

but thats kind of irrelevant
The word "kind" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It's actually completely irrelevant. You already supported him before, and I hope the stain never goes away.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i would watch this sitcom
I didn’t say I’d be super thrilled about it. But the truth is for all my sharp edges I have a hard time turning my back in people. If there were a nuclear blast and I had a bunker, yes, I’d let Mets and luckbox and pwns and kioshk all in. Because I’m an *******, but I’m not *that* *******.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by chim17

It’s because you have hate for them.

You have no indication they would steal, yet judges them as thieves.

You are a hateful person, without question. You don’t accuse people of criminal activity without evidence without disdain for them.
i dont hate
i dont wish them dead
even if they wish my dead

if it makes you feel better to think i do or that i hate them, enjoy. i wont try to convince you

but if uncledynamite was laying passed out in the street with a car coming, i would try to save his life if i could

feel free to make fun of me or call me a liar or tell me how i feel some more tho since you think you know better
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:33 PM
You can hate someone without letting them die. That’s ridiculous.

You accused people of being criminals with no evidence. That comes from a hateful place.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I think maybe my perception of you has not accurately adjusted to some of your nuances.


It gives me some cognitive dissonance in the way I regard you
With all due respect, that's a you problem. While I have never wished you any harm, I also do not think you are a particularly good person and I am not really interested in your opinion about me or my morals.

You do understand Mets is a real person, right?
Sadly, yes.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:34 PM
jen and i have had more good conversations oiffline in our 15 years of "knowing" each other than bad ones imo.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:35 PM
I’d let Mets in my bunker as long as he agreed to read one of the endless anti-racism readings he’s been provided for the last many months.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
there is recording of trump saying privately how dangerous the virus is, like in feb or march. then he's saying publicly how it's nothing to worry about. it'll just go away on its own. then 400k people die

seems clear to me he really doesn't care about people dying
He withheld federal funding for some "blue" cities, so I am not sure that "doesn't really care" is the correct wording here.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
but if uncledynamite was laying passed out in the street with a car coming, i would try to save his life if i could
Not helping me in this situation would be a crime in most countries, btw. In this situation, but with roles reversed, I would actually help you (and precisely for that reason).
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
With all due respect, that's a you problem. While I have never wished you any harm, I also do not think you are a particularly good person and I am not really interested in your opinion about me or my morals.

Sadly, yes.
Lol cool
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:40 PM
I’ve behaved in ways I’ve regretted on pog but I’ve never posted repeatedly that I hope another pogger dies.

Even if you thought it, you shouldn’t have said it here. You were out of line and got away with it solely because you run meaningless games.

You are very self-aggrandizing, and while I may have been under the impression you were a semi-decent person before this, I definitely don’t now, even for a Russian.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:43 PM
itt chim argues that if i think someone might be a criminal it means i hate them

thats his argument

you probably just voted for a criminal, as did i

do yiou hate him?

i dont think i hate anybody. ive forgiven people for things that spome people say are unforgivable. and ive said and did bad things. doesnt mean i hate them or that i should be hated imo

again we can all choose to live how we want

chijm if you think me making an internet post saying that i dont think master or UD have the moral compass to pay a bet from a site they were permabanned from means i HATE them, then yes, you win. you must know how i feel more than I do


i bumped into a guy who stole 800 dollars from me ... almost 30 years ago? a few years ago

he borrowed "i need it for rent" and left town. and i wasnt even that close to him. but i had the money and i gave it to him

i ran into him in Maryland a few years larter. I asked him how things were and didnt even bring it up. He finally said "im sorry about all that" and i said "long time ago". He said "i was planning to pay you back" i said well heres m y nunmber if you ever want to and i never heard from him again again

lifes too short to hate imo

i had a girlfriend die. ive had **** jobs and gotten fired. ive had lots of ups and downs.

and i found the woman of m y dreams. and enjoy my job. and love my life

i have no patience to hate

probably one of the reasons i come in here and debate is because of that. i have to put that energy somewhere

bobo always messages me and asks why i even bother to argue with you guys
he says you guys set me up with these ridicuious scenarios just to say lol mets

kind of like what you did here chim


it's all good

whatever floats your boat

i still have the mets coin you gave me when you didn't hate me Jesse. I will always cherish it
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
there is recording of trump saying privately how dangerous the virus is, like in feb or march. then he's saying publicly how it's nothing to worry about. it'll just go away on its own. then 400k people die

seems clear to me he really doesn't care about people dying
Do you think iwhen Andrew Cuomo and Phil Murphy unilaterally made the decison to force nursing homes to re-accept active covid patients from april-june they knew people would die?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I’ve behaved in ways I’ve regretted on pog but I’ve never posted repeatedly that I hope another pogger dies.

Even if you thought it, you shouldn’t have said it here. You were out of line and got away with it solely because you run meaningless games.
I didn't say it here, but in a DVC (and yes, I know POG rules apply in 2+2 DVCs, but I need to set the record straight). Also, I don't know what do you want me to tell you on the last bit. Am I supposed to argue against myself? Complain to the mods if you want IMO.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:47 PM
also, i never hated uncledynamite

i didnt think we were best friend but the comment took me aback and i was trying to figure out if he was joking when he said it

when he made it clear he wasnt i didnt even know how to react

again tho, que sera. we all live with what what do.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:47 PM
...I set you up?

You posted two people are thieves for no reason other than you dislike them. Is the problem the word hate? You have disdain for them? Strongly dislike? Judge them without reason because you very much dislike them?

I'm not actually sure I hate you, Mets, I don't think I do, but this year I've been trying to reflect on ways I feel about things. I'm disappointed in you. I'm sad you won't accept your racist tendencies (which are hateful!) and try to learn and grow. Many of us have gone through those phases this year, it's painful and difficult. Lots of great resources if you ever care to try.

I don't think it's hate, though, or I wouldn't bother. If I really dislike people I just ignore them. I put TONS of effort in sharing resources with you and you blew them off.

Maybe it's hate, I dunno. I hope it's not. I'll continue reflecting.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:48 PM
i even was defending what he was saying in the new pog mod trhead, and he was mad that iw as on his side lol
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I’ve behaved in ways I’ve regretted on pog but I’ve never posted repeatedly that I hope another pogger dies.

Even if you thought it, you shouldn’t have said it here. You were out of line and got away with it solely because you run meaningless games.

You are very self-aggrandizing, and while I may have been under the impression you were a semi-decent person before this, I definitely don’t now, even for a Russian.
Xenophobic much?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
11-17-2020 , 03:53 PM
What UD did was terrible.

However, what Mets and every person that suggested jsmith would steal is no better.

What UD did was in terrible taste, but will have no consequence to Mets. Even suggesting people will steal without very good reason is a complete affront to everything a gambling community stands for.

It's ridiculous allegations which can actually be problematic.

And the ONLY reason people will suggest jsmith would steal is they hate him. Same reason Mets suggested the others will steal.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
