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04-01-2016 , 12:20 PM
too many black people getting shot is a harder problem to fix than too many black people in jail, since you should be able to acknowledge biases easier in those situations given so much more time to reflect

i think cops get a bit too hard of a time, it's not like they are geniuses anyway, plus they are sometimes specifically selected because they aren't very smart, and i'd expect bias to take over in tense situations where you think a black man poses more of a threat than an equivalent white man
04-01-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I'd rather move down the road that we acknowledge bias
not unreasonable, but it likely end up being a fig leaf for people to be sexist racist etc
and hell maybe even that there may be subtle differences amongst races
I think this is essentially nonsense
but that everyone should be treated humanly anyway.
yes, there's a great lecture I'll try to dig out for you that argues interestingly about this.
Similarly with language I'd prefer not giving words power over us.
I've no idea what you mean by this
04-01-2016 , 12:22 PM
voter ID laws in practice often illustrate the idea, but aren't directly related to public accommodation rules in the Civil Rights Act.

I'm sure there are examples of bars or restaurants in some areas that do discriminate, but I'm guessing the evidence is mostly anecdotal. I'm not aware of any reason to think it's widespread. Mostly the desire to make money overwhelms the desire to discriminate, I think.

There's a bar the next town over that has a big sign about not allowing "baggy pants" (and some other language I forget) which seems very obviously to be a coded reference to black people, but I have no idea how obnoxiously they actually enforce it. I've only been in there twice.
04-01-2016 , 12:23 PM
Were you wearing your baggy pants?
04-01-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
ok cool. What I'm curious about is whether there are any businesses who employ discriminatory practices under the guise of something innocuous, but which is actually intended as a way to bypass the protected class.

as a non-business example, Some would accuse that voter id laws are like this. Republicans want to prevent minority voters, and minorities as a group have fewer members with id so an id law would effectively reduce the number of minorities voting - but not by directly discriminating against them, much more indirect. (not interested in discussing whether that actually is or is not the intent, this is just an example)

So - are there any good examples of businesses that have a specific 'no shirt' or 'must have id card' or other similar discrimination practice that seems to be used to get around racial or gender or other protected class rules.
opening up in a nicer part of town!

i'm sure there may be psychological games to employ

i wondered if a business is allowed to put up a sign with something like "god hates ****" or "muslims not welcome" even if they would technically serve those people if they came in

the businesses not serving people thing is a pretty small problem tho

i actually still don't get why, for example, a gay couple would want to hire a caterer who hates gay people, anyway

I'd think you'd rather have him broadcast his homophobia and do some shaming and not give him your money
04-01-2016 , 12:25 PM
I was wearing the skinniest of hipster jeans LDO
04-01-2016 , 12:27 PM
I actually don't really get why people care how groups they are vaguely associated with are viewed. I'm not sure if that is my whiteness or autisticness or nihilisticness or what.
04-01-2016 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I actually don't really get why people care how groups they are vaguely associated with are viewed. I'm not sure if that is my whiteness or autisticness or nihilisticness or what.
Either I'm misunderstanding you, or you're failing pretty hard somewhere.

If you started finding that people who discovered you were a poker player refused a) to rent to you, b) to employ you c) accept your business, d) etc, and it was fairly widespread, you don't imagine you'd be pissed off?
04-01-2016 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I think this is essentially nonsenses
you think all races are essentially the same over large samples if you eliminate background noise?

that seems unlikely to me, but could be true by randomness

i think we all acknowledge that if we were inhumane enough to selectively breed humans, we could produce differentiating factors
04-01-2016 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
you think all races are essentially the same over large samples if you eliminate background noise?

that seems unlikely to me, but could be true by randomness

i think we all acknowledge that if we were inhumane enough to selectively breed humans, we could produce differentiating factors
I wrote a fairly long expansion on this, then cut it.

Obviously there are genetic differences between pools of people (eg sickle cell anemia), but off the top of my head I think
- You can't reliably categorise races in a way that isn't going to have huge numbers of exceptions and/or poor fits
- you are going to find any substantive social differences are cultural not genetic with near 100% certainty
- any genetic differences in eg iq are going to be statistically small I.e. the bell curves are going to be so overlapping that the difference in the populations tells you next to nothing about any randomly selected individuals
- & consequently there are essentially no policy conclusions that would result other than fodder for the eugenicists.
04-01-2016 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Either I'm misunderstanding you, or you're failing pretty hard somewhere.

If you started finding that people who discovered you were a poker player refused a) to rent to you, b) to employ you c) accept your business, d) etc, and it was fairly widespread, you don't imagine you'd be pissed off?
hmmm, i can see how that could drive me to unite with other poker players to push our agenda

it's kinda out there so hard to imagine to be honest, i'm not sure how i'd feel or what would happen

i don't really feel much most of the time
04-01-2016 , 12:45 PM
well i've found this conversation refreshing and interesting, if no one else has
04-01-2016 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Either I'm misunderstanding you, or you're failing pretty hard somewhere.

If you started finding that people who discovered you were a poker player refused a) to rent to you, b) to employ you c) accept your business, d) etc, and it was fairly widespread, you don't imagine you'd be pissed off?
I understand why that would be upsetting but even if that was common, I don't think pwns would go out of his way to bring up that he was a poker player even in contexts where it was irrelevant and no one was hassling him for it

also, being a poker player is a choice so it seems like more reflective of identity than things like skin color or gender which are not chosen

I generally feel more connection or shared identity with someone if they are for example a huge Led Zeppelin fan than if they happen to be male or white or whatever
04-01-2016 , 01:27 PM
ok, so it's not a perfect parallel, but this is pwns we're working with :shrug:
04-01-2016 , 02:13 PM
that was a bit mean, kokiri

it's not like i'm donk
04-01-2016 , 02:15 PM
i've thought for a while that progressives or whomever should hijack the anti blacks/muslims movements and give them their own message, assuming they will always be there regardless

i think if you argue anti black muslim in the right way you can even turn people away from those views

the KKK is a bit antiquated anyway, i could see it being replaced by something bigger

of course the leader(s) could not let it be known they are actually inside operatives and would probably be hated
04-01-2016 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
that was a bit mean, kokiri

it's not like i'm donk
I thought the shrug covered me, I guess I should have gone back to the old staples like heart thumb

Last edited by kokiri; 04-01-2016 at 02:29 PM.
04-01-2016 , 03:13 PM
Racism isnt noticing different color skin. Just fyi. Dunno if i wld more readily accuse a black person pf crime though. Probably depends on context.
04-01-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
Racism isnt noticing different color skin.
its not a sufficient condition, but many would argue it is a necessary condition.

that's why people love to claim that they don't even see skin color.
04-01-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Either I'm misunderstanding you, or you're failing pretty hard somewhere.

If you started finding that people who discovered you were a poker player refused a) to rent to you, b) to employ you c) accept your business, d) etc, and it was fairly widespread, you don't imagine you'd be pissed off?
giving this slightly more thought, if businesses had reason to believe poker players made bad renters i would have to do something like pay more upfront or more money overall to get the place rented to me, that sort of thing has happened before to me

i can't say the business is acting irrationally just because they have imperfect information and i don't think they should be forced to ignore a piece of information i have

through that methodology i think a bunch of businesses could appear racist without actually explicitly being so (that's gross speculation not based on any actual facts)

also if you want to make not great conclusions from limited data tipping is interesting

black people tip less than white people even after being controlled for, and both groups tip black servers less than white servers (not sure if it's by the same amount)

i'm not sure if any of that means anything
04-01-2016 , 08:54 PM
04-01-2016 , 10:43 PM
That link sent me to some Jailbait's site
04-02-2016 , 01:03 AM
You probably have malware on your machine. If you're using a phone or something, you're probably using a router which has malicious firmware installed.
04-02-2016 , 01:21 AM
it wasn't actually jailbait, it was a weird site tho with scantly clad women, just tried to back out or close it quickly

i was on phone on 3rd party router
04-02-2016 , 03:42 AM
I think the US women's soccer team has a good case for discrimination based upon gender.
A good example of institutionalised sexixm.
