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06-03-2017 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Clinton changed her view because it had become obsolete. This is precisely what we wish those who oppose our views to do, isn't it? Yes, she did it because her former views were unpopular.
Hillary wanted (and wants) power for its own sake. That explains her timing of her changes of position on gay marriage, which coincided with opinion polling on the subject. She learned from the best on that tactic--her husband.

The obsolescence of her view was correlational, not causal. Her desire to win the Democratic nomination was the cause of her change.

I'd go a step further and suggest she was lying before and through the change in public opinion shifted to the truth when that became more convenient than the lie, which was her past opposition to gay marriage. One look at her "I'm a hippie liberal feminist" glasses from an old black and white college photo will tell you more than a thousand words about how liberal she has always been.
06-03-2017 , 09:54 AM
Actually agree with a lot of that.

The Clintons embody much of what people hate about politicians.

(Of course, that is still better than Trump, who is basically everything people hate about Americans)
06-03-2017 , 09:59 AM
But what constitutes a 'liberal' has shifted over time, so you can't project views back easily.

I'd suggest that a good politician needs a decent balance between pragmatism/compromise and core principles/beliefs. The us political system is built on the assumption of compromise, and that's largely why it's currently so dysfunctional in an era of little aisle crossing. Both clintons got stick for opportunism, and there's probably a degree of fairness there, but if the alternative is a ted Cruz burn all refusenik, I'm not sure flexibility is that bad a sin.
06-03-2017 , 02:13 PM
The US political system is built on resistance to change.
06-03-2017 , 02:44 PM
For better or worse.

Listened to the radiolab pod on jury nullification yesterday. Think not allowing it explicitly but allowing it implicitly (what else could you do?) Seems reasonable.

They did make some decent points against it.
06-03-2017 , 02:56 PM
Resistance to change seems like a human condition.
06-03-2017 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
But what constitutes a 'liberal' has shifted over time, so you can't project views back easily.

I'd suggest that a good politician needs a decent balance between pragmatism/compromise and core principles/beliefs. The us political system is built on the assumption of compromise, and that's largely why it's currently so dysfunctional in an era of little aisle crossing. Both clintons got stick for opportunism, and there's probably a degree of fairness there, but if the alternative is a ted Cruz burn all refusenik, I'm not sure flexibility is that bad a sin.
I think both of our major coalitions are obsolete or having difficulty maintaining. Either the parties will be swept by new blood (most likely) or we'll see two new parties suddenly flip up to topple the old ones.
06-03-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
For better or worse.

Listened to the radiolab pod on jury nullification yesterday. Think not allowing it explicitly but allowing it implicitly (what else could you do?) Seems reasonable.

They did make some decent points against it.
juror nullification adds another layer of democratization to criminal justice

and since this is the entire purpose of having a jury to begin with

and since the Common House is no longer truly accessible by the common

It should be encouraged imo.
06-03-2017 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
juror nullification adds another layer of democratization to criminal justice

and since this is the entire purpose of having a jury to begin with

and since the Common House is no longer truly accessible by the common

It should be encouraged imo.
What's the law as far as how defense attorneys are allowed to push for nullification? This is banned in places right?
06-03-2017 , 04:30 PM
Judges don't like it very much.

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 06-03-2017 at 04:35 PM.
06-03-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
juror nullification adds another layer of democratization to criminal justice

and since this is the entire purpose of having a jury to begin with

and since the Common House is no longer truly accessible by the common

It should be encouraged imo.
All it takes is one juror in every jury to nullify all of our criminal laws. I don't know what to make of that.
06-03-2017 , 05:35 PM


Effective immediately, I support the resignation of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States because of the failure of the conservative agenda to be moved efficiently forward. His abrasiveness and incompetence at dealing with the Establishment effectively has halted progress on issue after issue, from the repeal of Obamacare to the building of the wall to tax relief to spending cuts, to the embassy being moved to Jerusalem to funding for Planned Parenthood, need I go on. Therefore, I now support Mike Pence for President as soon as possible, and I refuse to wait around until 2020 for it. My fervent hope is that he ascends to the presidency, then chooses Ted Cruz as his vice president.

/s/ Zork I the Somewhat Apoplectic
06-03-2017 , 05:40 PM
Lol Zork I the Dummy Racist Clown forever and ever.
06-03-2017 , 05:40 PM
Additionally, the Left is unhinged by this president, and they don't even know how good they have it with Trump.

Case in point, Kathy Griffin.
Case in point, Bill Maher.

Whoopi and Behar and Rosie round out the Worst of the Worst.

The Left's Rabies Foaming Trump Derangement Syndrome has been most of the fuel that has sustained my support for the man, ironically. But I'm not blind to the fact my agenda has not been implemented, and dammit, I want answers. There are no excuses. We control it all. Where is the conservative agenda? Half the Left's whining is a bluff to make us think "well, with all that whining by the Left, we must be doing something right." No, the whining is to keep us FROM doing stuff right in the wrong opinion that we must already be doing so.
06-03-2017 , 05:41 PM
Pence is the establishment silly
06-03-2017 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
All it takes is one juror in every jury to nullify all of our criminal laws. I don't know what to make of that.
good luck arguing against a mistrial

if it's one loony hold-out, they will do it again with more polish
06-03-2017 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Pence is the establishment silly
drain the swamp

flush the lizards
06-03-2017 , 05:49 PM
Zorkman, we should work together on this resignation thing.

06-03-2017 , 05:54 PM
I refuse to post on twoplustwo until that post is deleted and retracted or at least condemned by two or more of you.
06-03-2017 , 06:18 PM
against decorum but don't we issue waivers for newbies?
06-03-2017 , 06:18 PM
what that boy needs is a stern talkin' to
06-03-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
drain the swamp

flush the lizards
06-03-2017 , 06:22 PM
I don't know how well Pence has insulated himself.

Also he isn't exactly acting like a leader.
06-03-2017 , 06:27 PM
I condemn.
06-03-2017 , 08:53 PM
I don't really know that much about Pence but I kinda feel he might be preferable to Trump. His social agenda is horrifying, but it might be worth the trade-off for someone who is less impulsive and more stable. Trump is just so... nauseating and anxiety-inducing.
