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POG Politics Thread POG Politics Thread

06-13-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
How similar is this thread to those people who fish for catfish by getting their arms bitten by catfish?
You'll get my catfish when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
06-13-2016 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Maybe some people who snap at the last minute wouldn't own a gun with stricter laws but on career criminal type people (like these biker gangs in Texas) I don't see how they would change anything. They don't in NYC or Chicago!!!
Half is better than none.

The only way to take the guns away from these people are to use strong police tactics that no one is comfortable with.
I am 100% comfortable with someone being penalized for illegally possessing a firearm, so it's not "nobody" anymore!

We don't need to go house-by-house to "round 'em up", as Doomsday Anarchist foretells. People are already searched incident to arrest and/or warrant with great frequency.

But the issue we're addressing isn't policing the guns that are out. It is preventing more guns from being distributed INCORRECTLY.

Again, the jerkoff in Florida just bought that thing two weeks prior; he didn't have a cache of old Mujahadeen armaments in his bunker.

Liberals couldn't even handle stop and frisk.
Terry v. Ohio might be the single largest affront to individual liberty in the history of US jurisprudence, and this has absolutely nothing to do with race.

This may shock some people but when you tell criminals they can't do something, they often just do it anyway. A piece of paper doesn't make guns magically evaporate.
Murder laws are similarly useless and should be disposed of, I suppose.

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 06-13-2016 at 08:49 PM.
06-13-2016 , 08:52 PM
Great David Horowitz piece on Trump's national security speech today, contrasting it with Hillary's flaccid appeasement approach to the Islamic problem.

What a contrast with Hillary’s speech today, which focused on reinforcing political correctness – attacking so-called assault rifles, as though guns and not fanatics were the problem, and emphasizing the importance of not alienating Muslims by acknowledging that a large and growing segment of the Islamic world is at war with us. What contempt for Muslims who are also victims of Islamic terror!
06-13-2016 , 08:54 PM
If only we could put to bed once and for all this false narrative that only guns possessed by career criminals are used to kill innocent people.
06-13-2016 , 10:13 PM
Nothing special about the guns themselves
06-13-2016 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by well named
sorry dude, but what you mean is that you're not part of the problem

unfortunately, the people on the left with audiences very much are

Last edited by Anarchist; 06-13-2016 at 11:00 PM. Reason: and i don't think he's DISAVOWED david duke yet either
06-13-2016 , 11:43 PM
Maybe gun prohibition will work just like alcohol and drug prohibition.

Common sense prohibition of course.
06-13-2016 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Plenty of people die in mass shootings in areas with freer gun laws all the time.

I remain unconvinced by the argument that more people with guns would prevent people from shooting them. It assumes that the people in the state of mind to go shooting up a nightclub or a school or a movie theater aren't going in to it with the expectation of dying, or with any particular thought process of "ZOMG I can't go in like Rambo and start blasting away; someone might shoot back".

I do concede that someone might get a lucky shot off and reduce the nightclub shooting death toll from 50 to 25 or something, which hey great would be a good thing. I just believe that providing more guns to people is going to net a lot more than 25 deaths elsewhere.
I'll take my chances with an armed person getting a " lucky" shot when focused on a specific target.
06-13-2016 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by kcaw
Maybe gun prohibition will work just like alcohol and drug prohibition.

Common sense prohibition of course.
Exactly. Next we can ban unhealthy food, keep everyone healthy. What a paradise we'll have then, full of sober peaceful healthy slaves! The perfect world, where everyone will be best buddies.
06-14-2016 , 12:07 AM
really getting tired of this nonsense - you guys either can't or won't read

have fun circle jerking in imagination land

where you have a Safe Space for calling gays whiners for being routinely discriminated against in public and private spheres; calling women "shrill harpies" for speaking out against your closed-minded notions of wage-fairness; citing police antagonism against blacks as proof that blacks are predominately criminals; and painting all muslims as blood-crazed rapists

but I guess I am just an idiotic, lunatic Warrior for Social Justice, which is apparently a pejorative term because "justice" is a bad thing in terms of social relations

get bent

I'm on Valium right now, which is supposed to be chilling me out, but instead it's suppressing my vitriol for your persistent douche-baggery and flagrant disregard for common decency and respect for your fellow human beings
06-14-2016 , 12:13 AM
I think the valium is making you really high and stupid.
06-14-2016 , 12:18 AM

Additionally, many of these students employ the classification of “the insider.” Believing that “outsiders” cannot possibly understand the situation that faces these groups of offended individuals, by virtual of race, gender, ethnicity, or some other category, the students often dismiss the views of their professors and administrators who can’t “get it” because they are not part of the oppressed group.
sounds familiar
06-14-2016 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf

This may shock some people but when you tell criminals they can't do something, they often just do it anyway. A piece of paper doesn't make guns magically evaporate.
Murder laws are similarly useless and should be disposed of, I suppose.

lol, yeahhhhhhhhh. You're already not allowed to use guns in criminal fashion. They're are undoubtedly evil people who are stopped only by things like murder laws. People who are NOT stopped by murder laws will NOT be stopped by gun laws. People that ARE stopped by murder laws don't need gun laws to stop them, they're already not doing it.

Look I do agree with you that you will reduce it slightly at least if it is somewhat harder to get pointless weapons... and I find it hard to believe most people on the right want people on the terror watch list buying guns, so I'm not even sure what some of this argument it even over.

Sometimes I think people are just looking to latch onto their "side" and blame everyone on the other side entirely. We have a lot of mass shootings. The ease of getting guns and Muslims are both factors in these and there are some other factors we aren't even talking about. Making it about ONE ISSUE and even addressing that ONE ISSUE won't make them completely go away, they'll barely make a dent.

Making guns illegal will make a small dent (they exist and bad guys will still get them), banning Muslims from entering the country will only make a small dent (we have had this problem since Columbine) People need to admit that there is no 1 solution, starting to get sick of all the dishonesty from everyone.
06-14-2016 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by kcaw
I think the valium is making you really high and stupid.
maybe. what's your excuse?
06-14-2016 , 12:25 AM
Why is Mr. Valium so angry? Y'all are having a political discussion/disagreement and he's spewing bilious insults. Agree to disagree!
06-14-2016 , 12:27 AM
in a surprising twist, it seems that the orlando shooter may have himself been gay and also may have claimed allegiance to hezbollah, al quaeda and isis over the last few years despite them being rival groups.
06-14-2016 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf

where you have a Safe Space for calling gays whiners for being routinely discriminated against in public and private spheres; calling women "shrill harpies" for speaking out against your closed-minded notions of wage-fairness; citing police antagonism against blacks as proof that blacks are predominately criminals; and painting all muslims as blood-crazed rapists

We're not "close-minded" about wage fairness for DISAGREEING with you. From my perspective you are close minded. I've read the arguments from both sides, and it's a fictitious problem. We live in a free society, women make different choices and consequently earn less. I contend that you are "close-minded" for continuing to insist it's a problem. I agree people shouldn't call women "shrill harpies" for simply being wrong about something. I also would prefer not to be called a sexist bigot for being correct

Also stop citing Black criminality as proof of police antagonism against Blacks

And why shouldn't we paint all Muslims as rapists. I assume we mean male Muslims and I have learned men in general have a rape culture so we're just being good liberals by painting them as rapists. Look in all seriousness I don't think ALL Muslims think women who show too much skin and have pre-marital intercourse deserve to be raped. It's probably only half or so.
06-14-2016 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
in a surprising twist, it seems that the orlando shooter may have himself been gay and also may have claimed allegiance to hezbollah, al quaeda and isis over the last few years despite them being rival groups.

Yeah.... I had heard this yesterday in alternative media and now it seems to be seeping into mainstream. I'm obviously not surprised... those photos of him in the NYPD shirts really made me think guy was not always a radical/ also portraying an air of macho-ness.

More than likely his 1600's religious upbringing conflicted with his true self, and he hated himself. We see this type of thing ALL the time with hardcore Christians who hate gays, and liberals love pointing out. See no reason it can't happen to people practicing Islam too.

The main difference is the Christians will mostly just hold up signs and give sermons on how all the gays are going to hell, not launch a terrorist attack and murder 49 people.
06-14-2016 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
lol, yeahhhhhhhhh. You're already not allowed to use guns in criminal fashion. They're are undoubtedly evil people who are stopped only by things like murder laws. People who are NOT stopped by murder laws will NOT be stopped by gun laws. People that ARE stopped by murder laws don't need gun laws to stop them, they're already not doing it.
you're right. ****ty people are the problem. so let's stop them from tooling up. this is not a difficult concept.

Look I do agree with you that you will reduce it slightly at least if it is somewhat harder to get pointless weapons... and I find it hard to believe most people on the right want people on the terror watch list buying guns, so I'm not even sure what some of this argument it even over.
I previously posted a link to a 2015 gun law which would ban people on terrorist lists from getting them. The GOP shot it down. Try again to base your premises on your conclusions.

Sometimes I think people are just looking to latch onto their "side" and blame everyone on the other side entirely. We have a lot of mass shootings. The ease of getting guns and Muslims are both factors in these and there are some other factors we aren't even talking about. Making it about ONE ISSUE and even addressing that ONE ISSUE won't make them completely go away, they'll barely make a dent.
No, "Muslims" are not a factor. Do you see an exception carved into the 1st Amendment for Islam?

Reactionary hatred, insistence on the restoration of a broken, by-gone era; these are the problems, and they are not unique to Islamic society.

Making guns illegal will make a small dent (they exist and bad guys will still get them), banning Muslims from entering the country will only make a small dent (we have had this problem since Columbine) People need to admit that there is no 1 solution, starting to get sick of all the dishonesty from everyone.

and I also can't believe that that second point actually IS something that has been suggested here by people who claim to celebrate Enlightenment notions of liberty

Columbine was not the beginning of mass violence in America. *******s have been doing it here since before our aristocracy cast out the british.
06-14-2016 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Why is Mr. Valium so angry? Y'all are having a political discussion/disagreement and he's spewing bilious insults. Agree to disagree!
no, we have tried to have a discussion

rather than appraise and respond to points being made, people are railing on their own fantasy counter-points (ban all guns?! no wai!!), arguing against the wind between their ears, changing the subject every time they are proven foolish, and then somehow circling back to their original positions as if hundreds of posts between had never been submitted
06-14-2016 , 12:37 AM
I just wanna hear a sound argument for gun prohibition that makes sense where alcohol prohibition didn't and where drug prohibition is currently succeeding.
06-14-2016 , 12:38 AM
Stop twisting my words. I did not say Ban Muslims! I said that it would reduce terrorist attacks. And it would. It can't not be true because you don't want it to be true. I also said "banning guns" would make a dent. I don't subscribe to banning all guns either. The point of the post was to make people understand there is no ONE CAUSE, not say we should do that stuff.

Saying Islam is not a factor BECAUSE of the 1st Amendment would be like me saying guns are not a factor BECAUSE of the 2nd Amendment. C'mon dude get really. Islam is the most dangerous religion in existence. It's not debatable, I'm sure you were one of those people fully behind banning a FLAG when a White guy killed some people. You need to stop using the color of people's skin to base your politics.
06-14-2016 , 12:41 AM
Catching catfish with your bare hands is called noodling btw. It's considered a little déclassé tbh. There's an excellent documentary about noodling and noodlers that used to be on Netflix.
06-14-2016 , 12:41 AM

To be clear if I say "Killing everyone with AIDS" would cure the world of AIDS... This does not mean I want to kill everyone with AIDS. The statement also doesn't magically become false because it's "evil" either.

Admit Islam is responsible for a large amount of terror and regressive attitudes towards women more so than any other religion. I know they aren't White and it makes it hard for you but you'll feel better.
06-14-2016 , 12:44 AM
So we agree that a hard ban on assault rifles accomplishes nothing?
