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POG Politics Thread POG Politics Thread

09-12-2018 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
So why do you oppose capitalism?
I’ve made thousands of posts in the politics thread. You can’t seriously not know my answer to this.
09-12-2018 , 11:49 PM
So far you've answered global warming and happier neighbors...
09-12-2018 , 11:53 PM
It would be much cleaner if you would admit that alienation of labor is immoral, but you can't because you want the state to collect the rent.
09-13-2018 , 02:53 AM
its amazing some of the **** that comes out at the poker table. guy i was sitting next to tonight was pro guns. very pro guns. i asked him if the right to bear arms should include the right to bear nuclear weapons. he thought that was ridiculous. but he couldn't tell me where he'd draw the line between handguns and nukes.

another guy at the table was super into ayn rand, or whatever the **** her name is. jfc.

also fox news was on at the casino. that **** is unbelievable. total propaganda. i can't believe people take it seriously.
09-13-2018 , 10:57 AM
What a piece of ****.
09-13-2018 , 11:14 AM
No one needs to try to make this ****trumpet look bad, he does a bang-up job all on his own.
09-13-2018 , 11:32 AM
So what are the real Puerto Rico numbers?
09-13-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So what are the real Puerto Rico numbers?
2975 according to the George Washington School of Public Health report

The first link of that article contains a PDF with the full 69 page report if you feel like questioning their methodologies.

PS: That is were the "3000" number came from. Not "by the Democrats".
09-13-2018 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
2975 according to the George Washington School of Public Health report

The first link of that article contains a PDF with the full 69 page report if you feel like questioning their methodologies.

PS: That is were the "3000" number came from. Not "by the Democrats".
I don't have any reason to question the methodology.

But the GWU study was commissioned by democrats.
09-13-2018 , 12:12 PM
My first question to that would be "so?"
09-13-2018 , 12:29 PM
trump wants it to only be people hit by flying debris as "hurricane deaths". i wouldnt be surprised if the dumbass gop funds some study that picks and chooses only those with "hurricane" or something listed on their death certificates as the only REAL hurricane deaths.

not the hundreds of people on respirators or other medical needs that require electricity that the hurricane wiped out, and we didnt bother to help restore for a year.
09-13-2018 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
My first question to that would be "so?"
When you don't have a leg to stand on, you just have to levitate.
09-13-2018 , 01:12 PM

Another study using the same metholodology (figuring out how many are supposed to die and then measuring how many actually did) finds that 14 thousand deaths in the US resulted from the arrival of Fukushima radiation.

But that didn't even make the news.
09-13-2018 , 01:26 PM
I don't understand your point.
09-13-2018 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I don't understand your point.
09-13-2018 , 01:36 PM
Set aside deaths if you want to. Parts of Puerto Rico were without power and/or water for months after the hurricanes. That’s awful.
09-13-2018 , 01:36 PM
All anyone needs to do is look at how a hurricane affects Cuba and then look at how a hurricane affects Puerto Rico
09-13-2018 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

Another study using the same metholodology (figuring out how many are supposed to die and then measuring how many actually did) finds that 14 thousand deaths in the US resulted from the arrival of Fukushima radiation.

But that didn't even make the news.
The point is that the reporting of numbers like this is used for political purposes. If it was in the interests of the media of making people aware of the dangers of nuclear radiation, then you would have seen this covered.

So when Trump says the numbers are hyped--even if the numbers are true--then he isn't exactly wrong. Determining causality can be difficult and when you throw in the fact that this is politicized, then questioning the numbers seems even more correct.
09-13-2018 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't have any reason to question the methodology.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
then questioning the numbers seems even more correct.
Not even two hours apart.
09-13-2018 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Not even two hours apart.
It's a question of the causality and accuracy, not the methodology.
09-13-2018 , 02:11 PM
How can you question causality and accuracy without questioning their methodology?
09-13-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
How can you question causality and accuracy without questioning their methodology?
Fair enough. Let's say I don't have a problem with the methodology but it's still important to look at causality.

For one you understand that these 2900 deaths are hypothetical, correct? That the 2900 number represents the number above those that were expected to die and that this number was picked out of I guess like 10000+ deaths that have occurred recently in Puerto Rico?
09-13-2018 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Fair enough. Let's say I don't have a problem with the methodology but it's still important to look at causality.

For one you understand that these 2900 deaths are hypothetical, correct? That the 2900 number represents the number above those that were expected to die and that this number was picked out of I guess like 10000+ deaths that have occurred recently in Puerto Rico?
Yes, I understand that, and so do the researchers, which is why they have a 95% confidence interval on the number on page 7 of the report (2,658-3,290).
09-13-2018 , 02:55 PM
There was detailed reporting right after the hurricane about how the counting methods were a sham. iirc the government pretty much just completely and deliberately ignored all deaths other than drownings.
09-13-2018 , 03:02 PM
The government ignored any deaths that occurred after paper towels were tossed.
