Originally Posted by OrangeRake
So ya, I would never ever want to date these men, but when that is all I listen to, I just start to assume that all men think/feel/talk this way about women, and therefore it makes me feel really unattractive and really self conscious about myself.
If you lived with a friend, who was constantly talking about men half your size being fat, or men younger then you as being too old, wouldn't it eventually start making you feel inadequate?
Women at least THINK about other men in these terms, just in their minds. Men talk about it aloud in front of women because they are idiots, and we live in a socially male dominated society where its considered acceptable for men to think about women in these terms, therefor they dont fear saying it. For a woman to speak about a man like this especially in front of other men would be considered slutty/shallow/unladylike, which is why women dont do it.
IMO you should feel fortunate that men reveal their true colors so openly in front of you, that way you can weed out who youd never/shouldn't date fairly quickly.
You are an attractive young woman, who doesn't need to feel old or too fat. Yes eventually you will get old, but people who refuse to date close to their own age are childish, don't desrve youre time. If someone feels you are not attractive enough to date THEY are the *******, don't let it bother you, and try and actually concentrate on males with more broad interests, (they exist, women ignore them)