Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
maybe a5 followed by Ne6 would have held on for a while since my bishop can control b8 from d6 and c7 (I assume Rb3 was coming due to my weak back rank and c8 bishop) but I can't really keep my a pawn for long and I don't have a way to deal with your queenside pawns
you're probably right that there were blunders on both sides and I'm especially curious what an engine would say about the position after 20. Ne6
in any case, gg
I checked. After 20. Ne6, black is winning (-3 is the evaluation) after 20. ...Rxd5 21. Bxb6 Rd7 bc I cannot save both Bishop and Knight. I should have just played 20. Nb3. My plan was actually to play 20. Nd7 but when we got there, I saw that you had 20. ... Qc7 and decided to complicate things, hoping you would go astray somewhere.
Edit: apparently you are right and you will end up losing the a-pawn anyway, but the engine says that while it’s much better for white, it’s not winning yet (+1.5). Of course, defending this as a human is not easy.