Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
that may or may not be true, but then you should not have pmed me "... but you're absolutely on my "don't evict" list. " on day 1. Your word means Nothing
You're right, I shouldn't have sent that PM.
My allies, the people (other than you) that I've made deals with in this game, they know that as long as we have a mutually beneficial agreement, I'm going to stay true to my word. I would hope that nobody expects me to hurt my own game in favour of theirs, and I sure as **** don't expect anybody else to hurt theirs for me.
You were making lots of deals in this game (and posting enough in thread that it seemed like you had more) and none of them were substantial deals with me or my allies. It seemed like it was worthwhile to break one deal for the benefit of myself and the rest of the people I'm loyal to.