Originally Posted by iversonian
nobody compared magic's offenses to murder. dwetz was drawing an analogy about the process for banning and unbanning/imprisoning and paroling.
well, obviously to me anyway
in this case, a hell of a lot of due process was granted at every step
and the end result was the person getting banned decided they didn't like being told that they'd broken enough rules that they had to go, so they decided to break more rules to get what they wanted, and are now blaming that decision on "well the people that banned me didn't like me so it's invalid or something"
to which the responses are: 1) well, you gave a lot of people reason to not like you; 2) the people who don't like you can still be a hell of a lot more impartial about this than you can be about yourself; 3) even if by some miracle you're "right" that you were only banned because everyone doesn't like you for whatever reason, that STILL doesn't justify circumventing a ban