Originally Posted by master3004
didn't cheat boyo, try to keep up
you're pathetic
you've somehow managed to convince 3 goofballs whose names are colored green that there's doubt as to whether you cheated. there is none.
as i told a mod via PM, you are a lock to cheat again. game after game you are a disruptive, selfish tornado of AIDS. reminds me of the old fable about the scorpion and the frog. a frog is carrying a scorpion across a river...the scorpion poisons the frog as they're midway across. as they're sinking, the frog asks the scorpion "why did you poison me?" "it's in my nature" was the reply. you're an innate unscrupulous cheat and you're definitely going to cheat again.
whether the mods ever do anything about you is their own deal. the crack POG moderating team was also the group that permbanned vyk for calling an idiot an idiot and the group that let McAvoy stick around to let him drunkenly berate one of his fellow players probably to the point of tears. they have low self-awareness and very little common sense, which is how they are mods of an internet forum in the first place. they give short shrift to the players they don't like and latitude to the players they like. be thankful your cheating ass is in the latter group and you are free to cheat again, cause if anyone with half a clue was powered around here you'd be given the boot.