Originally Posted by Uglydelicious
Very true CQ, we actually assumed you had a list until someone pointed out that it wasn’t said specifically in the OP. Very challenging position to be in, and one where I actually think it would have been ok for the mods to bounce around claim ideas with you. How does everyone feel about how much mods should be allowed to encourage/support a team when an imbalance is realized?
For example, I thought pwns’s role was hilarious but didn’t play out as fun as on paper. I was wondering if it would be ok for a mod to step in and create a compromise. I thought mods could have altered the role to just move class unrest when pwns died. It’s an oops but I think it might have been more fair that way? What do other people think? Would that have been grossly unfair to communists? How would that have felt to the village?
Or is it just— the game has to run as it is designed and can’t be adjusted mid game?
I have tweaked midgame before. But not by helping a team to strategize. That is outside the bounds.
You have to be VERY VERY careful though because it's easy to tweak because one team runs really well or plays really well, and it's not always possible to distinguish good play and/or good luck from good design.
Like if Trump actually tries to win, it's a different game. The neutrals peek him n1, and then maybe they use their peeking power to find communists instead of teammates?
Wolfchat opened n1, which meant the team got 2/3 of the role pms right away. That created a big imbalance that the game was not designed for, but it took a really bold and gutsy play by Vig to pull it off. We can't punish him for brilliance by penalizing his team.
Even the argument that there were too many communists, which I think is probably fair is not completely apparent, when you consider that the fascists burned two kills on shortline (a liberal) and then had their kill hijacked and used on a player that was already dying, so three potential communist deaths were avoided.
Four if you count the second bsball lynch.
I keep debating the balance in this game in my head and I don't think we'll ever know, really, but I know that most people seemed like they had a total blast, so I think birdman and UD can call it a win.
So those are some of the problems with trying to adjust after the game is in play. Players have made plans. Players have made decisions based upon what they know or don't know. It can be done, but there has to be a pretty compelling reason.