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Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion

11-29-2019 , 10:21 PM
A 10 Eastern start is pretty ugly for me on a weekday unless the game is super short. Next few Fridays won't work, but I think most Saturdays in December would.
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11-29-2019 , 11:22 PM
Bgg had a thread about win rates with different civs and leaders was about average, but I feel like they should be solidly above average (if not a bit boring). Relatively easy to plan as well. 340 is a good score.

I sorta wish trap cards just weren't in the game. By the end the odds of people having one will be very high given you will tend to hold on to them if they're drawn.
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11-29-2019 , 11:22 PM
Great Western is a really good game.
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12-01-2019 , 04:44 PM
Pandemic legacy, month one: one move from victory, Western Europe descended into s massive snowballing outbreak. LOSS

Also Montreal is a smouldering heap of rubble.
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12-01-2019 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Pandemic legacy, month one: one move from victory, Western Europe descended into s massive snowballing outbreak. LOSS

Also Montreal is a smouldering heap of rubble.
Game is so good. Were in the middle of September.
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12-02-2019 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Anyone played Gloomhaven? Looking for a new legacy game and my group is almost finished with Pandemic Season 1 and we would like a change of scenery.
BGG says great things about it obv.
I have played it extensively solo, with 2 characters. It is a pretty amazing game, but after a couple of months I burned out of it. That happens with me for almost all solo games though. Happened with Mage Knight and LOTR:lcg. Only solo/Coop game I come back to from time to time is Pandemic/app and Eldritch Horror.

One of characteristics of Gloomhaven is that you don't play your character until the end. At some point in the game they will complete their quest and retire and you have to start from scratch again as another, newbie character (with another skillset), accompanied by veteran characters of the other players. It adds to replay ability, but not everyone will like saying goodbye to the character they have developed
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12-16-2019 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by mixgameADDict
For sale: super simple rules, fast games (20-30mins?), deepish strat/game theory, good for gambling
this is a fun game. friend just mailed it to me on a whim. think it's a great strategy game for a forum of degens. super easy to play and learn and some levelling going on as you get deeper into the strategy. after he sent it to me found out it's on boardgamearena too. give it a go. it's fun.
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12-17-2019 , 12:57 AM
Yeah I like For Sale and play it on Boardgamearena sometimes as well.

Clans of Caledonia is my favorite game to play on there, tho; also Can’t Stop is a good quick push your luck game to throw a few games in there also
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12-17-2019 , 03:11 AM
Frosthaven will be coming out on Kickstarter in 2020. Say Gloomhaven II. I'm not sure if I will support. I burned out completely on Gloomhaven after almost completing the campaign.

Yesterday I finished the core box campaign of Tainted Grail. I really enjoyed that game. It consists of 15 chapters and the first 6 I thought were phenomenal.
In Chapter 7 I got stuck and had problems finding the needed clues to complete the chapter. It took me waaaaay too long. I think I spent more time on chapter 7 than chapter 1-6 or chapter 8-15.

The resulting problem was that I was overpowered the rest of the game due to all the upgrades I got in chapter 7. So the rest of the game all encounters were silly and like picking lollipops from a baby.

If you are going to play this, maybe it is a good idea to get some spoilers on finishing chapter 7.

I'm pretty sure I will play again with another character. But for now, the box has been put away.
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12-18-2019 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
we played (Kingdomino) with 3 and the decisions just weren't interesting enough. It felt like it played itself. I'd like to play it with 4 but my son has quit already on it after one game so we're one short
With 4 you should lay out 4 tiles and discard one each round. Makes things more interesting. Has anyone played Queendomino?
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-22-2019 , 06:51 PM
Had another board game day yesterday and played a 5 player game of Tapestry.

I got 9 (NINE) civilization cards by the end of the game! May be a new record; we only found an example of 8 on bgg.

You start the game with one and usually that’s all you get, but the last space on military track does give you a new one.

I got radio tech card early, which has the square power as a new civ but needs a neighbor in section IV of science, so hard to get early; but then I got tapestry card which let me ignore upgrade reqs so I got it out early.

Then I used the tech track upgrade/square space to get it again and a tapestry to copy an opponent’s space to get it again and I got the tech card which has square power as circle effect and used upgrade circle space on tech track do that one plus i had the tech card that lets you copy a space you are on and since I was at end of military that was another one etc etc.

In the end I lost 305 to 310 to 193 to 165 to 108, so by 5 points to someone who only had one civ.

My starting civ was the one that lets you place a cube on a space you conquer and then you get a resource for doing so; this let me spend about 15 turns in the first era before ever taking income and I also got to center first for achievement and also put out cube blocking others from it

But in the end the guy who won did warplanes on his last turn to take out one of my large landmass control places which dropped me down 7 points in that scoring for my initial civ so I lost.

Did I mention I really like this game? Played it 4 times now (3p, 4p, 3p, 5p) and was completely different every time.

Last edited by Nicholasp27; 12-22-2019 at 07:19 PM.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-22-2019 , 09:11 PM
Didn't think more civs was necessarily better so ok seeing you didn't win. War planes only attacks one spot though and I don't think you score largest connected empire do you? You score all your spots even if not connected I thought.

Feel like you probably had a better power to copy!
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12-22-2019 , 09:18 PM
I got a lot of points from the civs tho I couldn’t use one of them (the one where they need to get landmarks after you give them a cube) and 305 is still a good score so it worked out, he just did slightly better.

My initial civ scores your largest connected land mass that you control. I had 4 for 23 points but then when he warplaned the one I had that I didn’t have a cube on so it was attackable, that took my controlled land mass down to only 3 for 16 points which won him the game.

I coulda done a better job by exploring more to get a larger land mass or some other things, but I didn’t feel like getting the civs hurt me, tho I was caring more about getting the record than scoring max points at that time, so maybe I woulda done better not being so narrowly focused.

One civ let me copy a tech card and that got me points.

Another was futurists giving me resources and 4 bumps on all tracks so I got to do more powerful stuff.

Another got me 15 points. Another I couldn’t use and another was like 8 points.

Where I lost the game was when I couldn’t get my final military hut out before income turn 4 so I only got that 10 points once; I was one resource shy of doing that and also one mushroom shy of doing the 2nd space tile to use the other 2 space tiles I had.

I also took a resource instead of 7 points on conquer a few times because I was prioritizing more turns than more points.

Also the guy who got last beat me to end of a track for that achievement by 1 turn bc he was earlier in turn order and that was 5 points there as well.

I think generally I just didn’t focus on points as much this game and instead focused on powers and doing more stuff and that was what was costly; getting more civs prolly fits into that bucket.

Last edited by Nicholasp27; 12-22-2019 at 09:24 PM.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-22-2019 , 09:47 PM
Finally played QE. Quite enjoy. Only played 3 players so far. Looking forward to playing with 5 over the holidays.
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12-22-2019 , 10:01 PM
Yeah I’m gonna run QE in POG in January
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12-22-2019 , 10:04 PM
Yesterday we also played City of Big Shoulders.

A really fun game. You run companies and buy and sell shares of stock in your and other players’ companies. Each of the 5 decades you run the company’s production and then either pay dividends to the shareholders or withhold the money in the company. You can start new companies by setting initial stock price and buying the directors share (30% of stock or 3x share price).

A really good game that I want to play multiple more times.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Yesterday we also played City of Big Shoulders.

A really fun game. You run companies and buy and sell shares of stock in your and other players’ companies. Each of the 5 decades you run the company’s production and then either pay dividends to the shareholders or withhold the money in the company. You can start new companies by setting initial stock price and buying the directors share (30% of stock or 3x share price).

A really good game that I want to play multiple more times.
Never heard of this one, but I'm very intrigued.
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12-23-2019 , 12:33 AM
It’s really good and I guess considered a mix of euro and 18xx. Now I want to play more economic games and try an 18xx.

If it’s on tabletop simulator or tabletopia then I would teach it and play it with people on here.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Yeah I’m gonna run QE in POG in January

PM me if you run it. Love the concept, curious to see how it plays. Just from reading the description it sounded like the gameplay is a bit too straightforward
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 11:13 AM
Hey team! Hope this is an ok place to post...
Next Monday myself and 12 pals are going to spend a week in a cabin in Norway to see in the new year, celebrate 30th birthdays, and do some cross country skiing.

However- there are like 4hours of daylight so there will be lots of free time for:
a) Sauna
b) Drinking

I was wondering if people had some good recommendations for larger groups?

Some of the ones we're taking already:
1) Banagrams
2) Secret Hitler
3) Jask
4) Catan

Happy to play 4-14 players- people will be ducking in and out

The group is probably more keen on games with lots of chat and jokes rather than something with lots of strategy and complexity (my choice of Diplomacy was shot down )

Any thoughts please let me know
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Hey team! Hope this is an ok place to post...
Next Monday myself and 12 pals are going to spend a week in a cabin in Norway to see in the new year, celebrate 30th birthdays, and do some cross country skiing.

However- there are like 4hours of daylight so there will be lots of free time for:
a) Sauna
b) Drinking

I was wondering if people had some good recommendations for larger groups?

Some of the ones we're taking already:
1) Banagrams
2) Secret Hitler
3) Jask
4) Catan

Happy to play 4-14 players- people will be ducking in and out

The group is probably more keen on games with lots of chat and jokes rather than something with lots of strategy and complexity (my choice of Diplomacy was shot down )

Any thoughts please let me know
Some ideas given the group size and desire for lighter games:

Wits and Wagers
7 Wonders
For Sale
Between Two Cities
Colt Express
Sushi Go Party
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 11:36 AM
Werewords and Wavelength both play 12 and you can duck in and out each round with no impact to the game. Werewords rounds are only 4 minutes long so really easy to duck in and out of. It’s a cross between 20 questions and werewolf so easy for everyone to understand and play.

Codenames is great, of course, and people can also duck in and out when they aren’t spymaster.

Just One only plays 7-8 but is a fun game that fits the bill also.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 11:38 AM
I woke up this morning realizing I didn’t count my points for adding exploration tiles to the board. I don’t usually place on main board so I forget that you get points for matching sides. So I actually woulda won the Tapestry game if I had taken all my points as I laid a lot of tiles out and matched sides often to build the land mass for my civ scoring.
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Hey team! Hope this is an ok place to post...
Next Monday myself and 12 pals are going to spend a week in a cabin in Norway to see in the new year, celebrate 30th birthdays, and do some cross country skiing.

However- there are like 4hours of daylight so there will be lots of free time for:
a) Sauna
b) Drinking

I was wondering if people had some good recommendations for larger groups?

Some of the ones we're taking already:
1) Banagrams
2) Secret Hitler
3) Jask
4) Catan

Happy to play 4-14 players- people will be ducking in and out

The group is probably more keen on games with lots of chat and jokes rather than something with lots of strategy and complexity (my choice of Diplomacy was shot down )

Any thoughts please let me know
CODENAMES for sure. Can be played with any amount of players

Supporting as well the suggestion of Dixit. Amazing game for groups 4-6. How about any of the Bang! games?
Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion Quote
12-23-2019 , 05:58 PM
I assume you're not looking for games of the variety of Cards Against Humanity?
If those are on the table then Joking Hazard is a pretty excellent variant. (From the authors of Cyanide and Happiness)
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