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Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread

07-06-2017 , 02:34 PM
Very nice, Ethiopia was on our board but I didn't think it would go too soon.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 02:34 PM
OK now I'm beginning to hope that the pick I thought would never fall to me might fall to me.

it's the hope that kills you
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 02:39 PM
The nice thing about having 16 picks ahead of your next one is that you don't feel any hope whatsoever.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by soah
The nice thing about having 16 picks ahead of your next one is that you don't feel any hope whatsoever.

Ethiopia another great pick, although I will say that mediocre Ethiopian food seems a lot more common than I would expect -- at least here in D.C., where we have a big Ethiopian population and a ton of Ethiopian restaurants and food trucks. But since you presumptively have really talented people cooking it for you at the food festival, that's not a direct problem on your end.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by NotGonnaLie
Damn was really hoping people would sleep on Ethiopia
Originally Posted by well named
Very nice, Ethiopia was on our board but I didn't think it would go too soon.
I feel like it was going to be everyone's cool round 3 pick. Grabbed it now because I would have been a sad panda to lose it.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
OK now I'm beginning to hope that the pick I thought would never fall to me might fall to me.

it's the hope that kills you
In before you get sniped by filthy.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:07 PM
Is Greece gone? If not I'll pick it.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:09 PM
It's yours.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:12 PM
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:21 PM
I have a write up for Japan on my laptop that just needs images, and then I'll do Greece too. Sorry, been busy.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:24 PM




swiss miss

Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:26 PM
Ill do a write up later but this was my dream wheel:

South Korea
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 04:27 PM
I thought that Switzerland might be good value for my fourth round pick. :S
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:01 PM
whew, was worried that I might have to take Korea purely on reputation despite not liking Korean food that much

anyway, my picks to come, my dream round two pick somehow fell to me so that's great, just working out what my other option is
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:09 PM
I went on a road trip around South Korea with my then gf, her best mate, her dad (a general in the SK army) and his old army buddies. I might have posted about it before - it involved encounters such as sharing a bed with a korean man who spoke no english, but rolled over in his sleep, embraced me and started sleep-talking sweet nothings into my ear, and a naked sauna with the General. But the point of this story is that at every stop on this road trip, everyone else would eat from a communal bowl of stew or whatever, and they would order me something else from the kiddie menu of non spicey foods.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:29 PM
i vaguely remember something about skinning dogs alive in korea
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:36 PM
Korean BBQ is genius. If you're ever in L.A., go to Soot Bull Jeep. You'll thank me.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:42 PM
with the final pick of round two, I take...






holy **** how on earth did this fall to me here?

Culinary lore holds that there are three great cuisines in this world. And somehow I've managed to draft two of them (French being the third).

The heart of one of the great empires for centuries, a country where a market for spices is one of the main tourist attractions, where East and West have been meeting to trade and eat and drink for as long as we have been trading and eating and drinking. Let's get the elephant in the room out of the way first - the kebabs. Yes, they're freaking excellent, fresh, flavourful, and well-spiced. Iskender kebab in particular (sliced spiced lamb topped with tomato sauce, yoghurt and melted butter, all on top of sliced toasted pita) is one of those things that you'll eat once and then come back for a hundred times. But there's so much more there.

What else do we have? How about balik ekmek, an Istanbul speciality that is just the best ****ing fish sandwich you'll ever eat? Lahmacun is a delicious spicy pizza/wrap hybrid. I don't know what it's called, or why it was so delicious, but when we were in Turkey one chef whipped up something mainly consisting of kale and eggs for my wife, and she was so blown away with it that I've had to suffer through a lot of attempts to recapture the magic back in the UK (it doesn't work). Fresh olives, sheep's cheese, fish and meat show up in countless dishes, with the natural bounty of the mediterranean constantly enhanced by the rich spicing.

And of course there's as good a range of meze dishes as you'll see anywhere in the Middle East, with particular specialities being dolma (vegetables stuffed with rice and herbs), kofte (lamb meatballs), and borek (cheesey pastry goodness).

Desserts are outstanding, tending towards the subtly perfumed, with fruit flavours, spices, rosewater and honey being the common tastes. Baklava in particular is pure indulgence, and goes down beautifully with a cup of strong Turkish coffee or tea. But if you left the tent without trying some authentic Turkish delight, or some milky, soothing muhallebi, you'd be missing out.

**** raki though

that **** is nasty
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:43 PM
going to have to think a bit longer on my next pick, have a few potential candidates
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:45 PM
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:46 PM
damn that was my other top pick given your dislike of korean food maybe I could have gotten both if I tried to float it.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:47 PM
Almost picked Turkey, but couldn't risk someone snapping up Ethiopia. Great pick.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 05:51 PM
ok for the first pick of round three, I had three key candidates, got an outside hope that one of my two rejected might come back to me, but I couldn't really see past...






full writeup to follow...
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 06:01 PM
Another good pick and one that changes which direction I'm going to head:


strapped for time today, but write ups soon
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
07-06-2017 , 07:19 PM
Ethiopia is an awesome pick. Shiro wat ftw. Turkey is ugh, far inferior to [UNDRAFTED] and even [UNDRAFTED] and particularly [UNDRAFTED], which is now a huge steal given that we're down to the Philippines lol.
Gastronomy Draft: Game Thread Quote
