Originally Posted by Swiitch
I saw exactly what he wrote, and I responded the way I wanted to respond.
I explain the group in detail every game. i didn't particularly care if he thought it was too detailed or pushy or what have you, and I still don't. I could have responded with no u or something along the lines of **** off, but I decided to respond the way I did.
You do realize that my response also said something about my read of togan right now, don't you?
Yes, I do realize that.
But let's see here:
You responded "the way [you] wanted to respond" — and that was to talk about him being upset about the COT when he hadn't implied he was, while not mentioning this pushing of it, which he complained about it, until now.
Also, you explain it in detail every game... yet you didn't, nor did you even have a circle of trust or anything like it, in the last game I played with you, a couple weeks ago. And a search of the phrase from you picks up... nothing.
You say you do it every game you're a villager. You were villager in bsball's pool party. I didn't remember you doing it under any name, and a search confirms that you didn't early in the game — did I miss it later on?