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Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a *****

06-19-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
XB definitely clear, but I'm afraid I don't get Nich's.

Of FMK and Borninabin, Born's clue seems worse (and is more likely to be wrong) where FMK's actions seem more suspicious.

I'd vote Born in isolation though
Haha I knew you'd always be suspicious of me because of diplomacy . Don't vote for Nich though for reasons, Abigail is a meme from previous games. Just vote born or me, not saying it must be us but when 2 people give clues that hit ~everything apparently you have to vote between them.

FWIW Z, I have about zero general knowledge so I won't get things that are probably really obvious to you guys (this is why you don't see me in any trivia games on here, the rock thunderdome was my first one in forever cuz I know rock). I think I am generally pretty smart and good at games but I am highly uneducated/have no broad knowledge. The knowledge I have is very specific to things that I do. I'm sure onion and Hawkeye are ldo to you and its impossible I don't get them but for the most part I get no clues unless they hit something from the wiki page (and would get no clues ever if you couldnt research before clueing).

That is why I generally try to figure out who it is from posts since I never understand any clues or references, and why I had been playing it like WW and just pushing people to judge reactions but it was making the game unpleasant for most people since chameleon players usually aren't WW players and don't like WW.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:42 PM
If its not NFL, poker, bridge, chess, some TV shows, some other sports or some music I will never get a reference unless it was from the wiki page or comes up on google page 1 if you google the category. And if its a movie I will almost never get it.

ETA: Im decent for wordplay also.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:44 PM
If it’s sopranos I won’t get it
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:59 PM
I think the best argument I've made is that born said "I've given clues that have hit 6-10 words before so you should re-think" and then said "Shrek might hit more than brothers Grimm." If nich is right that I hit almost all of them then wtf is that. Lynch all bad logic lol.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 01:28 PM
In fear of spew I'm gunna vote now. At pub etc and dont wanna forget again
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 01:30 PM
No I'm not. Just read the rules and you can change your vote and we got what 18 hours?

So will wait
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 01:37 PM
Yes, you can change your vote. Don't spew. Towards end of day say who youre voting for though but you don't have to say anything now.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 01:41 PM
You can cast a provisional vote if you want and change it later just in case you forget, but we have 20.5 hours or something I think
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 01:45 PM
Also if we all agree, we can agree earlier than 24 hours, if we wait 24 hours then D1 will be asleep so we would probably have to wait like 8 hours after that for the reveal, then by the time we set up the new game the euros may be asleep etc lol. So if you guys have decided whether youre voting born or me before D1 goes to sleep and want him to reveal thats fine with me also, might save us like half a day and I doubt by that point much can happen anyway.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 03:46 PM
As answer to fmk.
My clue is broad —> yes. It has more meaning than ‘featured in shrek’ though, as I mentioned when nich asked. The ones not in shrek might be approximately the same as the one that aren’t written down by Grimm though. Both are broad and can be chameleon-y. Maybe you got lucky that I gave a suspicious clue. Maybe someone else got lucky that we both gave a broad clue.
It is a bit hypocrite to give me so much heat when you have a broad clue myself. I can follow your reasoning a bit if you thought before about how I would act as chameleon and that my meta game would be bad but I have given broad clues (Hogwarts, strings), and clues that no one understands that were specific, and clues that people understand that were specific.
It is suspicious that you don’t seem to consider anyone else. If you are not chameleon you would be thinking it can be anyone, at least at first, since anyone can luckbox. (Especially if you only get nich’s clue.) Maybe you’re blinding yourself here, but I’m not giving you the benefit of the doubt right now. Also if you are so insistent on remembering other games, remember that last times when I became more suspicious by talking I was not the chameleon.
As nich said, immediately saying you would have given the same clue as someone else doesn’t clear you.
Me saying I’m fine with others unless someone clears xander seems normal. If xander whifs game is easy. I could have said fmk > nich >> dr Z are next on my list but you’re all smart people and those clues already contain a lot of info.
A nice thing about Grimm is that even if a story is not Grimm, maybe some people would think it was written down by Grimm. Same holds for shrek maybe, but as I said there’s more meaning to it. As with chicago, better to start from [redacted] and end with Shrek, then to start from Shrek.

Good for you quoting the same 2 posts over and over again. Both are true. I don't know how broad either of our 2 clues are. There are more I am sure of that are in Shrek, but some only with a mini appearance and no other meaning. I know of exactly the same ones for sure that they aren't Grimm/Shrek. But maybe this was the reason that I did not attack you immediately and first asked if anyone got the clue that I didn't get, while you decided it more wise to attack one person (something you previously critizised other people for).

If you think you have tunnel vision, please come to senses and think about my other meaning. You should be able to figure out if everyone what you said so far is true.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 03:58 PM
Haha I was gonna ask what post I quoted over and over and realized I quoted pinochet 4 times, sorry.

I don't think Im being hypocritical because I'm not saying I'm cleared. Maybe I come across as people thinking I'm saying I'm cleared cuz this is not the first time someone has said that... I think we both gave broad clues so they will vote 1 of us so I'm trying to give some logic on why I think youre a better vote than me, obv I am not cleared and I don't think I said that, but I didn't mean to imply it.

I don't think you should give me the benefit of the doubt if you are villa (or wolf), you are in the same position I'm in right now so I woulda just expected you to want to vote for me and me to want to vote for you and they figure it out. Is there any chance we are not going to vote for each other today? I've come around to the point of view that if 2 people have very broad clues and the others dont but people clear them then one of those 2 people should be voted for.

It's def possible someone luckboxed their clues and its our fault for giving shrek and reaper then if we hit all the words. But like, I don't really see anyone else being voted for here? So my focus is just on why I think you > me as a vote since our clues are apparently similarly broad. And I did honestly think if you ever gave a clue like this I would snap vote for you based on your clueing history, I have never seen you chameleon before but that was always in my mind as a flaw in your clueing game. I have the opposite flaw, my clues are sometimes LOLbroad or just LOL (and apparently it was again) so I should get snap voted. Like if you binked your clue I would just have been turboed here I think and thats ok, clues do matter, especially if I can't randomly push people to see their reaction and the scoring system is very anti-spew now. After some talks with D1 I am not gonna play like that anymore. I dunno if my volume of posting is still too high, but I hope its ok for me to try to use whatever logic I can to say you are a better vote than me and here is what I was thinking when clueing cuz if I can't then it is just all clues. That doesnt mean I am saying I am clear by any means.

If it is not you then chameleon will escape no matter what, I am not really going to vote for anyone but you and I don't think you should vote for anyone but me.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:01 PM
Oh ****. It's not born.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:02 PM
lulz, what in the world. Ok well played born.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:07 PM
Can you guys tell me how clear onion is without spewing?
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:10 PM
Nich lock clears Xander.

So options (from my point of view) are:

1) Born figured out that word. Nich asking us to answer that question instantly and you saying there was another level to your connection though is villagery by both of you.

2) Nich binked Abigale which would be classic Nich

3) It's onion (so I need to just know if this is like a massive bink or if it could be random)

4) Nich is wrong about xander, but he lock cleared him.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:13 PM
I think it is quite a bink if it is onion.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:14 PM
I am never voting born. So lol this game as usual.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:16 PM
Without naming them do you know how many of the fairytales involve witches born? Maybe Abigale isnt that big of a bink. Sorry I dont know much about fairytales lol
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:16 PM
Dr Zeus also cleared Xander. Anyone could have said what they said while being the chameleon, though. Things as they unfolded are more likely if you or nich is the chameleon than if xander or dr Zeus is, imo.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:17 PM
Yeah if onion is good I agree with that.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:20 PM
I think 5 have witches but there of course also a lot with fairies or other magic. 5 not that much though.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:24 PM
So either nich binked a 5, or XB binked in a way that at least one villa cleared him, or Z binked onion.

If onion is a super bink you might have figured out the word immediately just from abigale + onion though and spewed it. If so well played because I assume Im getting voted now lol.

I am really confused.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:25 PM
Or nich was gonna go for direct bink on abigale of 5 and go for some other multi step but I spewed Abigale being good immediately.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:38 PM
Welp. Sorry born, I was only on your trail and never Nich's but I believe you now. lolme but I'm voting Nich. I know I am gonna get lynched but whatchagonnado.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 06:17 PM
Lol voting for me if villager
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