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Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a *****

06-19-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Born and fmk answer as soon as possible

Do either of your clues connect in a way more than “Grimm fairytales” or “was in Shrek”?
No. Isn't mine less broad than borns? Also look at how we have been clueing. This was the guy who now gives shrek on his last clue of 1973 for chicago:

I thought there was probably something with Chicago and that word xander, probably heard about it once because I couldn't remember what it was.

Mine was referring to the free market experiments from school of Chicago fwiw, starting in Chile under Pinochet.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:03 AM
Pretty sure more of the fairytales on the list are from Grimm Brothers than were in Shrek, plus I see a secondary for Shrek.

So I’m putting my initial vote on fmk for now. May change if game state changes.
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06-19-2020 , 11:03 AM
Logic for my clue: Eliminate some but dont be too specific. That seems like the most pro villa way to clue. Also I instantly said I almost gave yours Nich. I guess I could have made that up but it was pretty funny.
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06-19-2020 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Borninabin
I don't know hawkeye so not sure how broad it is or if it hits. I'm fine with all the rest unless someone confirms they get xander's.
Fmk I have given clues that hit 6 - 10 words before so you might want to think about this a little more.
Read this post Nich. He was fine with all others unless someone confirms they know hawkeye, then what, hes fine with everybody? So he is saying he is fine with mine. I instantly called out his clue. I don't think brothers grimm hits more than shrek.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:08 AM
Nich, if I was wolf would I snap call out only borns when you know that I have no idea what Hawkeye or onion mean lol. And would I say I was thinking of saying Abigale? It would be pretty bizarre.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:10 AM
Ok sorry, I'm spamming the thread again, gonna go get some food ill BBL to defend myself. Please consider my posts.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:15 AM
I’m considering your posts, but not sure I’m buying what you are selling yet

I wish d1 was in this game to tell me which of you it is...I go off clues, not tone reads, just like in WW
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by feedmykids2
Nich, if I was wolf would I snap call out only borns when you know that I have no idea what Hawkeye or onion mean lol. And would I say I was thinking of saying Abigale? It would be pretty bizarre.

I think as chameleon it’s pretty obvious that 3 of these clues are specific while 2 are broad

So yeah, you would call out the broad one I think

Also, of course you say that about Abigail...I would if I were chameleon
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:18 AM
Right now from posts alone I’d be 55/45 born vote

But from clues sim 65/35 fmk vote
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:25 AM
I also don't think Grimm fairytales is necessarily more broad than shrek btw. It's probably close.
I'm 90/9/0.9/0.099.. or something. Though odds I vote fmk are probably higher than 90 lol.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:26 AM
Do you think it's possible that Shrek hits 16 of these? I mean, I remember multiple just in the first Shrek.

It is possible I messed up and should have googled every fairytale to confirm whether they were Brothers Grimm or not. I googled [redacted] wiki page and then from there saw the word Grimm and thought Grimm Reaper so I then read their wikipedia page. Only like 8-10 were mentioned but I now realize maybe THey just didn't mention some of the other ones or they were in German so I didn't recognize them. If I really hit as many as Shrek I messed up again. My plan was try to hit a little more than half.

I wouldn't have known Brothers Grimm if I was chameleon unless I researched all the categories (which to be fair, I might have done, but its a lot of work), if I wanted to go broad SHREK is a much better call since you don't even have to know how many hit, its a satire about fairty tales where tons of fairy tale characters are in the movie. Even if some of them don't hit, no one would know that for sure, so it effectively hits 16. Do you know every fairytale character connected to the shreks?
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06-19-2020 , 11:27 AM
There’s only 1 or 2 I don’t think are Grimm...the rest I think are based on Grimm
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:28 AM
So you read the wiki page before clueing fmk?
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Borninabin
I also don't think Grimm fairytales is necessarily more broad than shrek btw. It's probably close.
I'm 90/9/0.9/0.099.. or something. Though odds I vote fmk are probably higher than 90 lol.
lol at this mindgame.

Born explain this post in conjunction with:

I don't know hawkeye so not sure how broad it is or if it hits. I'm fine with all the rest unless someone confirms they get xander's.
Fmk I have given clues that hit 6 - 10 words before so you might want to think about this a little more.
First it's you have given "broad clues" that hit 6-10 so I need to rethink, now you think Shrek hits more than Brothers Grimm. Your statements do not add up. And if your clue does hit all or almost all, why did you give it when you have never given a clue like that before?

Nich D1 isn't in this game to help you and you don't tone read but cmon man. Havent you been waiting for born to be chameleon for exactly this moment? I knew his clue giving meta was way too unbalanced for his chameleon game (which probably happens when youre villa a million times in a row).
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Borninabin
So you read the wiki page before clueing fmk?
Yeah I read/skim the wiki page for some general knowledge and usually do a google search (famous ukulele songs for uke etc). I dont really go deeper than that since lolresearch but I need to know at least the main points of the fairytale etc.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:39 AM
Of course I want you to reconsider insta-jumping on me when I think it can be someone other than you. Dr Z can be lucky, I don't put it past nich to clue Abigail even if it hits and is a lot narrower than both our clues, and I don't even understand xander's clue.
You've convinced me it was you, though, so yeah just vote for me. The others are not voting each other anyway.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:41 AM
Bad job from both of us if you happen not to be the chameleon, but I don't think so.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:47 AM
Ok Nich I'm just going to make 1 final argument then I'm putting myself on a posting restriction for a while cuz I promised I wouldnt do that.

Even going "just by the clues," we have all played enough games with each other that we can look at previous clueing history to go just by the clues, people clue in different ways.

Born has given:

1973 for some pinochet thing in Chicago?
Edward for Winnie the pooh>tigger>tony the tiger
strings for uke when it only hits half (his "broad" clue
office for stronehenge for oval office.
Canada for broomstick
Hogwarts for children

He is prone to concrete connections to the actual words usually, or at least strings which eliminates half. Also since he used to always get the most votes early he started spewing (IMO) too hard to clear himself.

Youre telling me if his clue and my clue are roughly as broad given this history, I am more likely to be chameleon? I have been waiting for the born chameleon moment where he went broad and hit everything. Then he says he has given clues that have hit 6-10 before. Then he says Shrek might be more broad than Grimm. So even going with clues and not tone, I think you don't have to go with just the ones in this game when we have all played so many games with each other. I am sorry if Grimm was more broad than I thought it was though.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 11:57 AM
Yeah I’m leaning born lately

May even change provisional vote to born soon
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:01 PM
Also if I had been chameleon I would have researched all the categories and known that Brothers Grimm hit too many. I know you hate that argument because levels etc but it's true. I couldnt have known someone was gonna Shrek so I would have assumed I would be lynched for that if it hits like 13 or w/e lol. I literally just went [redacted category wiki] > brothers grimm wiki and it only said like half of them so I thought it was a good clue.

I am not saying this should clear me but if shrek and brothers grimm are equal please follow your heart here lol. Villa born would not shrek. My clue when I was wolf was "sacrifice" which hit a lot of them if you make 2nd level connections (like golden gate bridge = suicide, some of them cost a lot of money, some were tombs, some lots of people died making them, some whiffed completely).
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:04 PM
My thought process was if I can hit half directly and whiff half then people won't lynch me (because how can I clue something that doesnt hit half at all, I get turboed), but it will not tell the chameleon the word cuz I keep half in the game.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:14 PM
I'll answer about ~ everything you had to say, feedmykids2, probably in a couple of hours. Maybe other people than nich have had time to lean one way or another and chime in before that.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Borninabin
I'll answer about ~ everything you had to say, feedmykids2, probably in a couple of hours. Maybe other people than nich have had time to lean one way or another and chime in before that.
Translation, maybe dr Z and xander will spew something so you know the word and can respond better

Dr Z and XB, please don't spew anything at all. XB/nich/Dr Z just pick which one of us you will vote with no spew, huge bonus for all of us if you get the chameleon right and he doesnt know the word.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:32 PM
XB definitely clear, but I'm afraid I don't get Nich's.

Of FMK and Borninabin, Born's clue seems worse (and is more likely to be wrong) where FMK's actions seem more suspicious.

I'd vote Born in isolation though
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:38 PM
Since born and fmk already know the meme answer for Abigail, she was involved in the Salem Witch Trials.

Not gonna say if my meaning was same as that, but that’s what Abigail historically meant. It’s also Abigail Breslin, the actress from Little Miss Sunshine and Zombieland and someone Kyro works with.

Nobody else in history has ever been named Abigail.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
