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Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a *****

06-18-2020 , 10:10 PM
Yep, good job.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Two things

1, ugh @ him not knowing; I almost had it

2, zeus’s vote is automatically on next person in the player list by default when the round starts per our rules

It won’t save me, but should still be done for completeness
Ok, I wasnt sure and was going to ask for input via PM if it mattered FWIW, especially cuz xander almost forgot to vote lol. My first time modding and Im a n00b anyway.

Chicago is correct.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:14 PM
Xander thought you were gonna go NYC and I said no way you go NYC when Dr Z said its the city he knows least about lol.

Well played villa and well played nich.

I didnt get the farm reference but everyone cleared D1 so I'm sure it was something I just didn't know. I cheated and googled 1973 windy after borns post (I am mod so I do what I want to!), wouldnt have known that either haha.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
At first I was thinking London and its 2 airports and farm for Animal Farm so Orwell and people thought Crown Jewels was pretty good so I didn’t get much heat. And coffee was for tea so tea time.

But then I figured maybe it’s just Chicago
Dr Z is from England, dunno if you knew that. Or maybe you thought he was levelling lol
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:25 PM
My clue was related to the Bulls. Didn't really like it, but I always find that category hard to clue for.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
Cool cheers FMK!

In which case, my spot is:
- D1ab's seems good
- I don't get Borninabin's and if no one does seems a good Chameleon candidate
- Of Nich, "jewels" is definitely a good clue for some of the other words in play, so could be a good bluff.
- For XB "coffee" is not a clue for lots of them that I can see, feels specific, soooo seems more ok

Overall I'd vote Borninabin given nothing else, so, lets see.
Z, great job clearing yourself and nice read on the clues! You are def gonna be really good at this. But remember to vote next time haha, you get 5 points for voting for the chameleon even if he escapes.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
My clue was related to the Bulls. Didn't really like it, but I always find that category hard to clue for.
ahhh ok, duh, that makes sense.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by feedmykids2
Player list:

Xander Biscuit
Dr Z

PC if you ever want to play at any point I will give up my spot for you, just say the word. Thanks so much for modding for us!

Based on this, dr Zeus voted for born (fmk mod and list ends so it wraps around) so no points for him
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:31 PM
I'm just gonna keep score this time fwiw. If someone subs out and someone replaces them, they take on the score of the person they subbed for. 1 game = everyone modding once.

Score so far:

Nich: 10
D1: 5
Born: 5
Xander: 5
Dr Z: 0
fmk: 0
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:33 PM
And just fwiw I am not going to spam thread/pretend this is werewolf and push people to judge reactions anymore while playing, so don't think I'm chameleon next game because I am playing way differently. Got to see a game happen that I wasnt involved in in real time and understand now what this is supposed to look like
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:35 PM
Doesn't the village get points for catching the chameleon?

I can't remember the exact scoring, but I thought it was something like 10 points to the village and an additional 5 points to the ones who voted correctly.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:41 PM
I don’t think so

Otherwise we would all just clue dead on and the odd clue out is chameleon and we all get 15 to 10
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:45 PM
Well, 5 just seems like too little when the chameleon gets 20 if he escapes.

Maybe it's 5 and 5, but I'm sure you get something.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:47 PM
Maybe if chameleon escapes then villagers who voted chameleon should get 10 instead of 5

If village gets chameleon then 5 each like now
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
As a noob I had a look to find rules, and found these:

Rules for forum play

1. As opposed to the usual game, I will mod all games & rand a themed word list, secret word, and Chameleon from using a spreadsheet Carl has created.

2. Non-chameleons will be sent the list plus secret word and the chameleon will be sent the list only.

3. Players post their clue word in this thread in spoiler tags. You cannot change this clue once it has been posted. Don’t edit these posts. DO NOT look at any other clue words until you have posted yours.

4. Clues are supposed to be one word. We can be less nitty in this game than in codenames. Hyphens, acronyms, and the like are all fine.

5. Once all clues have been posted, debate as to the identity of the Chameleon can begin. (No need to wait for mod to announce) Nothing said in the thread is binding. PM your official vote to the mod, after which point it cannot be changed. Let’s set a 24 hour maximum time to send in a vote after debate has begun.

6. Mod will reveal the votes. If the Chameleon is correctly identified, they can attempt to guess the secret word right in the thread.

7. Ties: In a 5 player game, 2 v 2 ties are broken by making the odd player re-vote. (Note that this is only necessary if the chameleon is one of the tied players.)


Chameleon is caught by village, can't guess word: 20 points to all villagers, 0 to chameleon

Chameleon is caught by village, can guess word: 10 points to chameleon, 0 to villagers

Chameleon escapes vote: 20 points chameleon, 0 to villagers.

Voting the chameleon as a villager: 5 points (self voting is not allowed)

Wait until I post that all PMs have gone out to make your word selection.
According to this, its a combination of what both of you are saying. If nich didnt know the word, all villagers get +20. If he did then villagers get no bonus. D1 should like that also because it highly discourages outting the word
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:51 PM
I like those rules as written as well, don't think village should get a bonus if chameleon is caught and knows the word: just clue directly or out the word. If the village can catch chameleon without spewing than they all deserve a bonus, otherwise they don't.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:51 PM
Oh wow

Didn’t realize that

My spew level gonna drop like a rock
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 10:55 PM
Yeah that scoring system makes D1s playstyle the nuts and the one youve been using less good lol. I'm going to be so bad at this now that I am not gonna play it like WW, but my clueing should become much better and I'm gonna research way more pre-clue haha. To me it was like no one said anything and the village all voted the chameleon and the chameleon knew the word and i was like...wat? haha. This will be fun
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:10 PM
Does one of you 2 wanna mod next since youre awake and loleuro? Or do we rand it/go by a list or what? Don't know what protocol is. Seems like people who are awake after reveal modding next is decent since theres not really a strategic advantage on when you mod. For time zone purposes seems optimal for one of you two to go next so that we can give our clue before the euros wake up, then when the euros wake up they can clue and we can get started.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:17 PM
Yeah, I can mod next. I'll send out PMs in the next hour or 2.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:26 PM
i can mod the one after this as i won't be around this weekend anyway so will be good time for me to not play one
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:44 PM
Sorry guys didnt realise the 24 hour rule Nd went to bed

Will improve
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:47 PM
You played really well for your first game dude. I loled at airport but you recovered very nicely (my first clue I gave was for this list also and I went with "split" for tokyo). You were on the right person too and your read of not understanding coffee but it seeming specific was solid as well as your read on nich's clue haha.
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-18-2020 , 11:49 PM
Basically as a villager if you:

1) Vote for the chameleon
2) Don't get voted for
3) Don't give away the word

you have done well. You did all of those things in my mind (I know you didn't technically do 1 but I think you woulda gone nich if you realized the deadline).
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
06-19-2020 , 12:07 AM
Well, airport kinda got me on Chicago in the first place
Chameleon 3: This time, karma is a ***** Quote
