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09-13-2016 , 01:15 AM
We can discuss merits all we want. This is all about Spain finding a way to publicly accuse Justin and Kevin of being unethical, in a way that they knew they would be toeing the line in which they wouldn't get kicked out.

Skip to 5:48:00

Kevin: "It's disgusting what you guys did"

Spaniards high five

Biggest **** eating grin I've ever seen while twirling his beard.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Wyman
The most interesting analysis is what kind of psychopath sits north?
One that understands quit a decent lot of bridge. Your 2S is showing a limited hand and your hand is a goldmine after 3C. Signing off here in 3S (I only had 11 HCP partner) would be a bridge crime.

The lead is idiotic.

On first analysis I would grab the club lead in hand and play a club to dummy, hoping they ruff in the air. Because if they do, I count 5 tricks in the side suits, As and 6 more trumps for the cross ruff. that is twelve tricks of which two will be taken by high trumps of the opponents. That would be my SD analysis. Anyway with spades as they are you will go down almost surely.

DD I see no way to make it, you do not have enough tricks. I see no better play than play club in trick 2, he ruffs and plays Ks, you ruff a diamond a play and club, he ruffs, draws one round of trumps and you will lose either a heart or diamond.

If you go on cross ruff lines, he will interfere somewhere, draw trumps and cash hearts.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel

If they in fact do have an agreement (explicit or otherwise) to open such hands -- and the evidence I've seen is that they more or less do open pretty much all hands except the balanced-ish 7-9 pointers,
What evidence is that dude? There is ONE hand given where I opened with a psyche (as in less than 8 or whatever) right? So I was 1 for 1. I have given my reasoning on bridgewinners for doing it but it was a stupid bid that is not "just bridge" it's definitely a psyche. It is very serious to say we are doing what you (or spain) say we are doing.

You are also just wrong about the bridge element. It is not right to open all 0-6 point hands in third seat white, you're right they have a game but what is the upside? When they have a slam, ok I will grant you it's good, but they have so many points you are not going to steal and you give them info for the play.

But to say from the evidence you have seen we always open except 7-9 balanced that is really wrong of you I am sorry. I can produce no evidence that we don't but that is because there is not enough hands. Kevin and I play thousands of boards a year together, do you think no one would have noticed if we open all 0-6 hands in third seat? I mean, we would get fired because that is stupid bridge and considered stupid by top players.

I think a real conversation is now happening about routinely opening a hand like KJTxx Qxx xx xxx in third seat white (say you are not a 2S guy). Maybe that will be the silver lining in all this. That is where the "just bridge" vs "illegal" thing is coming into play. But saying we open all 0-6 hands is accusing us of cheating, and we do not open all 0-6 hands. I wish I had not ****ing opened that hand now so badly, and I got ripped into by my teammate for doing it (do you think greco and hampson want to play on a team with someone who opens Txxxx Jxx QJxx x w/w in 3rd seat?).

For those that didn't read bridgewinners here are the circumstances behind that:

1) I was playing against Martin Lorencs. He is playing for Latvia and was very close friends and also bridge partners/teachers to a girl that I was once in love with. For reference/cite of the girl part here you go:

I am sure google will show the connection between them. MY facebook friends can find pictures of her visiting me in the hospital after jumping off the bridge

2) Said girl (who I rarely talk to now), had said she was watching the event then mentioned that ML did not give us much help vs some team ahead of us, I think england (I think the match before we scored a blitz but latvia got blitzed, I guess by england?) so we didn't gain ground on us.

(I am willing to send screen shot of said text to chuckles if he still has my number pls text me or send me your number here)

Also I said to him "Triinu will be watching this" or something to this effect before play started, so you can check the video (not sure if it shows what happens before play starts but I definitely said it so it was on my mind but more to put it on his mind).

3) Here is a link to our set of boards vs latvia:

On board 5 I held x x T9xxx AJxxxx. I opened 3C in second seat white/red (I had 3N available 6/5 minors but chose not to since I was second seat). X on my left, 5C from partner. X p 5N p 6S. Now I have an incredibly strong playing strength hand opposite a big fit, imagine partner with say a stiff diamond our save is going for nothing. However, I am in front of him and have no idea if they have guessed right, he might have say the HA or random major suit tricks. I decided to pass and that was disastrous as they made 1430.

Perhaps that was on my mind on board 6 when I absolutely lost my mind, I held K KJ9x AQTxxx Jx. I opened 1D (PRECISION WE OPEN LIGHT), he bid 1S and often 6-4 14 counts can jump in precision but obv not on this one with stiff K so I bid 2D. My point being I'm max. He bid 2H artificial GF I bid 3H. He bid 3S. So now not only am I max but my worst asset (stiff K) to begin with is now gold. Somehow I bid FOUR SPADES. That is obviously a horrible bid, I could have 1462 and a 10 count with no club stopper and easily bid the same way. Perhaps I made this error because I was thinking about the hand before which may or may not have been an error but it was certainly the losing call.

Then we have a normal game.

Now at this moment, in those circumstances, I chose to psyche. I think it is an absolutely stupid psyche to open Txxxx Jxx QJxx x. It has no lead value, and it accomplishes nothing (DW thinks its good to open to steal but in high level bridge when they have 27 HCP they will find their game even if you open in third seat). And apparently these psyches are risk free. Look how risk free it was. it went pass pass 1S 2D 3C. Already this could just be a disaster if it goes double, i have no where to run and we will go for a GIGANTIC number. But it goes 3S on my right, p 3N on my left. My partner bids 4H. Obviously he is 6-5 so at least we have a fit but again this is just going to be a HUGE number. They double us. How do you feel about your pointless risk free psyche now? Ok pointless is strong, obviously I did it and I hoped they had slam or something good happened like my partner could preempt in spades, it is not zero win but it is hugely minus EV IMO. Somehow my partner got out for 500, so we still lost imps. Also, you can easily imagine if 5D is the normal contract that it might go down sometimes, the opps are not always cold for game. But whatever.

Is it bad that I was playing badly and emotional? Yes. Anyone who has read anything I've read or certainly who knows me that I can have emotional control issues. I bet if you watch the video starting from not saving to not slam trying to the time I open 1S I look pretty tilted (I am not going to watch). But no, I do not open every 0-6 and yes I think that is ******ed, and no it is not free, and no I cannot produce counter evidence other than the fact that once again IF YOU PLAY THOUSANDS OF HANDS AGAINST TOP PLAYERS THEY WILL NOTICE IF YOU ALWAYS OPEN ON STUPID HANDS. Would I ever call the director for an opp opening a "just bridge" hand like KJTxx Qx xxx xx? No. Have I always opened on those hands? Yes. Is that part against the rules/should the rules change? I'll let this discussion solve that. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WHEN YOU SAY I OPEN ALL 0-6 HANDS or atakdog saying he strongly suspects I do.

How can you say with basically no statistically significant evidence, I mean we're talking about 1 hand right? That from the evidence you have seen I always do that.

I also overcalled 3C r/w against Roy and Sabine in the R8 of the spingold that we lost and they won with like 7 to the ten and a 3 count RED VS WHITE. That is definitely not my style and is ******ed. I dont remember how large the number was but it was realllllllllllly bad. Sometimes I make dumb aggressive bids that are out of style for me like opening 1S. It is AMAZING how that decision is working out for me lol.

I mean you don't have to believe me but please don't act like there is evidence that I open all 0-6 hands in third seat white. Greco and ****ing Hampson would not play on a team with me if I did that because that is so stupid and yes of course that is cheating so I don't want to hear any bull**** about that is an accusation of cheating or we wouldn't be smart enough to figure out that that is cheating.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 06:31 AM
Playing against real bridge teams they will bid their games when they have them if they have a bunch of points and they will double you and beat you a lot sometimes. And yes, sometimes your partner does have to guess whether to bid or not. That is why I would much rather psyche 1N on say xx xx Axx AQJxxx than on xx xx xxx QJxxxx. You have a good shot of stealing from them on the first because they might not have a lot of HCP and it can be tough.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 08:46 AM

(That's not even a sarcastic ok, in case it's not clear)

The evidence I've seen is the data in the BW thread, which in assuming isn't made up.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 09:37 AM
How else do I put this... I'm the seer and you're a peeked villager so please know that is more important than anything else I say hereafter, so if anything I say makes you feel like I'm accusing you of anything, remember that first, ok? If I'm wrong it's because I'm dumb, not because I'm malicious.

Given that the situation (3rd seat NV, holding a hand not suitable for opening even your normal aggressive style) very rarely occurs, when I saw the four count getting opened and K2.Q974.8752.Q52 getting opened (this one is a flat out psych IMO) and AQJ5.9763.T3.T74 getting opened (maybe 1S, for the lead?) and A982.65.KJ953.97 getting opened (I'd understand more if 1D were actually natural since it would actually get the lead director, which with Precision it doesn't, and I get that many other experts would open the hand so this is kind of a marginal example anyway, it's not a king or more below average strength) ... that seems like a sizable number of hands GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Certainly not definitive proof, but at the same time it appears that there are some pretty frequent (again, given that the situation should arise very infrequently) psyching tendencies going on (and it has to be psyching, because as discussed you can't have the agreement to open these hands even if you did think it was good bridge, which apparently it isn't so lol me). It's probably a good 30% of such subminimum hands that you've had over that time period where there's been an excuse found to bid? Sure it's only a few hands, but it's happening a lot for the situation, to the point where it seems to be at least creeping into implicit agreement-land.

It occurred to me just while typing this is that the reason I don't see a lot of 0-5 or 0-6 type hands in here being not opened is that it's really even that much harder for the situation to come up in the first place relative to having 7-8. Maybe that's a silly thing to just realize now, oh well.

And again, obviously, even if the accusation was literally true, which it isn't, Spain still exhibited crazy awful behavior, so, yeah.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 10:22 AM
Shouldn't it be real easy to invalidate this accusation simply by providing some hands that were passed in 3rd hand NV vs V?
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 10:46 AM
One would think, though, again, there's a limited sample size for doing so because you have to get to 3rd seat NV (I don't think "vs V" was part of the accusation), then you have to have a bad hand that also isn't worth a preempt, because opening a 12 count is not exactly a revelation obviously.

I believe a couple of such hands exist, so the blanket "never pass" is obviously not correct. It's really hard to know for sure (again, limited sample size) what percentage of sub-minimum hands actually do get opened. Right now it's clearly significantly higher than zero but less than 100. What's also not clear is what percentage of sub-minimum hands you're allowed to psych with (again, given that the situation arises) before it's not psyching any more and you have an agreement -- which, you can't legally have that agreement.

And it's complicated further by the fact that I know in my heart they'd never intentionally do such a thing, and seem to understand the rules.

Last edited by DWetzel; 09-13-2016 at 10:55 AM.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
The most interesting analysis is what kind of psychopath sits north?
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
One that understands quit a decent lot of bridge.
To be clear, I meant as opposed to sitting (a much more natural) south.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 02:22 PM
...and thanks for posting, Justin. Sorry you're going through this.
Bridge Quote
09-13-2016 , 06:16 PM
N dealer, IMPs. Where do you want to be (more specifically, how good is a spade slam) and how do you propose to get there?



Our auction and result:

Pass - 1C* (Precision)
2D (5+H, 8+ HCP, GF) - 2NT
3S - 5S (how do you like your hand and especially your trumps)

Made 6 on a club lead. Diamonds were 5-2, but the doubleton was in front of declarer, and the doubleton also had Ax of spades -- the play went club, diamond diamond diamond (ruffed and overruffed), heart to the ace, diamond ruffed with the ace and club pitched, followed by a merry crossruff. I believe the heart ruffing finesse also was on, if needed.
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 05:13 AM
Super gross to read about angleshooting from spain, hope we don't see more of it

Gl justin
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 03:23 PM
Solid auction DWetzel

I would be OK playing and missing this slam
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 03:30 PM
I thought it was a bit agricultural, but seemed to focus on what I needed (I held the strong hand).

It feels like slam is well over 50% and you'd want to be there, but those are the sorts of things I'm not great at calculating.
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 05:56 PM
I don't think you need precision to get there, just a moderately optimistic view. Playing 2/1:

P – 1D
1H – 1S
3S – 4NT
5D – 5H
5NT – 6S

Playing with one of my partners it would go:

1D (natural, always unbalanced) – 1H
1S – then as above, except with more confidence because of the additional information
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 06:06 PM
The next question is do you want to be in it percentage wise?
Bridge Quote
09-14-2016 , 06:42 PM
I think so. If they don't lead a trump you'll make it almost every time the diamonds are 4–3 (on crossruff lines) and some of the time when they're 5-2, as you saw. You'll also make it when the heart king drops singleton or doubleton on your right. If they lead ace and a trump then I think you'll have to rely on, roughly, the king of hearts dropping singleton or doubleton or the ruffing finesse working. (This obviously isn't a careful analysis and doesn't combine chances well, it's just to show that it's over 50%.)
Bridge Quote
09-17-2016 , 08:39 AM
NV All, Imps, Ops Open

(P) P (2D) 6S
... P out

*2D is weak, promising some values but less than *full open

J of diamonds is led



What is our plan?
Bridge Quote
09-17-2016 , 08:54 AM
Ruff, draw trumps, play ace and a club to set up two pitches of hearts on club winners, claim

No alternative line is sane IMO.
Bridge Quote
09-17-2016 , 11:56 AM
"Claim" is an alternative line that's sane
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09-17-2016 , 02:33 PM
In hindsight, my sobriety making said post may have been less than perfect:sly:
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09-17-2016 , 02:36 PM
lol monik
Bridge Quote
09-22-2016 , 01:07 PM
BTW Sorry for not responding to earlier good posts/questions, I played the mixed pairs in poland then flew to ft wayne indiana and I'm playing 3 sessions a day then I have to get to Naples next week lol. I see there is more stuff on bridgewinners too, it is a lot to keep up on but when I get home I will try to respond to everything. Also thanks to those who PMed me, sorry for no response.
Bridge Quote
09-22-2016 , 02:17 PM
You do you

You're certainly not obligated to reply -- though obviously it's welcome.

Frankly, having heard the Spanish side of things, I'm more on your side now
Bridge Quote
09-22-2016 , 02:22 PM
Would love to hear your thoughts on the scoring fiascos too
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