[MOD NOTE: Flavor write-ups will be in black text. Red, unflavored writeups will follow where appropriate.]
To: Executive Committee, Central Legislative Council
From: Director, Internal Harmony Enforcement
Date: September 29, 2008
Subject: Urgent Internal Threat to Stability of the State
Ladies and Gentleman:
I have grave news to report. IHE interrogators have just uncovered a massive plot to subvert the stability and order of the State. Immediate action is required.
Earlier today, we secured a confession from a recently-captured domestic terrorist. According to the subject, there is an advanced and growing conspiracy underway, which threatens the very fabric of our government. The terrorists' endgame is unknown, but the result could be the complete annihilation of our nation. The outlines of the plot are described below:
+ A number of subversives have been carefully infiltrating the higher organs of the State. It appears this has been going on for years. This will shock you, but we have strong evidence from newly-installed email and voice taps that several members of the Executive Committee are part of this cabal.
+ The existing subversives have been growing their power and infuence in several ways. For several years, they have been using blackmail, extortion, and even murder to advance the careers of their agents. Second, they have an extensive network of covert communication, which allows them to communicate without the monitoring of IHE agents. We are working to correct this as quickly as possible. Third, there is evidence that the subversives have been able to convert at least some existing Councillors to their cause. We do not know how this was accomplished, but we have installed closer monitoring programs for high politicians. We do not anticipate that the terrorists will be able to grow their numbers further without our knowledge.
+ The agenda of these terrorists is frighteningly unclear. Their origin was in an old-style political advocacy group known as the Democratic Action Party. When these organizations were outlawed by the Domestic Stability Law, the DAP went underground and appears to have undergone significant radicalization. Recent illegal pamphlets seized by IHE indicate a broad radical platform, including abolition of key state organs like IHE and the CLC, democratic elections, and constitutional reforms designed to cripple the State. We suspect that the DAP is just a spearhead for the foreign terrorists and nations that would benefit from the demise of our State.
Whatever their ultimate motives, the immediate goal of the subversives is clear. They have struck at the key power center in the State government. If they can seize control of the Executive Committee of the CLC, they can "legitimately" control the functions of the State. I pray that IHE would be able to prevent them from instituting the entirety of their insane program, but it must not come to that.
The terrorists need to achieve voting control of the Executive Committee (a simple majority) in order for their plan to be successful. In order to defend the State, you must eliminate every adherent of the DAP.
Fortunately, we have an ace in the hole. Several years ago, IHE had the foresight to insert several of its own agents into the Executive Committee. These operatives have been send activation notices, and they are currently preparing to gather intelligence to support the deliberations of the Executive Committee. I anticipate that each of these operatives, Messrs. Brown and Black, will be able to investigate one member of the Executive Committee per night and determine their allegiances.
Each day, the Executive Committee must expel and arrest one member. IHE will take some unofficial action when we find other evidence, but the bulk of the work must be done by the CLC.
A final word of warning: the terrorists will not give up their schemes easily. We have little understanding of the capabilities they will be able to mobilize against you. Take the greatest caution...some of those you believed to be friends and trusted allies are traitors.
Good hunting.
-Director, Internal Harmony Enforcement
Last edited by bobman0330; 09-29-2008 at 12:38 AM.
Reason: lol 3 seer names
1. This is a purely vanilla game. There will be 24 villagers, 7 wolves, and 2 seers. The seers will get one peek a night, starting on n0. Peeks will return full roles. ANY INDICATION IN WRITE-UPS THAT SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON SHOULD BE IGNORED.
2. Game days will run from approximately 8 AM to 10 PM.
3. No majority lynch d1, majority lynch on d2 and afterwards.
4. All role PMs will be posted. Do not discuss this game anywhere other than in this thread or in wolfchat.
5. Do not post at night or after death. Night will fall at 10:01 every night. Please do not post after this time, whether or not night has been called. If you sync your clock to any internet time server, you should be right on with forum time, so there is little excuse for late posts.
6. No unvoting OR VOTE SWITCHES at must-lynch.
7. Anyone who fails to post or vote during any game day without prior authorization from me will be either subbed out, if a sub can be found by the next day, or modkilled.
8. No lynch on Saturday.
9. Any questions should be PMed to me! Please do not post ANY QUESTIONS in thread. They will be ignored and they might influence the game.
10. Night chat begins now!
11. Manupod's post (and the titling of the thread) happened before roles were sent out, so it is meaningless. Still, no more nightposting, ace.
12. The players on the wolf team can chat with each other through any means, but only during game nights.
Last edited by bobman0330; 09-29-2008 at 12:48 AM.
You are a loyal member of the Central Legislative Council. You win by voting out all of the subversives.
Wolf PM:
You are a member of the Democratic Action Party. You win if your team is a majority of the living players. The members of the Democratic Action Party are:
Seer PM:
You are one of IHE's agents in the Council. You can investigate one other player each night, beginning tonight, to learn their role. You win by voting out all of the subversives.
The First Emergency Session of the Executive Committee of the Central Legislative Council is now OPEN. Our first and only item of business is to identify and expel the traitors in our midst. The floor is open for nominations and debate. The final roll call vote will be taken at 10:01 this evening.
Actually, I can't fully clear him. It's overexcitement which and I'm not sure how well he could contain it as a wolf vs villager.
Slight village points, carry on.
I'm sorry to inform the Committee that I will be unavailable for questioning today as I'm leaving to take care of urgent family matters. I will return tomorrow.
so apparently i'm a villager, which is cool i guess. i normally suck early in large games so i'll try not to post so much in order to keep signal:noise as good as possible