Welcome to the signup thread of a werewolf All-Seer game I will be running on the 19th.
Day will be
08:00-21:00 EST.
All villagers will receive this role PM:
Playername, you are a True Seer. Every night, starting night 0, you may choose a player to peek. You will learn the affiliation of that player. You are a Villager and win the game by eliminating all non-villagers.
Whether you are actually a true seer or turn out to be an insane, paranoid, random, naive seer or any freak combination thereof, that remains to be seen.
This game will run with any amount of players. Bring your headasplode.gif's and sign up below!
Signup closes on Saturday Oct 17th, to allow plenty of time for all players to submit Night 0 actions.