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4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread 4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread

05-07-2013 , 12:24 PM
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 12:58 PM
Sometimes I feel like I can either not post, or post and have my posts ridiculed. I've received some constructive critisism and I'm trying to take it in but it's hard to in the middle of a game. Also, some things are just my nature and so are hard (but possible) to change. That said, ridicule if you must.

After Sun was lynched and before Mets was nked I reread the thread from post 1 to ~post 900. (at which point I lost steam and stopped). Here are some things that I noticed:

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I've decided that well named isn't taking this game serious enough for my liking

Not enough WIM and too much banter.

Wolfy qualities for sure.
This seems quite villagery. I was feeling (and quoted below) the exact same way about WN, and I'm [also] a noob villa. Here's a similar post by me:

Originally Posted by remedys
well named my top wolf read aorn. A lot of fluff from him, and he doesn't seem to be helping the village much. Like, the Sun read is ok, but isn't it just a wolf making an easy read? Also, I don't like all the mind games he's playing. First he says he's a wolf, then seer, now he's going with "it's easier if you just take my word for it though." I mean, he's just making himself seem very muddy, which isn't helping the village imo. Maybe this is just his typical game though?
I find it pretty strange that Hoya actually liked something I wrote very early in the game. Also, currently Hoya is saying that my EOD1 is my only villagery trait. Clearly he's thought I had more villagery traits than just that:

Originally Posted by CPHoya
As a reward for making that post, I'm going to pretend I peeked remedys villager until late tomorrow, when I will unleash a STARTLING PEEK that will be my real peek.

Nice work, remedys.
Legend, Sun, and Hoya agreeing on a UAW read here kinda stood out to me as bad for UAW:

Originally Posted by legend42
Yes and I posted about it. Is he always that generic with the "this is what wolves do" stuff, disregarding the players involved?
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

he definitely came in on the no bueno side of things
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I don't know what he always does because he's kind of an infrequent player, but he's always UTRish. Bad entrance is bad, though.
Vix has had me as a wolf all game. Here's his first negative post about me:

Originally Posted by vixticator
Bolded is what I really don't like.
Here he's against me for sponging a read on VR. As a noob I trust all of your reads much more than my own, and so I am likely to sponge sometimes.

A very villagery Bhuber post:

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
You may have to click on the blue tab to see what posts he was quoting (legends post is #188) but I would like to expand on this point a little bit.

I find it kind of weird that it appears that I was UAWs first wolf lean, but then he switches his vote (seemingly randomly as legend has pointed out) to vixt whom I was voting for at the time.

Seems kind of random that you would vote for the person that your wolf lean is voting for (its not like vix was even in the thread at the time and they were joking back and forth).

Then vixt comes in later and says that UAW is his top villa lean? Wuttt?

Plausible scenarios in my mind:

[ ] UAW/vixt is w/w
[x] UAW/vixt is w/v and UAW wasnt paying much attention to what he was saying/posting at the time
[x] UAW/vixt/legend is w/v/w and legend was jumping on something that UAW did that was wolfy to earn some sweet villager points if UAW flips wolf later
[x] There all v/v/v and Im dumb and overthinking things
[x] any number of possibilities that I am not addressing

But yeah,


I think legend makes a good point here (perhaps someone with meta could clarify if it within is wolf range to beat on other wolves early on to gain cred).
This list seems quite accurate, maybe part of the reason J.D. was nked:

Originally Posted by J.D.
new revised JD villa list:

I wonder if this list is too accurate:

Originally Posted by Charry
my village team - if working together as one can own every lynch every day. Megazord the good ol' sick transformer represents my team. yaaaa buddy.

well named
VR had me as a wolf until today. As she said she was just rereading from the start of the thread today, I'm not sure why she changed her opinion of me. Here's an early VR post saying I seem wolfy:

Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
People that have called me a villager (ranked alphabetically):


People that have retracted for a crappy reason since I said that it seemed I was getting cleared too lightly ( mets):


So far I still like my vote. I'm going to reread from the beginning now, unless anyone has anything they'd particularly like me to answer right away. I'll keep refreshing in this window.
Not lookin too great Hoya, this actually looks villagery though. It also makes me think UAW may be a wolf:

Originally Posted by CPHoya
I pretty much think the 3 wolves are contained in this set:

{gtpitch, J.D., mets, sun, UAW, WN}

The list I'd actually expect to be successful would be

{gtpitch, J.D., sun, UAW}

Don't care if you don't like it.
Pretty much everyone has said that Pitch is a good bus candidate, except Mets:

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
He's not a great day 1 bus candidate for a wolf team

Warning: this paragraph may offend, feel free to skip: I wonder if Mets was on to something. Maybe Pitch is a great bus candidate for a strong wolf team, but Mets thought that the wolf team was weak or wouldn't want to bus him. Also, it struck me when Mets said if we lynch Sun we'll lose. I wonder if we're heading in the wrong direction and we need to take more stock of Mets' reads. He was right about Sun. Also, FYI I actually expected the Mets nk. Not so sure what that means though.

Bussing a typical bus candidate would make you lock clear, Hoya? And lol at you not voting him in the end and still claiming lock clear.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
I'm just gonna take up my LOCK CLEAR status now, in anticipation of pitch flipping deliciously furry again
That ends my reread. I focused on Bhuber a bit because yesterday I had him as maybe a wolf, but rereading him made me think he's more likely villa. I do think he looks worse on later days though (ie saying he'd WIM then not, etc). Regardless, I find him v now.

Hoya may well be a villa. I really want to vote him at least for today, for Sun's sake and for my own reads. If it seems important (ie close wagons, or maybe if Hoya isn't a wagon at eod) I may change my vote :/.

Brief feelings from yesterday:

Legend keeping up the good work yesterday.

WN doing ok.

UAW missing.

VR doing ~ok.

Charry not so good.

Bhuber ok.

Vix I'm pretty suspicious of.

I'm sure some people won't like these brief lists, but perhaps others will find it useful to see how I'm viewing them.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 12:59 PM
remedys: nice post
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 01:00 PM
Votes from post 1938 to post 2278
Night in 08:00:44

3 UAW710 well named (50), legend42 (88), bhuber2010 (30)
2 CPHoya remedys (21), VoraciousReader (27)
1 remedys CPHoya (62)
1 VoraciousReader Charry (28)
1 bhuber2010 vixticator (28)
1 not voting UAW710 (0)
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 01:04 PM
remedys: re: hoya I would say even though it can seem sort of hypocritical or self-serving or whatever for hoaya to say he's lock clear for voting pitch, it's not wolfy. Even if you know you might bus if you were a wolf you still feel good about voting for wolves when you're a villager.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:03 PM
just gonna say that voting me for "Sun's" sake is ridiculous, since (a) he was wrong, (b) you think he was wrong, and (c) he did nothing to earn anyone's respect or allegiance re: his "reads"
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:43 PM
Good, doesn't look like I've missed much so far today. I'm at my other job where I can't have my phone on me so I thought I'd come back to thread with a 100 posts to read. Phew.

Will be on later before eod.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:44 PM
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:00 PM
Votes from post 1938 to post 2283
Night in 06:00:55

2 UAW710 legend42 (88), bhuber2010 (30)
2 CPHoya remedys (21), VoraciousReader (27)
1 Charry well named (52)
1 remedys CPHoya (63)
1 VoraciousReader Charry (29)
1 bhuber2010 vixticator (28)
1 not voting UAW710 (0)
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:36 PM
I just cannot decide if remedys refuses to answer questions / engage in debates because that's his personality or because he's a wolf and doesn't want to. Pretty brazen to just be like "nah bro not gonna discuss **** even when put to me point blank."
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:36 PM
It started so early and just continues.

Originally Posted by remedys
Why do you care? Is it possible that I'm giving her a villa lean because she's a girl? yes. hopefully not though. it's hard to seperate emotions and biases from logic, yaknow?
Originally Posted by legend42
It has nothing to do with gender bias, just please answer.
Originally Posted by remedys
all this pressure is tough! it's easier to rail ww than it is to play . i'm gonna take a break but i'll answer your questions later (@legend and vr)
Early day 1, red my exact sentiments.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:42 PM
Hoya: It is my personality. Also, I'm much less likely to answer your questions than anyone else's :/.
How's this for a compromise: I'll answer 3 of your questions today, you choose which 3. That doesn't include follow up questions.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:43 PM
That was an example of you not answering one of legend's questions.

Question 1: Why did VR show up in your wolf list twice in the same post?
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:46 PM
Hoya: What post was that?
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:46 PM
Also I'm not sure what your problem with me is, I've given you constructive advice and tried to figure out how to clear you, and you refuse to engage and are butthurt that I'm giving you good advice. It's a weird response.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by remedys
Hoya: What post was that?
So apparently I misread it the first time, that's my bad. Thought you had VR in here twice in the same list.

Originally Posted by remedys
Hoya: I also noticed the similarity between Pitch and UAW being quiet all day then showing up near EOD.

My villas: Legend, WN, VR. WN and VR should at least get a pass today. Mets shouldn't be lynched today. I think I overreacted after last night. (yes, I'm a noob and a bit whimsical)
I'd be ok with lynching, in order from v-w, Charry, Sun, Hoya, Vix, UAW, Bhuber. Sun looked better to me after the tdome today. Legend thought Hoya should be cleared for a day or two and I put some weight in that. Hoya/Sun w/w would be sick. UAW some other people are saying is wolfy and I think that's possible, but I think Bhuber is wolfier.
I feel less WIM today.
Originally Posted by CPHoya
why does this keep happening

why is huber wolfier, quote posts
Originally Posted by remedys
Hoya: note my first post of d2 for reasons VR is a villa.
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Seriously, this? Go quote the posts that led you to this conclusion, explain the reads that were different but became similar. Show me you're not just talking about things that never happened.
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Also answer my question about huber and tell me why your lists keep having errors in them
Never said I wasn't an idiot.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:54 PM
My hobbies include rape, murder, arson, and rape
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:55 PM
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:56 PM
i didn't say anything about cannibalism
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:56 PM
Probably the WORST thing about food poisoning is the way that the remnants of your projectile vomiting wind up in your nostrils as well as your mouth, requiring you to blow stomach acid and food particles out of your nose.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:57 PM
It's close though, the sensation of your throat being on fire is also impressively awful.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:58 PM
yuck mcyuckerson

I think stomach illnesses are my least favorite thing
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 03:58 PM
Good ab workout though.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 04:00 PM
So anyway I'm re-reading as closely as I can and well named is not going to flip wolf, ever. This is not a peek but it's never happening. Lose to him at F3 and blame me if you have to.

I bring this up now in anticipation of this game getting hard at some point. It's a just-in-case.
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
05-07-2013 , 04:02 PM
I might flip wolf next game

you should be more careful
4/30 Criminal Minds Vanilla WW Slow Game Thread Quote
