Originally Posted by MarkoRaj
Seriously that's worrying giving both of you came under fire to begin with
The only people who have really wanted me dead are Banks because he thought the way I vote is sketchy, even though it was over an hour before the end of the day & I tried to have a conversation with him about it, & JP who was mad about Banks, & was constantly wanting me dead as soon as RollWave died.
Despite him trying to get me killed for like 3 days, I still told people he was probably a villa because I thought his MAD was real. Not sure what possible motivation I would have to do that as a wolf?
Every single person who played with me in my only other game is positive I'm a villager because I'm the exact same. If you think I can post like this as a wolf in my 2nd game ever, I should probably join the HOF (instead of retiring after this game like I should have after last one).
I didn't post much day 1 because I had promised not to let my other responsibilities fall by the wayside to play, & I had only in'd cuz it seemed like the polite thing to do. But I got sucked into actually trying to figure this out & have been increasing my post count/time wasted thinking about things ever since.
There's 0 reason for any villager to kill me, & probably no reason for any wolf to because I'm not very good at actually figuring out what makes people a wolf so there's no reason for them to be concerned about me either.