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3v3 Codenames 3v3 Codenames

05-23-2024 , 08:58 AM
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05-23-2024 , 08:58 AM
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05-23-2024 , 09:25 AM
I suppose we should go Bomb and Pistol too. If those aren't red we are done
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05-23-2024 , 10:31 AM
Works for me.

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05-23-2024 , 11:16 AM
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05-23-2024 , 11:39 AM
Not played codenames in ages, give me a PM when a slot opens up
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05-23-2024 , 01:07 PM
So injury was what, lawyer, ambulance, pitch, bomb, pistol?

Plant was bomb, fly, root, cell?

I feel like there could have been a terrorism clue here somewhere but Police ruined that. Maybe also Rome.

I think we either pass, or hope one of those five I just listed for injury, WASN'T for injury. And then it's mouth.

But they could win next round.

Mouth or rand anything we don't like as assassin or theirs?
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05-24-2024 , 07:07 AM
I think Mouth. I don't love it, but it seems like the only remaining word that makes sense for one of the first two clues (injury). Pitch could be either of those words imo. Bomb and mouth both need to be injury words imo
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05-24-2024 , 08:54 AM
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05-24-2024 , 09:05 AM
WTF no it isn't mouth.
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05-24-2024 , 09:13 AM
Plant was root/cell/fly/pitch. Pitch for pitcher plant was pretty week, but I had to get something out there. Our results here were understandable.

Zeroed the next turn with cop. Had to do it at some point. This board was awful with police as assassin and our words included cell/lawyer/pistol/bomb/ambulance. You guessed the next word on the list (park) as you should have and it was neutral. Still a tough board, but we're doing okay.

After that I have no idea what you were doing.

Round 3 I give a clue for 5 words when we have 6 remaining. Fly was next on the list and not only do you not guess it early (there's a case to be made that it should have been your first guess), but you made a list of 6 words that didn't include fly at all?

Now in round 4, we have 4 words left. Top 2 in the remaining list are good, but now I have to unnecessarily re-clue for fly instead of just an easy 1 clue. And so I do Finnair for an airline in an arctic location so that we get ice cream.

You went back to other clues, but didn't think about how the last clue 100% had to relate to our final word, so I don't have any earthly idea why you thought mouth related to Finnair.

Anyway, done ranting. GG all. Congrats blues on winning the war of attrition.
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05-24-2024 , 09:21 AM
So it was ice cream. Bob had it.
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05-24-2024 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Anyway, done ranting.
I guess I lied, because I just realized that mouth was the 3rd word on your previous list.

So I have no idea why this advice fell by the wayside:

Originally Posted by TBobLP
I'm worried about fly + list because finnair isn't the best word for a 1-clue to hit fly.
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05-24-2024 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Neil S
So it was ice cream. Bob had it.
I really thought we had it won when Bob suggested that.
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05-24-2024 , 09:59 AM
noise - 1
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05-24-2024 , 10:18 AM
I feel like EB conceded already?

Anyway, I guess that means it's sound & octopus?
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05-24-2024 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
I really thought we had it won when Bob suggested that.
Sorry I just did not see Finland -> cold -> ice cream, so I resisted.
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05-24-2024 , 11:15 AM
the bigger error was the turn earlier when ya'll took fly off the list after he did n-1 so it was the only word on the board that was 100% yours

without that mistake he just clues sundae - 1 or whatever to end the game here
3v3 Codenames Quote
05-24-2024 , 11:16 AM
yeah, if switch/link was our turn 1 then I clue Zelda or Mario

ocarina is a musical instrument; I never thought ya'll wouldn't instantly snap sound and link for it; and then you had it on your list still so I thought we'd make it up but never did
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05-27-2024 , 11:31 AM
Trying to play on mobile while camping with a bunch of hippies tripping on shrooms is apparently not very conducive to high quality codenames analysis lol. Sorry I didn't push harder for ice cream
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05-31-2024 , 07:31 PM
Neil v Zurvan
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06-03-2024 , 09:16 AM
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06-03-2024 , 09:22 AM
Scuba diver

If this is even, I'll be red
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06-03-2024 , 09:25 AM
Midsummer - 3
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06-04-2024 , 05:40 PM
Oh man, I don’t remember anything about the play. Theater, obv. Was puck a dwarf like creature? Did he play the flute?
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