Originally Posted by mr.capps
Pizza, if you want me to vote Stardust Crusades, tell me why that vote is better than the Turnip vote.
They might be equal in strength, due to:
Originally Posted by ChampionsMod
Votes from post 5 to post 1011
Night in 6:59:50
I can see how Turnip could be Iso's partner, if Iso flips wolf.
Look at the progression:
Originally Posted by ChampionsMod
Votes from post 5 to post 1066
Night in 5:59:56
NOTE: Dgz Confuse rei is voting for IsoSTARDUST but the vote counter didn't pick it up, he did revote and it counts now.
Note where Turnip is voting, and where Iso is voting.
Turnip also seems to be disinterested in voting for Iso.
This which I was about to post.
There is more in-thread evidence that Iso is a wolf and a higher degree of accuracy in my mind.
If Iso lynches and flips wolf, Turnip can go next.
If Turnip is lynched and flips wolf, Iso might look better than he should, and it can be very confusing for village.
The order of operations matter even if you are lynching two wolves- one wolf always gets away.
Get the wolf that is most likely to be a wolf first, so those doubts aren't festering after the less likely wolf dies and flips wolf.
I trust you guys to know what I mean about the confusion involved.
You guys are individually very intelligent, but we as a group barely function intelligently.
We have to move as a team.
If I'm the captain of team village for Day One, my play has been called.
We don't run a pass play, we run to get that one yard we need, with our running back who kicks so much ass, he'll get us five easily.
We don't drop the ball and miss out on first down.
Trust your pizzaman. Pizza delivers.