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10-09-2022 , 08:41 PM
Is it made (at least in part) of ceramic or glass?
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10-11-2022 , 01:15 AM
0. Thing
1. It is not bigger than a breadbox.
2. It is not alive.
3. It is not unique.
4. It does not emit a sound, emit light, nor is it notably odorous
5. It is not typically primarily composed of metal or wood.
6. It would be found in most American households.
7. It is not edible.
8. It is not most commonly found in the kitchen.
9. It either sometimes has writing on it or uses electricity in a way that's essential to its purpose.
10. It is likelier than not that filthy has one of these in his car or apartment.
11. If I saw a friend on the street holding one of these, it would be unusual enough that you would ask him about it.
12. Can buy one for under $50.
13. It would be appropriate to give as a gift in office secret Santa.
14. It is sometimes made (at least in part) of ceramic or glass.
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10-11-2022 , 07:42 PM
Would Home Depot be an obvious place to look for one of these?
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10-11-2022 , 08:57 PM
0. Thing
1. It is not bigger than a breadbox.
2. It is not alive.
3. It is not unique.
4. It does not emit a sound, emit light, nor is it notably odorous
5. It is not typically primarily composed of metal or wood.
6. It would be found in most American households.
7. It is not edible.
8. It is not most commonly found in the kitchen.
9. It either sometimes has writing on it or uses electricity in a way that's essential to its purpose.
10. It is likelier than not that filthy has one of these in his car or apartment.
11. If I saw a friend on the street holding one of these, it would be unusual enough that you would ask him about it.
12. Can buy one for under $50.
13. It would be appropriate to give as a gift in office secret Santa.
14. It is sometimes made (at least in part) of ceramic or glass.
15. Home Depot would not be an obvious place to look for one of these.
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10-11-2022 , 09:10 PM
Is it used for hygiene, or health care, or eating or cooking?
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10-11-2022 , 09:11 PM
yep, that about covers things you do in a house!
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10-12-2022 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Is it used for hygiene, or health care, or eating or cooking?
I think it's got to be Hygiene/Healthcare related, almost certainly found in a bathroom.

I was thinking of a hair-brush. It ticks all boxes other than the Writing/Electiricy one?
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10-12-2022 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveThreePair
I think it's got to be Hygiene/Healthcare related, almost certainly found in a bathroom.

I was thinking of a hair-brush. It ticks all boxes other than the Writing/Electiricy one?
Have you seen filthy videos? No way he owns a hair brush.
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10-12-2022 , 12:50 PM
I think there are more wooden hairbrushes than ceramic ones. Also, it would likely be seen as passive-aggressive for one to be given as a secret santa gift.
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10-12-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Is it used for hygiene, or health care, or eating or cooking?
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10-13-2022 , 01:42 AM
still can't think of a single item that fits tbh
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10-13-2022 , 01:42 AM
probably not eating or cooking since it would be found in the kitchen.
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10-13-2022 , 01:48 AM
Do you usually touch it every day?
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10-13-2022 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Do you usually touch it every day?
Most people would probably not touch it every day.
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10-14-2022 , 08:26 PM
Except for the filthy and Santa connections, a bathroom scale would fit. Maybe filthy has one. Oh. Considering his minimalist lifestyle, probably not.
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10-14-2022 , 08:35 PM
also home depot, and kind of a weird secret santa gift.
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10-14-2022 , 08:35 PM
still cannot think of a single thing that fits
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10-14-2022 , 08:41 PM
maybe a smoke detector?

edit: nm it emits a sound ldo
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10-14-2022 , 11:09 PM
0. Thing
1. It is not bigger than a breadbox.
2. It is not alive.
3. It is not unique.
4. It does not emit a sound, emit light, nor is it notably odorous
5. It is not typically primarily composed of metal or wood.
6. It would be found in most American households.
7. It is not edible.
8. It is not most commonly found in the kitchen.
9. It either sometimes has writing on it or uses electricity in a way that's essential to its purpose.
10. It is likelier than not that filthy has one of these in his car or apartment.
11. If I saw a friend on the street holding one of these, it would be unusual enough that you would ask him about it.
12. Can buy one for under $50.
13. It would be appropriate to give as a gift in office secret Santa.
14. It is sometimes made (at least in part) of ceramic or glass.
15. Home Depot would not be an obvious place to look for one of these.
16. It is used for hygiene, or health care, or eating or cooking.
17. You would not usually touch it every day.
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10-14-2022 , 11:33 PM
Would you expect to find one in a hotel room?

Standard 350 sqft 2 queens, no strip view.
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10-14-2022 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Would you expect to find one in a hotel room?

Standard 350 sqft 2 queens, no strip view.
You would not expect to find one in a hotel room*.

*Standard 350 sqft 2 queens, no strip view.
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10-15-2022 , 05:50 PM
Taylor Swift
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10-15-2022 , 10:43 PM
Does a thermometer fit? Maybe not the greatest secret santa gift, but I think it fits everything?
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10-15-2022 , 10:47 PM
filthy has one? if it's built into the thermostat, wouldn't a hotel have one as well?
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10-15-2022 , 10:51 PM
Thermostat is different to thermometer imo. As for filthy, I dunno...I thought that was a pretty bad question.
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