Originally Posted by well named
duckburg, talk to me
what is going on in this game. Multitabling is killing me
Drubell outted Silman as a
We're voting Silman.
There seems to have been three messages last night, I'll find them for you:
All have passed on a message, which they apparently received during the night.
Rollwave refuse to believe that Ducks message is true, and is pressuring him hard. In the mean time Duck wants to know more about Drubell's peek. Drubell refuses to give anymore information, and it seems that we need to leave it there. Rollwave can't see that he's doing the same thing, that he seems to despise in regard to Duck putting some pressure on Drubell.
During all this, people want to wagon loosekanen and without going too much into detail they're saying he was signalling (something about being a bad wolf - you should give your view on this since you're one of the last persons who claimed wolf on D1)
Originally Posted by RollWave
did you receive a message last night? if you can answer this yes/no question truthfully then i'll be happy to listen to any other true information you have.
I have no more information.
Please see above.