Originally Posted by bsball8806
would be cool if everyone calling me a wolf could explain whether they thought holdem's posts were wolfy or if they think mine are- and if the latter, please explain
"bsball is likely a wolf here" is not something i can respond to in a non-trolling fashion
I don't remember holdems posts
But someone said u were infected, your first response sounded jokey, which made sense since obv mod would mention if something happened to you and that's a classic thing ppl do to subs
But then u make 2 posts pretending you believe you are infected and need actual help (despite the fact that the joke that u were infected said there is no help to be had)
Just feels like someone who believes they are supposed to pretend to be naive bc they are worried if they don't it will seem tmi ish
But I don't think villa bsball ever makes posts that looks like he believes he's infected