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new market!?! new market!?!

11-25-2018 , 06:06 PM
hello all,

i do not follow poker legislation but i want to pose a question to the forum since im sure you guys ar more up to date:

what are the chances that a major market will open again in the next decade, for example a large eastern country legalizing online poker or even America?

new market!?! Quote
11-26-2018 , 02:36 AM
The US players are segregated and figure to get bigger inside pools in coming years. Bovada or so seems to have the whole American pool. Some wild sites but only a piece of the US players play there, and the rest of the world doesn't get to play at Bovada, so they are like 90% gone for most.

Europe has two pools, from most part; the Mediterranean and the international and about all of them are licensed and so limit the sites where people can play to popular sites and in most cases in practice to one or a couple big sites only. Depending on who can afford to buy the license.

Asia, China, and other most unfortunate places for legal reasons have some action at play money sites that are turned into real money play through an agent system. India is segregated and has its own sites. There are some professional gamblers in Eastern Asia but it is generally not legal. Through an agent, it is in practice possible to play at sites not allowed by legislation and that way we have connected to the Chinese markets also; another thing is how safe it is, as it is one of the wildest markets out there with no licenses either.

The south part of America will likely be licensed further at some point. Some part of the world can still play like anywhere. The Eastern Europe countries when part of the EU, play the international pool from the most part. The Russians are blocked by the banks, even by the wallets from the most part when it comes to gambling. Ukraine seems to be making poker a sport, though that has been tried in Russia also. Australia is segregated or worse. The regulation situation is constantly living but is pretty much set in stone as above by now.
new market!?! Quote
