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THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker

08-20-2011 , 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by sba9630
Facebook's spam program catches innocent users

The social network apologized and is changing its automated system

By Kevin Begos

updated 8/20/2011 2:00:30 PM ET

PITTSBURGH— Facebook has sent notes of apology and is changing automated systems that blocked environmental activists and other people from posting on like-minded Facebook pages.

THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 12:48 AM
Would anyone care to reply to an anti-poker post on Toomey's wall?
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 12:56 AM
If you all go to and click "sorted by popularity", you'll see that we have first place, second place, and third place!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
If you all go to and click "sorted by popularity", you'll see that we have first place, second place, and third place! you know if each person can vote only once?
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by Guest_1048
Exact same thing happened to me today. No notification from facebook or anything. Update if you hear back from them, please.
I didn't here back so I filed a bug report with screen shot here (you have to be logged in):

I got this response:


Thank you for submitting this bug report and taking time to help us improve the site. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to every bug report individually, but we are reading them.

Screen shots often help our team diagnose problems that users are seeing. If you did not send a screen shot with your report, please follow the directions listed here:

Once you have saved the screen shot, attach it in a response to this email. If your issue is unfamiliar to our team, we may contact you for more details. If we have identified and are troubleshooting your issue, we will not need to contact you for more details.

For more information about issues currently affecting the site, please visit the Facebook Known Issues Page at We appreciate your patience and feedback as we work to improve your Facebook experience.

The Facebook Team
I hate facebook.

I'll post if I hear any more from them.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
If you all go to and click "sorted by popularity", you'll see that we have first place, second place, and third place!
I can see this page, but I can't vote up any of the questions. I tried IE and Mozilla, I don't have anything else.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
I can see this page, but I can't vote up any of the questions. I tried IE and Mozilla, I don't have anything else.
Googles way of making you use chrome.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by sba9630
Nice find. Likely related to this.

FWIW, my comments stopped appearing right after I posted the same comment on both of Pat Toomey's pages.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Halstad
I can see this page, but I can't vote up any of the questions. I tried IE and Mozilla, I don't have anything else.
It doesn't give you a confirmation, but you'll see the vote total increase when you vote.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:43 PM
i was the 99th like on the toomey pro-poker post. one more for 100... gogogogoggogo!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 04:54 PM
We need just a couple more likes to get this to triple digits. Also, I made a new post on Sen. Toomey's wall:
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 05:20 PM
The action just hit 100 likes! Triple digits for five actions in a row. Well done all!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-21-2011 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
The action just hit 100 likes! Triple digits for five actions in a row. Well done all!
Very awesome! Just a few months ago, pro-poker posts on facebook were only getting 20-30 "likes."
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 01:39 AM
Monday, August 22, 2011

Will you take a few moments to stand up for poker? It will take you just ten seconds. Thank you for participating!
  1. If you didn't over the weekend, "like" Sen. Pat Toomey's main Facebook page HERE (you can unlike it when you're done) then
  2. Like the pro-poker post HERE (it's a different post from the weekend's more conservatively themed for a conservative lawmaker), then
  3. Vote YES HERE and HERE on pro-poker YouTube Town Hall questions.

If you wish to do more today:

Today's Action: Tell Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) to Push the Debt Super Committee to Include Online Poker Legislation

Simply click HERE to post your Facebook message asking Sen. Pat Toomey to protect our right to play online poker by supporting HR 2366 (please try to get the bill number correct in your posts)! Please "like" the other pro-poker posts there as well.

The last FIVE actions generated over 100 likes each. Let's all to our part to bump this action to triple digits as well!


Recurring action: Tell the Debt Super Committee to Include Online Poker Legislation

U.S. House and Senate leaders have appointed twelve members of Congress to serve on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. This “super committee" is charged with developing policies to reduce the U.S. deficit. This is a great opportunity for us to make our voices heard. Let's go to their Facebook pages and let them know that we want them to take action on the online poker issue!

The names with an “x” in front of them are those who do not allow direct posting on their Facebook wall. Simply post a comment in response to an appropriate post (i.e., one suitable for a pro-poker comment) already on the page. PLEASE remember to say please and thank you. Courtesy goes a long way.

Let's all also remember to revisit these walls to like the pro-poker posts and comments made since your last visit. Thanks!

Here's the Super Committee:


Dave Camp: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact
x Jeb Hensarling: Facebook Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Fred Upton: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact

x Rob Portman: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact (site set to censor the word "poker")
x Jon Kyl: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (actively deletes pro-poker posts) Contact
Patrick Toomey: Facebook Facebook (second site was actively deleting pro-poker posts, but now appears to be allowing them to stay) Twitter Contact


x James Clyburn: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (first site set to censor the word "poker") Facebook (second site permits direct posting) Twitter Contact
x Xavier Becerra: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Chris Van Hollen: Facebook Twitter Contact

x Patty Murray: Facebook Twitter Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (the post for us to use to post comments is a few weeks old...might be better to use Twitter here)
x Max Baucus: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (it's not Rep. Spencer Bachus, so please don't blast him! ) (site set to censor the word "poker")
John Kerry: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 02:14 AM

If we could Id like to get everyone to add a thank you and a smiley face at the end of their message. When it comes to online messages and believe me I know quite bit about that (15k post ) it can go a long way to make a friend.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 12:47 PM
We're closing in on a sixth day of triple-digit participation! We need just 26 more "likes" for to get there.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 05:40 PM
We need just four more likes to get this to 100.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 07:15 PM
We hit 100 likes again!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 07:18 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 07:33 PM
Many players have great hope for the Super Committee. Have the rules for the Super Committee been decided yet? Simple majority before recommendation to house and senate? Majority of 6 house members and majority of 6 Senators needed? Something else?
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 07:41 PM
The final rules have not yet been set.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 08:58 PM
Tomorrow's action will be to return to Sen. Kerry's wall. A 2+2er from Mass. made a good post. As he's a constituent, I think it's a good one to bring attention to:
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 09:06 PM
TE, do you plan on having "action days" for all 12 members of the super committee or are we just focusing on certain key members
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by novahunterpa
TE, do you plan on having "action days" for all 12 members of the super committee or are we just focusing on certain key members
Yes, we'll get all twelve in.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-22-2011 , 10:11 PM
Let's send Sen. Kerry a prefilled Twitter message HERE.

The message: @JohnKerry PLZ ask the debt super cmte to support HR 2366, Rep. Barton's (R-TX) online #poker bill
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
