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Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill?

05-22-2024 , 09:55 AM
It seems luck has a huge impact on the game.
I watched Mr. Beast played at HCL and he won 6 legit, that guy is obviously not skilled.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
05-22-2024 , 10:27 AM
Short term is mostly luck, long term is mostly skill. Even the best players have relatively regular losing “streaks” if you look at samples of one session, or one week, or a hundred hours etc. The unskilled players will eventually lose if they keep playing, nobody gets lucky forever
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
05-22-2024 , 10:42 AM
OP Please define 'poker' in the way it is used in the title. 1 hand? 1 lifetime? Any game in particular? Even VIDEO poker is more than 20% skill.....
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
05-22-2024 , 12:12 PM
Probably the other way around. 80% skill, 20% luck.

Beating the other players in the long run is easy.

Beating the house, which rakes the pot is challenging.

A good rakeback deal is everything.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
05-22-2024 , 02:35 PM
ANY pot you win is luck. Even if you are up against a complete whale who just called a jam with 72o vs your AA, winning that pot involves luck. There are flops you have to avoid to win - hence you need some luck. There’s no skill you can have that makes a K77 flop not appear.

There are varying degrees of luck, however. AA in my example has to get muck less lucky to win than 72o does. Putting yourself more often in spots where less luck is needed is skill. Also, winning pots is not the goal; winning money is. Another skill in poker is making sure that you are more often building big pots when you need less luck and playing smaller pots when you need more luck.

So yes, if you play a few hands, or even a few hours you likely will come away with the impression that it’s mostly luck. However if you play a large number of hands, you’ll soon realize the high level of skill that comes into play.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
05-22-2024 , 04:27 PM
It's 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure and 50% pain
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
06-15-2024 , 07:16 AM
You can't ascribe any meaningful numbers to either of the two, because it's not possible to accurately quantity, nor does the question's answer serve any useful purpose. Suppose we pick a game like NLHE and say it's true that it's 70% skill and 30% luck. What does that mean in practice? What is it supposed to mean?
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
06-15-2024 , 11:44 AM
There is no such thing as luck. Luck is a word people use when something statistically unlikely happens ... but the idea that one can be "lucky" is nonsense.

Poker is absolutely a skill game. Skill alone is what separates long term winners from long term losers (unless the loser scores a big mtt or something and then never plays again). Combined with the fact that it's 100% possible to be a long term winner, bad players win big pots or cash mtts often enough to delude themselves into believing they can win too.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
06-15-2024 , 03:43 PM
How about paraphrasing Ben Graham: In the short run poker is a game of chance; in the long run it is a game of skill.

("In the long run, we are all dead." -- John Maynard Keynes)
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
Today , 01:36 AM
I'm gonna say that is a pretty good approximation on a session basis: result is ~ 80% luck, 20% skill.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
Today , 02:02 AM
no, and even if it was the key is not to go broke on that 80%. If there's only 20% skill in the game then most players are working with 1% of that so there's still a nice edge to be had.
Is it right to say Poker is 80% luck, 20% skill? Quote
