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Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life

05-26-2024 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by WiredAces
I've played poker for a living for years. I took a break during Covid because the games stopped, but I started up again about two years ago. I started my career playing 1/2 and eventually moved up to 3/5. I've been pretty consistent, winning most months. I've never had two consecutive months in the negative until this event.

But recently I have been getting dragged through the mud. It's been four months now of an absolutely awful downswing. I have been two, three, and four outed more often than I can remember. I've had KK run into AA several times and lost every one. I've had AA run into KK several times, and I've lost every one of those also. In fact, I have literally lost EVERY single pot that I've been in that was $1000 or more. In most of those pots I got the money in good. The exceptions are the KK vs AA hands and one AK suited hand that ran into KK. I've been 70%, 80% and even 90% to win with all the money in the middle and I just lose every time.

I'm not playing perfectly of course, but I'm playing very well. I've made some big lay downs correctly. Like having the nut straight and folding it to a flush. Or folding QQ to the Old Man Coffee who overbet four bet jammed $500 into a $70 pot and he shows aces after I fold. But over and over and over, for four months now, I get the money in as a big favorite only to watch the pot get shipped to someone else. Just today, I got it all in with KK vs 89 on a 2 5 9 board. Of course he hit an 8 on the river. Then again, all in with QQ on a 10 high rainbow flop versus AQ. Of course he hit the A on the river.

I'm really at my wits end and I don't know what to do about it. Or if I even can do anything about it. This downswing is insane. What the hell am I supposed to do? I keep playing expecting this streak to break eventually, but it won't. I just get more and more frustrated. The only good thing is that I picked up another source of income during Covid, so poker is not the only way I pay my bills. But still, I'd like to get back to winning most months.

I won a seat to the main list year via satellite. Was down to 1.7bb and went on a sun run of all sun runs. Knocked out 38 people to win.... it was the biggest jinx of my poker life. Ever since then I get it in well ahead only to be floored by 3,2,1 outers constantly. The run up to the main was painful but the main was a tough one. Ran my stack up to 156k heading to the last break of the night. Get AA cracked right before last break with a guy shoving 38k with 22. His a 2 on the turn. Go to break come back to AA getting cracked by 97o. Flopped a 9 on a 935 rainbow. Guy jams and I literally think to fold for a sec before I call. Hits a 7 on the river. Bagged 27k to get knocked out on day the second hand of day 2 with AK vs AQ. Flopped a A only to be rivered by Q.... then the real downswing began. I get the worst run out of cards I've ever had. Just yesterday I make a huge hero call with a set of 6s vs a set of 4s on the money bubble only to hit the case 4 on the river. I wonder will it end at this point. I feel your pain.
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
06-09-2024 , 01:45 AM
I know the feeling, but I think it's just PokerBROS.

But I play in these 1-3 and 2-5 live games where 5 or 6 are terrible players. There's little risk of me going broke unless I feel like gambling or just get coolered (which seems you have several times). Instead of raking in 4-600 every few sessions but having a losing session in between I just small ball it and win 8 or 9 out of 10 sessions to the tune of 100-300.

I know some of the plays would not be considered "optimal" and I'd play differently against tougher players but there's zero reason to gamble with those people. Just take a couple weeks off, exercise, and come back thinking fresher about your strategy.
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
06-09-2024 , 02:29 PM
I’m pretty convinced the guys that are still poker pros have simply never hit the extended downswing yet that everyone will experience if you play enough poker. Those guys might think now they’re that much better than everyone else, but the torrid downswing that ends the dream for them will hit them too at some point.

I deal with this reality by reinforcing to myself no matter how good or bad my poker career goes I will NEVER TURN PRO.

Also, who the f wants to look like guys like dwan or haxton in their late 30s?? Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
06-09-2024 , 02:51 PM
I've thought about that a lot too. I watched an interview with Joe Mcheehen (sp?) Recently and he said something I'm sure a lot don't get.

A lot of those that became successful just were lucky not to experience any major downswing near the beginning of their career. They hit a couple big tournaments, or got a few magical cards in the right moments in huge cash game pots that put them in the right position to succeed.

I do find it doubtful if someone has played for 15-20 years they've never experienced a big downswing though.
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
06-11-2024 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by MartimC
3 months , 25hh per hour , 8 hours a day

18k hands , you can have 500k hands downswings , you're not a professional
In a good live game your win rate should be insane, so I don't see how a 500k downswing is possible (unless you just suck)
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
06-13-2024 , 01:16 AM
In a live game you belong in, that should never happen. Unless you're just on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from the luckiest gamblers in the world. 500k hands of live poker is closing in on a lifetime probably (no I didn't do the math, that's why I said probably)
Professional Player on Worst Downswing of My Life Quote
