Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
No. Attachment can only take place before the final floor votes in the House and Senate.
Indeed. The lame duck sweat is officially over.
The attachment sweat, however, is not entirely over. Although not probable, I do take Reid at his word when he said he had not given up and that there "may be opportunities" in the early part of the new Congressional session.
These "opportunities" are essentially now limited, however, to bills designed to avert the next fiscal scare, the debt limit. Congress will once again have to act on something or the US will not be able to borrow funds to meet all its financial obligations. This is expected to come to be sometime in February.
That round of bargaining may produce another "must-pass" bill and MAYBE Reid can get his poker/UIGEA2 legislation attached. It is clearly going to be a much harder task without Kyl to help, but it is not impossible.
If we get past that without a Reid bill, the hope of Federal Internet poker legislation will not be gone, but there will certainly be nothing to sweat. I expect to see legislation introduced, at least another House bill, but I also expect such legislation to be approached in the same procedural manner as before: no hurry, lots of committee hearings, maybe a floor vote before 2015.
SO .... start following (and hopefully soon sweating) your state legislatures instead. At this point Christie and NJ may mean more for the future of online poker than anything Federal.