Originally Posted by elfontanez
Will the Netherlands be subject to the new VAT taxes going live in Europe Jan 1?
The change on European VAT is that instead of the VAT rules applying as they are where the site is based the VAT will apply based upon the player's location.
This means VAT for Germany and France but NOT the UK.
Somewhere buried in Holland's tax code is whether gambling is non VAT but I can't be 100% certain...but I think the 29% gambling levy is instead of the 21% VAT.
Also when Stars announced that they would be charging for rebuys and add ons for some countries due to tax Holland was not highlighted as one where they would charge...Germany, UK*, Belgium, Bulgaria and Denmark were listed
* UK outrageously as VAT on the pool will not be charged the UK tax is just on the net charge after VIP not a charge on the prize pool as with the VAT.