This is the same as in politics where it's not just registered voters, but those most likely to in fact vote, who are the most sought after.
Well you're getting closer.
The most sought after are the ones capable of registering new voters and getting them and the already registered to the right polls on time ready to vote your way.
This movement really is at the crutical "tipping point."
We either move forward and take a shot at winning or all dig in for the long hard slow fight.
Quite likely this is why this issue has been pushed to the forefront RIGHT now.
The PPA is NOT strong enought to stand on it own, nor really ready to "spring" into action.
2+2 and 2+2er's have done a good deal of the heavy lifting in the name of the PPA or not. To date the PPA for the most part gets all the credit.
But the PPA is excedingly weak now. As a Grassroots organization "we" have an expensive e-mail list of 800k names, a weak structure, over 2 years of time and something north of 4 million spent to date; and are still a fledgeling "infant" organization with less than 1/30 of the community and less than 10% active membership participation.
In political terms of where we need to be we have a decent outline and a lot of hope.
As I've said in the past this in no way takes away from the very hard work that has been done and the great progress that has been accomplished recently. We really do good PR!
The PPA is currently hamstrung for money. It is a sad fact of building your numbers from the least committed.
So we die an infant death and one of great promise but get strangled from our history and todling misteps, or we get back up and get ready to just train for the apporaching marathon.
As all things in reality it is up to "we" the members of the larger community and each of the smaller "communities" to decide if we have the heart for this fight.