A few facts that I hope will help make sense of the OP's report:
1) Unless under subpoena, under other formal legal process, or subject to some form of mandatory reporting law (as with doctors and suspected child abuse) you are never obligated to speak with a law enforcement officer. You can politely refuse to say anything and the officer must accept that (though he or she may then seek that formal legal process).
2) If you do start talking, be sure everything you say is 100% true to the best of your knowledge and belief. Lying to a Federal agent is a serious crime and most states also have statutes making it a crime to lie to their agents too.
3) As regards the situation, I am not going to offer my opinion but I am going to remind you of something: statements from players confirming that certain checks, wires, or other money transfers were from a poker site have been used in multiple warrants to seize money from payment processors. The most recent report of this can be found in the recent Forbes article on DOJ activities in WA state:
http://blogs.forbes.com/nathanvardi/...in-washington/ - specifically noted in that article is the fact that "Those bank accounts were used to issue checks that represented proceeds from online poker play at Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker,
according to online poker players in the state of Washington who received them and spoke to government investigators, the court documents say."
4) To my knowledge, none of the poker players making those statements have been charged with any kind of criminal offense ... so far.