I didn't miss the allegation of racism, homophobic, etc. Frankly, that smear is so often conflated w/ someone who holds conservative/Christian or just contrarian beliefs it's lost a lot of it's meaning.
In fairness to Wookie, since he brought it up, I think it's also fair to see specific examples of each (racism, sexism, homophobia) posted here, especially since it seems to factor into his decision to perma-ban.
Something he should also consider, which was brought up in Limon's ban is whether a ban should be sitewide just b/c one mod can't stomach a particular user in the forum they control. Why not just ban him there?
And I get that this is a place of business, this isn't a constitutional issue about free speech, yada, yada ... but at 1 time this site was certainly more tolerant than it's become.
Since RM+ can't defend himself, I'll quote him from the archives:
Mr. Sklansky has made this forum a bastion of free speech...
And you don't like it.
There can be a fine line between being a mod...
And being an ** angry stalker **.