Originally Posted by tarheeljks
did you try pm-ing an oot mod, or did you just rush to atf b/c "zomg how could my thread be locked? all my ideas are great what an injustice"
i actually waited a little over 10 hours to post this. i made my post last night, and checked it this morning.
curious about the accountability thing more than anything else.
no Kerow it didn't suck. it's pretty cool actually.
as an example, you can zero in on Mt Everest from any angle you like and any distance and the resolution is very good. you can get an almost exact elevation of any point on earth.
in fact the resolution is so good i was able to zero in on a single surfer on his surf board off the hawaiian islands.
also it's fun to fly on over to Monte Carlo in the Mediteranean and get a 45 deg shot of the area as opposed to just an overhead.
cool as all hell.
Last edited by Arnold_O; 01-19-2008 at 10:10 PM.