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What would you change on 2+2? What would you change on 2+2?

11-11-2021 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Andrii Plakhotnyi
The time of 2+2 rebranding has not come yet. The logo was a temporary workaround since 2+2's Twitter hadn't any logo at that time, and Twitter is not our priority at this moment.
andrii, you're missing the point entirely here

it's a 1 minute fix

currently, one of the most prominent avenues you have towards gaining new users is prominently advertising a non existent url

this isn't about priorities in the slightest, it's about you could have changed it in less time than it took to respond here explaining why it wasn't a priority

we're all on the same team here and it's really troubling seeing things like this - 2p2 already has a splinter community to begin with where the poltics posters migrated to and i'd hate to see that happen with the rest of the site
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11-15-2021 , 09:09 PM
Alobar has no business being a moderator, hes a horrible human being

The guy has been tormenting me for almost a decade

He has nothing better to do than to put up an avatar on my profile all day

I take it down and he puts it right back up

What kind of person would devote his life to putting up an avatar of a stranger online?
What would you change on 2+2? Quote
11-16-2021 , 03:19 PM
We got us a Sisyphus over here.
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11-20-2021 , 07:16 AM
Have we got a confirmation of whether the existing moderators will continue? I'd just like to reiterate that Bobo needs to continue in his role as underboss to admin.
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11-20-2021 , 03:52 PM
yeah bobo can be a bit of a dick but he's at least straight laced and measured like all dicks should be
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11-20-2021 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
yeah bobo can be a bit of a dick but he's at least straight laced and measured like all dicks should be

legit lol
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11-20-2021 , 07:15 PM
He uses a metric measurement.
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11-21-2021 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Have we got a confirmation of whether the existing moderators will continue? I'd just like to reiterate that Bobo needs to continue in his role as underboss to admin.
That's very kind of you, bundy. That wasn't ever really my role, but I won't quibble with your description. AFAIK, the new owners have never suggested they'd be making any big moderator changes, aside from some open questions they posed as to whether any policies should change. So no moderator changes in the works that I know of. But I've been slowly stepping back, and have actually removed myself as moderator from all the forums where I was. I still have supermod/admin abilities so can theoretically mod anywhere and will occasionally clean up obvious stuff. Just reprioritizing life a bit and spending less time here; one day I may cut myself off completely, but after 15+ years I have to admit to being a little addicted to this place.

Originally Posted by rickroll
yeah bobo can be a bit of a dick but he's at least straight laced and measured like all dicks should be
Hahaha, that's awesome.

While I suspect we might disagree a bit on how often I'm a dick, I won't deny that I can be one sometimes, so I'll just accept this description with a tip of my hat. Well played.

Originally Posted by Videopro
He uses a metric measurement.
And in millimetres to try and make things more impressive, eh.
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11-21-2021 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I still have supermod abilities

Yes you do.

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11-21-2021 , 03:13 PM
I would change the title of those functions to "superrocker abilities"
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11-21-2021 , 03:17 PM
A guy went to see a new doctor for erectile problems.

The doctor said do not worry you have a medium sized dick when compared to my other patients.

The guy said thank goodness.

Then the doctor told him we was actually a pediatrician.
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11-21-2021 , 03:27 PM
What would you change on 2+2? Quote
12-14-2021 , 11:48 AM
This is to the administrator: how is it that the present mod on RGT has advised to shut the forum down and has stated that you agree with this ? To what end ?

This appears to be a personal matter on his part as an atheist calling for the elimination of spirituality as a parting shot. There are a number of forums that have low traffic but no calls to eliminate as I would suggest that having a full service site is to your advantage.

As historical basis RGT was split from science math and philosophy due to the screams of anti religious members and now they have a science forum that is a barren wasteland.

People will post and go to this or any site where restrictions are lessened and not left up to the whims of prejudiced monitors.

RGT without a mod is totally viable or at the very least advertise for another.

Respectfully, Carlo
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12-14-2021 , 11:55 AM
For the optics......bring back Small Stakes.
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12-14-2021 , 03:09 PM
+1 to carlo

Just re: keeping it open, I can't speak to any motivations.
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12-16-2021 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
+1 to carlo

Just re: keeping it open, I can't speak to any motivations.
Neither RGT nor SMP have much traffic these days.

Merging the two seems like a peachy idea to me.

My understanding is that RGT was originally birthed as a SMP spinoff.

Almost every Philosophy Department has a "Philosophy of Religion" class, so merging RGT and SMP seems to make sense.
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12-17-2021 , 12:19 PM
Moderators : 5 (of RGT)

Zeno, Mat Sklansky, Jibninjas, Original Position, DodgerIrish

A popular forum to moderate. Power to them!

Problem is God and science are just about as far from each other as I can fathom.

a theist or atheist, that's the question

Last edited by plaaynde; 12-17-2021 at 12:30 PM.
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12-17-2021 , 02:09 PM
Based on all your feedback, I've decided to leave the forum open
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12-17-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Based on all your feedback, I've decided to leave the forum open
so gregorio forgot to log into his alt account to make this post

which means gregorio bought the forum

it's now all starting to make sense
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12-17-2021 , 04:44 PM
Think I will log into the RGT now to check if there is some more.

Thanks gregorio for your kindness btw, will remember this forever, maybe literally!

Update: now I have visited The Forum. Farewell, until next time!

Last edited by plaaynde; 12-17-2021 at 05:13 PM.
What would you change on 2+2? Quote
01-08-2022 , 09:58 PM
Can we reduce the 15s wait between searches? I can't imagine that's too high a load on your servers, and I come up against that limit often when searching, since often I have to modify my query to find the post I want. And I imagine that bots aren't using the search functionality very much.
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01-08-2022 , 11:19 PM
Making the search feature usable would also be a big plus.
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01-08-2022 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Can we reduce the 15s wait between searches? I can't imagine that's too high a load on your servers, and I come up against that limit often when searching, since often I have to modify my query to find the post I want. And I imagine that bots aren't using the search functionality very much.
Thanks for this suggestion. The issue has been fixed and now the delay is 3s.
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01-09-2022 , 12:55 AM

That was one I nodded along to.
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01-11-2022 , 04:46 PM
search has always been iffy but i think you may have broken something in it with recent change

there's a lot of stuff that when searching for a post in a thread by a specific user it finds nothing but sometimes even gives this result

index post,postdelta: query is non-computable (single NOT operator)
for example if I search entire forum for posts by "rickroll" for the term "antonio" i find nothing, but if go to this specific thread then within there search same thing only just that thread it finds several posts where i commented on the soccer player antonio

ie the global search is broken, but even sometimes you can't even get it to work when isolating to a specific thread

i'm talking about posts that i know 100% exist because i've found them manually but you can't find otherwise through search - tried to replicate in this thread just now but it worked
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