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Register main page load long time main page load long time

11-30-2022 , 09:43 AM

Just wanted to mention it takes a very long time to load the page,
I have noticed this over the last week or so. Not a problem for other pages that I can see. Has something changed, anyone else have the same problem? main page load long time Quote
11-30-2022 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB

Just wanted to mention it takes a very long time to load the page,
I have noticed this over the last week or so. Not a problem for other pages that I can see. Has something changed, anyone else have the same problem?
Does that page even exist? Why do you want to see it? main page load long time Quote
12-01-2022 , 03:07 AM
Same here

I demand someone get fired main page load long time Quote
12-01-2022 , 07:52 AM
Yea ok, I updated my link direct to the forum, speedy now. main page load long time Quote
08-03-2024 , 01:28 PM
So this has been going on for years and years, and I've always just worked around it, but I just have to know the reason for this: If I just put in into a browser, it takes at least 30 seconds to load, and sometimes much longer or never loads at all. I don't remember exactly when it first started happening, must be at least five years. However, if I just google twoplustwo nvg or any other forum and go there it loads immediately. Same thing for any link to a specific thread. But the main site just does not load properly. It doesn't matter what computer I use or where I am in the country. And it happens every single time; there's never a time where it just quickly loads.

So what gives? How is this possible? Why do you allow this to happen? main page load long time Quote
10-03-2024 , 11:44 AM
lol, been having this issue for years, finally decided to google the topic, found this thread and the link to it opened instantly. Haha I had 0 idea skipping going to the homepage first 'solves' the problem. Odd this hasn't been fixed yet though. main page load long time Quote
