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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

06-19-2017 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
That seems a bit extreme. I would rather you just admit that your obsessive complaint campaign about forum moderation is completely insincere.
On the contrary, it is extremely sincere. See below quote. But of course you wouldn't agree and nothing I say would convince you.

Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Well, there's a principle at stake here. That principle is that echo-chambers are abhorrent and even dangerous in today's political climate.

Principles are worth fighting for, I believe. But you are right, I probably am wasting my time.
06-19-2017 , 10:12 PM
So you don't care about the views, only that everyone shares them. **** off troll.
06-19-2017 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
On the contrary, it is extremely sincere. See below quote. But of course you wouldn't agree and nothing I say would convince you.
Oh yeah, I totes believe that you sincerely decided the far off-topic sub-forum of a website about a card game was the place to make that noble stand, in the context of a country you don't even live in. Story checks out.
06-19-2017 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Oh yeah, I totes believe that you sincerely decided the far off-topic sub-forum of a website about a card game was the place to make that noble stand, in the context of a country you don't even live in. Story checks out.
Well, at this point I honestly don't give a **** if you believe me or not.

Scuttle off back to your echo-chamber. I'm sure you will find lots of people to agree with over there.
06-19-2017 , 10:39 PM
there's something interesting about this particular thread, to me. it hasn't been moderated outside of one spam post being deleted. every other deletion was the user, themselves. 5 to be exact.

there have been plenty of insults, but i'm pretty sure not a single post has been reported.
06-19-2017 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
there have been plenty of insults, but i'm pretty sure not a single post has been reported.
That's false. One poster laughably reported one of Wookie's posts, claiming Wookie was violating a Politics forum rule in ATF, and asked for Wookie to be demodded.

I will leave it up to the audience to figure out who that poster is.
06-19-2017 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
That's false. One poster laughably reported one of Wookie's posts, claiming Wookie was violating a Politics forum rule in ATF, and asked for Wookie to be demodded.

I will leave it up to the audience to figure out who that poster is.
Heh that's pretty good inside info. I love me some narks when it benefits me. If you nark on me I don't like it.
06-19-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
That's false. One poster laughably reported one of Wookie's posts, claiming Wookie was violating a Politics forum rule in ATF, and asked for Wookie to be demodded.

I will leave it up to the audience to figure out who that poster is.
It wasn't me.
06-19-2017 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
Many on the left would lump them together, because as you say, they know how to cloak it, and also at the very least the well-intentioned ones are sort of enablers of the allegedly racist agenda of, say, Donald Trump.
Trump wouldn't let AA rent his apartments, said a Mexican American judge could not fairly judge him. Not to mention all the other things people are saying he has said. He is a racist.
06-20-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Sure, I would say that just about every liberal should concede that conservatives want "a better world" to come from their policies. The question is, a better world for whom? Because conservatives are pretty insistent that their answer to the second question is not "everyone."
You're not even giving us credit for wanting a better world, world meaning everyone.

This is what we are up against, and the man has a banhammer at his disposal.

He can't even discuss this from a point of view of trusting the best of intentions on all sides. I'm willing to meet him. Here is the halfway point. Where is Wookie?
06-20-2017 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
LOL. These leftists all making accusations against me with no proof and then having the sheer audacity to tell me to prove my innocence.

****ing incredible.
Over in POG I said, and I quote, there is no evidence of Trump being guilty of obstruction, and then the resident troll over there, as well as the troll who masquerades as a moderator--both of them accused me of saying there was evidence of Trump's NOT being guilty, even though my quote was still intact for all to see. And just to show you how dysfunctional that cesspool of a thread is, no one called either of them out on it.

But that's what those who aren't so keen on individual liberties think, that you are guilty until proven innocent.

Last edited by Zorkman; 06-20-2017 at 01:01 AM. Reason: the troll even said (challengingly) "Where's the evidence that there's no evidence?" I kid you not!
06-20-2017 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Let's step back here a bit.

Why would we even care to make such a distinction?
Why is this even an issue?

Of course it's 'hard'... in fact it's flippin' impossible short of the Vulcan Mind-Weld, or whatev. We can never really tell what's in someone's "secret inner heart"... now can we? Why again do we even care ??
Exactly, but moderators here are taking a short cut and saying well, meh since we can't do the Vulcan Mind Meld, let's just soft-ban those who disagree with us politically.

I'd rather just do it your way.
06-20-2017 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
wookie, you still haven't answered my request for evidence of my racism.
You support Donald Trump, don't you?

(I kid, I kid. But for some your answer would be dispositive.)
06-20-2017 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Ah, fatkid turns up right on cue. Another massive troll from the cess-pit.

This is incredible. These guys can't help themselves.
You're reacting just the way they get off on.

Stop stooping to their level and stick to the facts and your arguments. You'll win every time. All the liberals can do in response to that is lol. And let them lol. We win the debate every time when we have it. We lose when feed the trolls. I'm guilty of it at times. It's not easy standing for what everyone is standing against sometimes.

You are giving them leverage by mixing your trolling in with your substance.
06-20-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
there's something interesting about this particular thread, to me. it hasn't been moderated outside of one spam post being deleted. every other deletion was the user, themselves. 5 to be exact.

there have been plenty of insults, but i'm pretty sure not a single post has been reported.
Well I did but then I read your post dealing with it right after so unofficially you are correct still.
06-20-2017 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
Over in POG I said, and I quote, there is no evidence of Trump being guilty of obstruction
Let's go to the tape, and your endless whining while refusing to clarify when people ask you to clarify

Originally Posted by Zorkman
CNN is reporting that Mueller is investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice.

Interesting this got leaked after it has become clear there is no evidence for this.

I hope Trump does fire Mueller. Comey and Mueller, don't let the door hit you on your way out!
Originally Posted by master3004
what was the evidence that became clear that Trump didn't commit obstruction of justice? I must have missed that.
Originally Posted by Zorkman
In Soviet Russia, the People don't prove that you are guilty. YOU prove that you AREN'T!
Originally Posted by master3004
wat? How does this make a lick of ****ing sense? You said that there was evidence that Trump didnt obstruct justice. What is the evidence?If the evidence is that no evidence has yet been revealed while the people investigating are gathering evidence... that doesnt support your point.
Originally Posted by Zorkman
1. Quote the post or
2. Apologize and retract.
Originally Posted by master3004
You stated "It has become clear there is no evidence for this." What is the evidence that there is no evidence of obstruction of justice?
Originally Posted by Zorkman
I'm rather disappointed no one is calling out master on his ****.

He continues to misquote me as having said there is evidence of something when I said exactly the opposite, and he refuses to retract his mischaracterization.

It's rather distracting, and I don't feel I can participate in conversations with folks who are just going to let that go un-booed.

So I'll be a silent reader from now on because I doubt anyone ever takes my side on this, even though it's a clear matter of fact, not opinion.

I mean, really, how can I defend against something when I am not just misquoted but quoted OPPOSITE to what I said, and then I challenge him to find it and he finds something that proves him wrong and he doesn't retract?

I'm sorry but the rule against discussing posters has to have an exception when they are littering the thread trash mouthing you for double speak when they are the ones who altered the quote to make it appear as if I am double speaking.

Please, anybody? If nobody then this is my last post.
Originally Posted by master3004
Jesus ****, nobody cares. I quoted your exact post. You said that "It has become clear that there is no evidence" implying that there is some type of evidence that evidence hasn't been found. I'm not mischaracterizing ****. Stay or go, nobody gives a ****.
So yes, you apparently misremembered what you said, or you are intentionally mischaracterizing it, and you're deliberately leaving out your trolling responses when people ask you for clarification.

Solid work that I'm sure no one saw coming.

Now quickly, get back to spamming this thread about how you're perpetually the put-upon victim.
06-20-2017 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Trump wouldn't let AA rent his apartments, said a Mexican American judge could not fairly judge him. Not to mention all the other things people are saying he has said. He is a racist.
You are entitled to your opinion, with which I disagree. If that were the extent of things, this thread would not be a thing. But your opinion is extended by some who wear the green cloak of power (or orange or whatever) to an analysis as follows:

Scenario 1:
1. Mod sees post.
2. Mod notes who it's by.
3. Mod realizes he is one of the good guys (liberal and/or Trump-hater).
4. Mod lets the content go and tries to support it by virtue of who posted it, not by virtue of what was posted.

Scenario 2:
1. Mod sees post.
2. Mod notes who it's by.
3. Mod realizes he is one of the bad guys (conservative and/or Trump supporter).
4. Mod finds a hook to hang an infraction or exile/ban warning on in the post and goes out of his or her way to refute (if only a mere "lol u" at least) such post by virtue of who posted it, not by virtue of what was posted.

Guilty parties:
Mr. Wooky
The Banana Who is a Monkey

Watching closely:
The Yellow Troll Monster starts with a K

Last edited by Zorkman; 06-20-2017 at 01:17 AM. Reason: oh and also: 1. You support a racist. 2. You are therefore racist. 3. Rinse. 4. Repeat.
06-20-2017 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Let's go to the tape
I actually said that there IS NO evidence of what they're accusing him of.

Then master said that I said that there IS evidence that he didn't do what he is accused of.

My complaint is of being misquoted. Your post is a massive troll, and you should be de-modded along with Wookie.

Last edited by Zorkman; 06-20-2017 at 01:25 AM. Reason: oh thank God, you aren't a mod. Hope it stays that way
06-20-2017 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
You are entitled to your opinion, with which I disagree.
Yes its my opinion you are blind to racism and not a good judge of it.
06-20-2017 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Yes its my opinion you are blind to racism and not a good judge of it.
There is something unnerving about the confidence with which you ascribe racism to individuals like myself who just happen to have supported the man who won the election for president of the United States very recently. Nothing I've posted substantially differs from his views and/or the Republican party platform. News flash: Half of America ain't racist.

So try again.
06-20-2017 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
There is something unnerving about the confidence with which you ascribe racism to individuals like myself
Ive never ascribed racism to you. I said you are a blind and bad judge of it if you dont think trump is one.

who just happen to have supported the man who won the election for president of the United States very recently. Nothing I've posted substantially differs from his views and/or the Republican party platform. News flash: Half of America ain't racist.

So try again.
Not in the they are all racist camp that your broad brush is trying to paint me into.

Try again?
06-20-2017 , 01:50 AM
Lol, zorkmad
06-20-2017 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Zorkman
I actually said that there IS NO evidence of what they're accusing him of.

Then master said that I said that there IS evidence that he didn't do what he is accused of.

My complaint is of being misquoted. Your post is a massive troll, and you should be de-modded along with Wookie.
Sure, it looks like you were misquoted/misunderstood in that sample of posts. However, I think the point is that you could have easily clarified/corrected him, but instead you added to the confusion by posting that his quote was "exactly the opposite" of what you said, which it certainly wasn't. Both statements (your original post, and his misquoting of it) can be true at the same time.

Why not just correct him in the first place, and move on?
06-20-2017 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by batair
Ive never ascribed racism to you. I said you are a blind and bad judge of it if you dont think trump is one.

Not in the they are all racist camp that your broad brush is trying to paint me into.

Try again?
ok I stand corrected, then, and happily so

lets be friends, bat
06-20-2017 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Sure, it looks like you were misquoted/misunderstood in that sample of posts. However, I think the point is that you could have easily clarified/corrected him, but instead you added to the confusion by posting that his quote was "exactly the opposite" of what you said, which it certainly wasn't. Both statements (your original post, and his misquoting of it) can be true at the same time.

Why not just correct him in the first place, and move on?
I felt like throwing a tantrum about it. You're right.

Moving on now.
