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Congrats to 2+2 on Political Correctness Initiative (complaint about Zeno) Congrats to 2+2 on Political Correctness Initiative (complaint about Zeno)

11-29-2017 , 03:46 PM
Like, Donald Trump tweeted a video this morning of a slightly dark, not-Muslim Dutch kid beating up a whiter Dutch kid to scaremonger about "Muslim migrants". But can you PROVE in a COURT OF LAW that he's racist?! Sushy remains skeptical!
11-29-2017 , 03:54 PM
11-29-2017 , 04:06 PM
11-29-2017 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
I mean, seriously. If anyone wants any proof of how an echo-chamber destroys the ability to think rationally, just have a look at some of the responses from P regs itt.

It truly is astonishing.
How do you feel about the guy in your avatar using Pocahontas as a tool to demean and about him retweeting bigoted extremist right wing lying news propaganda?
11-29-2017 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
There were lots of Nazi sympathizers in p7, and lots of ideological Nazi supporters itt.
There were approximately zero Nazi sympathizers in p7. I don't know, maybe somewhere in ToothSayer's oeuvre he sympathized with the Nazis, but otherwise I saw zero posters that said sympathetic things about Naziism.

Here is a tip for you. People holding Nazi beliefs can no longer weasel out of it by pretending they are outraged and screaming “Godwin”. Nazis are indeed serious business. Which is exactly why people who support or sympathize with their ideology need to be called out directly and loudly.

It is no longer possible to try and sweep the Nazis under the rug by ironically being outraged because Nazis are called Nazis.
The Godwin Rule is about how internet disputes eventually end in useless Nazi analogies. This doesn't have anything to do with analogies, you think you are arguing with actual Nazis.
11-29-2017 , 04:32 PM
Not that i disagree. But P7 did get shutdown in part because of shared Nazi ideas like Zionists run the world.
11-29-2017 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
Sushy doesn’t see evidence of nazis in this picture...
11-29-2017 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Hey Sushy, is it OK if adios calls people anti-Semites without proof?
11-29-2017 , 05:01 PM
Calm down
11-29-2017 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Morph, your Memes are magnificent.

But may I suggest using a new background each and every time? There should be an ample of opportunities out there and the Johnny Depp scene shouldn't have to be repeated. The images is what makes your memes great!

Thanks in advance.
Everyone's a critic...

But here you go; I even have a moving background now!
11-29-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
There were approximately zero Nazi sympathizers in p7. I don't know, maybe somewhere in ToothSayer's oeuvre he sympathized with the Nazis, but otherwise I saw zero posters that said sympathetic things about Naziism.
These are two different things. You get that, right?
11-29-2017 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Hey Sushy, is it OK if adios calls people anti-Semites without proof?
How do you know he hasn't got proof? Have you asked him? That's what I would do. While you're at it, maybe read this article for an interesting viewpoint on the topic.

As a matter of fact I strongly recommend everyone read this article. It kind of puts the current nazi hysteria in America into perspective imo.

Last edited by BroadwaySushy; 11-29-2017 at 06:12 PM.
11-29-2017 , 06:08 PM
11-29-2017 , 06:15 PM
11-29-2017 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
There were approximately zero Nazi sympathizers in p7. I don't know, maybe somewhere in ToothSayer's oeuvre he sympathized with the Nazis, but otherwise I saw zero posters that said sympathetic things about Naziism.

The Godwin Rule is about how internet disputes eventually end in useless Nazi analogies. This doesn't have anything to do with analogies, you think you are arguing with actual Nazis.
You are wrong on the first part and wrong on the second part. Nazi and Nazi sympathizers used to hide behind Godwin’s law when it got a little too hot for them. They would invoke Godwin when called out for being a Nazi. Godwin’s law was canceled when trump was elected because nazis scurried out of their hideyholes, and people are no longer going to be cowed by dummies claiming that if you refer to someone as a Nazi you lose the argument.

These are actually nazis and Nazi sympathizers and lol at there being none in p7. Sushy defends nazis all the time. Just look at this thread as he continues to try and squelch the truth. The bigoted hatred has been there in spades.

If people want to stop being called nazis they need to stop spouting racist and bigoted nonsense and they need to stop aggressively defending other nazis. Attacking people for calling nazis nazis just provides more concrete evidence the people are nazis.
11-29-2017 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Lol I wish all discussions were memes,
11-29-2017 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy

This is hilarious. What planet are these guys on?
A planet where nazis are no longer protected and bigoted racism is opposed. No matter how many Hitler Youth and Hitler Middleage get their feelings hurt.

I am sure it was fun being a secret undercover Nazi, but the jig is up.
11-29-2017 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Hey Sushy, is it OK if adios calls people anti-Semites without proof?
Snowflake I thin you are actually a racist.
11-29-2017 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
There were approximately zero Nazi sympathizers in p7. I don't know, maybe somewhere in ToothSayer's oeuvre he sympathized with the Nazis, but otherwise I saw zero posters that said sympathetic things about Naziism.
Originally Posted by Loki
These are the exact same things. You get that, right?
11-29-2017 , 07:10 PM
Godwin's law doesn't account for actual nazi-types. I say types because nazi-types use fronts, and have dupes and shills. And some have guile as a factor in their range. Really, the signs of egomania, prejudice, totalitarianism, and zeal are what to look for. Way more important to recognize the symptoms than argue about a name of the condition.
11-29-2017 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Snowflake I thin you are actually a racist.
But do you have proof? Sushy demands it.
11-29-2017 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
You are wrong on the first part and wrong on the second part. Nazi and Nazi sympathizers used to hide behind Godwin’s law when it got a little too hot for them. They would invoke Godwin when called out for being a Nazi. Godwin’s law was canceled when trump was elected because nazis scurried out of their hideyholes, and people are no longer going to be cowed by dummies claiming that if you refer to someone as a Nazi you lose the argument.
There's never been anything wrong with calling actual Nazis Nazis, or even using ad hominem arguments against Nazis. Godwin's Law is a heuristic against the usefulness of comparisons between non-Nazis and Hitler/Naziism. Thinking it meant you won an argument was and is just lazy.

These are actually nazis and Nazi sympathizers and lol at there being none in p7. Sushy defends nazis all the time. Just look at this thread as he continues to try and squelch the truth. The bigoted hatred has been there in spades.
I can't prove a negative here, but yeah, I don't think there were any actual Nazis in P7. If you think differently, name them. BroadwaySushy defended Gorka and some alt-right people by claiming that they aren't Nazis. Inherent in this defense is a recognition that being a Nazi is bad. Furthermore, he has explicitly repudiated Naziism and talked about his pride in his family fighting against the Nazis during WWII. I don't think he sympathizes with Naziism.

If people want to stop being called nazis they need to stop spouting racist and bigoted nonsense and they need to stop aggressively defending other nazis. Attacking people for calling nazis nazis just provides more concrete evidence the people are nazis.
Nazis have no patent on racist and bigoted nonsense. Calling someone a Nazi just because they are racist or bigoted is unwarranted.
11-29-2017 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by auralex14
Plenty of people in P7 were sympathetic towards the torch-wielding murderers in Charlottesville.

Are these people sympathizing with nazis or naziism?
11-29-2017 , 08:29 PM
People were sharing Stormfront-grade anti-Semetic conspiracy theories about how white supremacists were framed by George Soros, but no one was actually self-identifying as a literal Nazi, so I guess all the criticism of P7 is just totally overblown.
11-29-2017 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
There's never been anything wrong with calling actual Nazis Nazis, or even using ad hominem arguments against Nazis. Godwin's Law is a heuristic against the usefulness of comparisons between non-Nazis and Hitler/Naziism. Thinking it meant you won an argument was and is just lazy.

I can't prove a negative here, but yeah, I don't think there were any actual Nazis in P7. If you think differently, name them. BroadwaySushy defended Gorka and some alt-right people by claiming that they aren't Nazis. Inherent in this defense is a recognition that being a Nazi is bad. Furthermore, he has explicitly repudiated Naziism and talked about his pride in his family fighting against the Nazis during WWII. I don't think he sympathizes with Naziism.

Nazis have no patent on racist and bigoted nonsense. Calling someone a Nazi just because they are racist or bigoted is unwarranted.
We've had blanket accusations of Communism, anti-Semitism, and many other intentionally derogatory labels applied to large numbers of Politics reg's in ATF recently, but this is the semantic literalism hill you choose to defend?
