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12-19-2021 , 03:08 PM
Which forum?

I saw they shut down politics which he moderated but he was still an orange site moderator for well over a year after that. Even after he was no longer moderating politics he was reading post reports. I commented in a report to the new politics mod about posters supporting violent extremist groups and videos of their violent action. Wookie read it and publicly posted that I was cyber stalking people. Since post reports aren't public people were kind of freaked out and didn't know what was actually said. Of course it was absurd and thankfully the actual mod publicly stated that's not what the report said, but it was just bonkers behavior. To assume I was cyber stalking people was absurd on its face but to then think he intercepted me turning myself in like he's 007 or something was just insane behaviour and a total abuse of his mod status. He was still moderator for ages after that also and admin was participating in the thread it occurred. Nothing happened. That's why I assumed he must have stepped down. Like nothing seemed to ridiculous for admin to question their decision making ability. But on the other hand who knows what other stunts wookie was capable of. Maybe he cranked up the crazy to another level

Was he moderating another forum that got shut down?
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 03:22 PM
Well why not ask him if you're so curious?
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 03:25 PM
Probably because he's as honest as you
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
well thats one perspective. the other perspective is that you used your admin priveleges to hack peoples personal information bc they were talking behind your back in a PM thread.
The internet is serious business.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
lmao I did no such thing and you’re aware of this. The wildness of the accusations thrown against me by you and your ilk used to make me upset but now I just laugh.
As I understand it, utilizing moderator and administrative powers to publish private information about users is fairly common over there at unstuck.

Also what you did was objectively hilarious and everyone involved on both sides took it way too seriously.

Last edited by Einstein2; 12-19-2021 at 04:19 PM.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 05:34 PM
Wookie is legit the only person I hate on this site besides kelvis but he’s banned
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
lmao I did no such thing and you’re aware of this. The wildness of the accusations thrown against me by you and your ilk used to make me upset but now I just laugh.
you used your admin privileges to hack into personal messages between a group of people bc you felt left out or paranoid or who knows why. who is fragile?

then like a coward you tried to hide behind your mental problems.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
As I understand it, utilizing moderator and administrative powers to publish private information about users is fairly common over there at unstuck.

Also what you did was objectively hilarious and everyone involved on both sides took it way too seriously.
the sad thing about unstuck is that it proves the right wing idiots correct about "liberals".
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by ProblemPlaya
Wookie is legit the only person I hate on this site besides kelvis but he’s banned
During Wookie's Reign of Terror in early 2017, some posters were amusing themselves by speculating about various ways Mr. Trump would die in office (or be killed if office) .

One poster suggested that President Trump might die of AIDS. My response was: I doubt that Mr. Trump will die of AIDS, because I don't believe that he is a sodomite.

My post got deleted and I was temp-banned. Those who were suggesting various ways to kill the President not only were not temp-banned, but their posts weren't even deleted.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:39 PM
But playa's only been on 2p2 since February
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:40 PM
dude bangs pornstars, to rule out he's not into the backdoor as a straight man seems ambitious
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
During Wookie's Reign of Terror in early 2017, some posters were amusing themselves by speculating about various ways Mr. Trump would die in office (or be killed if office) .

One poster suggested that President Trump might die of AIDS. My response was: I doubt that Mr. Trump will die of AIDS, because I don't believe that he is a sodomite.

My post got deleted and I was temp-banned. Those who were suggesting various ways to kill the President not only were not temp-banned, but their posts weren't even deleted.
Omg that is so Wookiee! I went through that sheet on the regular in pol. I got temp banned for posting a story written by a leftist who was complaining about Obama’s immigrant detention policy during his time in office. I posted it in the thread talking about trump and his horrible border policies. I didn’t write anything, just posted the article. Boom! Banned. Reason? Arguing in bad faith.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
dude bangs pornstars, to rule out he's not into the backdoor as a straight man seems ambitious
Ok so what
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by ProblemPlaya
Omg that is so Wookiee! I went through that sheet on the regular in pol. I got temp banned for posting a story written by a leftist who was complaining about Obama’s immigrant detention policy during his time in office. I posted it in the thread talking about trump and his horrible border policies. I didn’t write anything, just posted the article. Boom! Banned. Reason? Arguing in bad faith.
Sounds familiar.

Why are you posting on a new account?
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-19-2021 , 11:52 PM
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Sounds familiar.

Why are you posting on a new account?
Made new account to post personal pgc thread that never amounted to much.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
the sad thing about unstuck is that it proves the right wing idiots correct about "liberals".
" " is spot on because the most objectionable thing was the idea that the behavior they made dominant, and tried to make unquestionable, was in any way representative of liberals or the left.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
During Wookie's Reign of Terror in early 2017, some posters were amusing themselves by speculating about various ways Mr. Trump would die in office (or be killed if office) .

One poster suggested that President Trump might die of AIDS. My response was: I doubt that Mr. Trump will die of AIDS, because I don't believe that he is a sodomite.

My post got deleted and I was temp-banned. Those who were suggesting various ways to kill the President not only were not temp-banned, but their posts weren't even deleted.
Well their posts are childish and silly while yours is way over the line.

We dont want to go back towards the P but I hope the new regime dont think your post is close to acceptable either.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
you used your admin privileges to hack into personal messages between a group of people bc you felt left out or paranoid or who knows why. who is fragile?

then like a coward you tried to hide behind your mental problems.

Says the guy who’d lash out in extreme butt-hurtedness for not being included in the top
100 posters or whatever the topic of the month is lol.

I see you modified your initial lie to something much more accurate. Nice goalpost shift.

Don’t pretend you know a single thing what I go through, you miserable piece of ****. Not that I can expect much more of someone who flails around in their career in a job they clearly hate and does nothing about it. Sad person you are. It’s really sad to me especially that you feel the need to take it out on others.

Get help for yourself before you lash out in my opinion. Good day.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 02:45 AM
Wookie's a world class mod, but a total snake.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 07:38 AM
Well **** me
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Well their posts are childish and silly while yours is way over the line.

We dont want to go back towards the P but I hope the new regime dont think your post is close to acceptable either.
My post is only objectionable to those who are beholden to the Spirit of the Age instead of to the Holy Spirit.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 12:06 PM
It's kind of Babsian how the Unstuck people have chased Jmakin here to keep yelling at him.
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 01:11 PM
I didn't follow any of the drama in UP, and based on what we are seeing here, I really regret it!
ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat Quote
12-20-2021 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
you used your admin privileges to hack into personal messages between a group of people bc you felt left out or paranoid or who knows why.
What happened over there? I'm vaguely familiar with the fact that a bunch of people were unhappy with the politics moderation (I think that was the motivation? I'm not 100% sure) and started a new forum, but how was jmakin put in a position to read everyone's PMs? And how did this get found out? I'm sure he's technically competent enough to admin a discourse instance, but his posts in the programming thread alone make it rather clear, especially since how he responds to any kind of adversity is extremely consistent (both online and his description of how he behaves IRL), that he lacks the temperament to be entrusted with such powers.
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