I too believe 27offsuit was well intentioned. I believe I said this as well in the original bookreaders thread. The problem was that he just ran in there with no clue what was going on and started making rules/banning. His philosophy since the start was that if there were no people who read the books then there'd be no spoilers, so all book readers are evil. He had no clue what was going on, and didn't care to learn. Obviously he should have contacted Dids for some advice on the complex situation, and then he should have posted in both threads.
Here are the first posts of 27offsuit in the bookreader thread:
hi guys,
i just wanted to say hi and let you know that i couldn't give less of a **** about spoilers personally, i'm a grown ass man.
i also have a big surprise for you so stay tuned, and not just the guys i quoted. disgonbegood.jpeg
actually, you posted a spoiler yesterday, because you ****sticks still can't grasp the fact that when you confirm something was a spoiler you are in fact the spoiler.
now enjoy the ban for calling me a ******. still have bigger plans for you too, stay tuned!(via proxy obv)
So he introduces himself to our thread by threatening everyone, then calls us **** sticks, bans someone for pointing out his error, and then gloats about it. Is it any wonder things did not stay civil?
I don't foresee this situation ever being repeated, but if it were to happen somehow, clearly he needs to be more polite, do some research, and be partial instead of just banning and making new rules without having any idea what is really going on.