Originally Posted by Morphismus
I've seen the whole thing in full some while ago and it get's even worse. In the unlikely case you want to see it yourself:
Originally Posted by fanapathy
Have astarted marginagaling. It's gone ok so far. I always do this drinking. How do I stop this BBV. Sometimes I lose a lot, I go and martingale HU hypers at games I don't know where Im about 45-40 dog at best 58% average 48 or so maybe a slight bit better but still wtf. What can I do bbv? I shipped like 6 1K+ rolls doing this and then like I spend too much time grindin g it
when this happens to me i like to ship money to random bbver's
Originally Posted by LOL POT-ODDS
it's wednesday night and i am lol drunkaments
wat do bros
stat away from teh frosty jack
you kno what happens when you drink that stuff