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Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace

09-11-2007 , 07:07 PM
McEvoy was in a $60 sng, which he's been playing lately evidently, because this was the second one of mine in the last 3 days he was in. Anyways, lot of typical chat from observers, etc. But, there was a player at the table with a hot chick for an image. It def. looked like just a model-like picture, but "she" claims it's her. I bolded some of the funnier/more interesting chat.

Tom McEvoy said, "this filled up in under 2 minutes and I was the first player who signed up"
22Jax22 [observer] said, "do you get a bonus if you knock-out tom"
aok76 [observer] said, "u playing another?"
Baddrawings said, "if u believe u can achieve,i got the city on lock i gotta hand u the keys"
aok76 [observer] said, "i know its about learning to improve your game"
22Jax22 [observer] said, "tom how many times did you win the wsop?"
apbent said, "1"
aok76 [observer] said, "tom u playing ept @ london"
Tom McEvoy said, "the main event once plus 3 other events"
Tom McEvoy said, "I am not going to London"
apbent said, "how many in the main event"
Baddrawings said, "isnt that sick"
aok76 [observer] said, "i am in the ept tom"
Tom McEvoy said, "108"
aok76 [observer] said, "got there via betfair"
apbent said, "nice job"
Baddrawings said, "who did u beat heads up in the main event tom"
key585 [observer] said, "ah man tom i was trying to find u so i could sit with you,"
key585 [observer] said, "well gl anyway"
Tom McEvoy said, "andyan22 is that your real picture or are you a guy with a girls picture"
andyan22 said, "my pic"
key585 [observer] said, "tommy"
key585 [observer] said, "old timer"
aok76 [observer] said, "u a tv andy"
Tom McEvoy said, "Where is Maspeth"
andyan22 said, "nyc"
key585 [observer] said, "sex can cause heart attacks"
aok76 [observer] said, "chick with a * * * * andy"

key585 [observer] said, "lol"
Tom McEvoy said, "I have a daughter that lives in Manhattan near harlem"
andyan22 said, "Yes, i know where that is"
key585 [observer] said, "and toms very interested"
Baddrawings said, "tom do u always where a hat"
Tom McEvoy said, "She is probably older than you--38"
andyan22 said, "I used to live there when I was in 4th grade"
Baddrawings said, "wear"
andyan22 said, "I'm 21"
Tom McEvoy said, "You are very attractive which I am sure you had heard countless times before"
andyan22 said, "tom"
andyan22 said, "it's ur 2nd time"
andyan22 said, "that ua sked me"

key585 [observer] said, "it would be a honor to play"
Tom McEvoy said, "on, I don't remember"
key585 [observer] said, "how about it tom"
key585 [observer] said, "?"
Baddrawings said, "i like to see tom speaking i get reads on him then"
Tom McEvoy said, "I chat with many people and can't always remember who I talked too"
andyan22 said, "you're getting old tom"
Tom McEvoy said, "Your picture is very striking"
Baddrawings said, "i once chat with the pope"
aok76 [observer] said, "tom drop your hand and tell him to cough if u hook up with andy"
key585 [observer] said, "how about it tom"
key585 [observer] said, "?"
Tom McEvoy said, "I am way too old for you that is for sure-lol"
Baddrawings said, "funny guy"
key585 [observer] said, "heads up?"
Matt238 said, "tom- maybe you should block the image and concentrate a little"
Tom McEvoy said, "naw, there is snow on the roof but fire in the furnace"
manny864 [observer] said, "I'm according to tom, andyan u r very smart"
key585 [observer] said, "heads up for 50 tom ?"
Tom McEvoy said, "I like to look at her picture"
aok76 [observer] said, "but tom does your log work?"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "tom,"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "me too"
Matt238 said, "yeah, but will you be able to talk to observers typing with one hand?"
key585 [observer] said, "lol"
BeeJall [observer] said, "tomqan mceoyh"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "lol"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "jajajja"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "ajjaja"
key585 [observer] said, "hey tom heads up for 50.00"
danzz07 [observer] said, "lol"
aok76 [observer] said, "key i will play u"
apbent said, "key go away"
key585 [observer] said, "i want to play tom"
BeeJall [observer] said, "what a rwotu doing doing tom mACEVOY"
danzz07 [observer] said, "tom lets go heads up for $1000 buddy"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "tom heds up 2 dllr"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "??"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "?"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "play=?"
key585 [observer] said, "sorry but it would be a honor to play with him im just a fan"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "lol"
gzzbrothers [observer] said, "lol"
aok76 [observer] said, "i will give u a few pointers of where you r going wrong in your game#"
Tom McEvoy said, "I currently have $4.80 in my PokerStars account if I lose this sit'n'go"
danzz07 [observer] said, "really"
paco_sc [observer] said, "lol"
Tom McEvoy said, "really"
LarryBh [observer] said, "you need a better agent"
andyan22 said, "i can send u $2"
Tom McEvoy said, "or a raise"
key585 [observer] said, "ill play u for 5"
andyan22 said, "for $5 hu"
Matt238 said, "want a loan tom??"
Tom McEvoy said, "I would play only andy headsup"
aok76 [observer] said, "bet u would"
strouse007 [observer] said, "yea heads up in her twa"
key585 [observer] said, "y only andy?"
strouse007 [observer] said, "t"
Baddrawings said, "tom say hi to tj cloutier when u see him i will give him his fishnet back soon"
paco_sc [observer] said, "think e1 would only plya andy = )"
Tom McEvoy said, "I will get more $$$ in my Stars account in about 8 days or less"
aok76 [observer] said, "u mean u want head of andy"
key585 [observer] said, "come on tom do a man a favor"
Matt238 said, "wow tom....time to put the fire in the furnace out buddy"
danzz07 [observer] said, "yay tom won a pot"
Tom McEvoy said, "since T.J. is currently watching this sit'n'go because I just talked to him, say whatever you want in the chat to him"
Baddrawings said, "ok hey tj thanks for the fishnet"
aok76 [observer] said, "tom dont poker stars pay u money to use this site"
jambo4boro [observer] said, "hi tj"
danzz07 [observer] said, "why isnt tj a pokerstars team member"
Baddrawings said, "and love championship omaha good job guys"
aok76 [observer] said, "tj where do u play @"
aok76 [observer] said, "tom how do u think the uk& irish based players are they an good"
gbhondaboy [observer] said, "good player come from all over"
aok76 [observer] said, "a 7 tut tut"
---Busted Tom's dream "girl" at this point

Matt238 said, "no more eye candy"
Matt238 said, "sorry tom"
andyan22 [observer] said, "hehe"
Tom McEvoy said, "me too"
gbhondaboy [observer] said, "me 3"
Tom McEvoy said, "well andy if your still there I will flirt with you some other time"
aok76 [observer] said, " i think the uk plaer base for poker is better than in the usa"
Tom McEvoy said, "I am over 2000 miles away so I am safe"
Tom McEvoy said, "I should say your safe"

andyan22 [observer] said, "lol"
andyan22 [observer] said, "hold om"
andyan22 [observer] said, "on"
Baddrawings said, "tom were u always a winning player or did it took u a while"
Tom McEvoy said, "I was a winning player right from the start"
Baddrawings said, "cool"
Tom McEvoy said, "I teach others how to be winning players"
Baddrawings said, "to outplay them so they can learn from their mistakes?"
BillyJack716 [observer] said, " it true your bowel movements have no discernible odor?"
Tom McEvoy has timed out
Tom McEvoy: folds
Tom McEvoy is sitting out
Matt238 said, "did andy get on webcam?"
andyan22 [observer] said, "i'm here"
andyan22 [observer] said, "just on the phone"
danzz07 [observer] said, "lol"
king_noth_ [observer] said, "why is tom mcevoy playing mid-stakes lol"
andyan22 [observer] said, "hmm"
Tom McEvoy [observer] said, "sorry to follow you to the rail andy"
andyan22 [observer] said, "hehe"
andyan22 [observer] said, "where r u tom"
Baddrawings said, "such a shame i wanted to beat tom heads up"
Tom McEvoy [observer] said, "home in Las Vegas"
andyan22 [observer] said, "ok"
andyan22 [observer] said, "let's play $2 hu tom"
Tom McEvoy [observer] said, "ok"
andyan22 [observer] said, "can u make it private"
Tom McEvoy [observer] said, "you need to let me know what table you want to play on and then we must sign up exactly at the same time"
andyan22 [observer] said, "that's pretty"
andyan22 [observer] said, "hard"
Matt238 said, "understatement right there"
Tom McEvoy [observer] said, "we can time it thru the chat on this table"
gbhondaboy [observer] said, "make private table, takes 1 hour"
andyan22 [observer] said, "ok"
andyan22 [observer] said, "what's ur email"
andyan22 [observer] said, "or u can email me actually"
andyan22 [observer] said, "brb"
hqnnibql [observer] said, "Tom, what about a HU NLHE (no blinds increase) 31,50 +1,50 in 10 minutes ?(18h30) "
Matt238 said, "tom's broke"
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:14 PM
I hope she likes dragons.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:21 PM
Funniest part was the fact that Cloutier was railing. Wish there were more smart asses present at that juncture.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:29 PM
pics of her avatar?
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:38 PM
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:50 PM
you missed so much gold from baddrawings

Baddrawings said, "i once chat with the pope"

Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 07:51 PM
hey luckyjimm [censored] you for bringing these other railtards to bbv
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:11 PM
seriously... how does Stars maintain that it's a good idea to sponsor this guy? this kind of stuff is pretty out of line for a Stars rep to be saying in chat to a customer.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:19 PM
that was a waste of time
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:24 PM
that was a waste of time
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 09:25 PM
that was a waste of time
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:23 PM
LOL, what a creepy old man. Him saying he still has a "fire in the furnace" put a disturbing image in my head that won't go away soon.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:25 PM
of a furnace?
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-11-2007 , 10:36 PM
seriously... how does Stars maintain that it's a good idea to sponsor this guy? this kind of stuff is pretty out of line for a Stars rep to be saying in chat to a customer.
Prolly the same way FTP bans chat for minor offenses, while i have seen Steve Zolotow making anti-semitic jokes after cracking aces. In reply they tell me simply to right click/ignore player chat. lawl /endrant
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-12-2007 , 12:14 AM
Amazing, some old nit wins a 100 player donkament over 20 years ago and ppl rail him play mid limit SNG.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:04 AM
wow that is pretty hilarious
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
09-13-2007 , 12:07 AM
BeeJall [observer] said, "tomqan mceoyh"
A valiant effort, sir.
Tom McEvoy chat- Tom's got a fire in his furnace Quote
